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Azusa Yumi (弓梓, Yumi Azusa), also credited as simply Yumi (弓, Yumi), is a high-ranking Death Scythe in charge of East Asia and later Oceania.[1]





As a death scythe, Azusa Yumi is among some of the most powerful weapons in the world.[2]

Although powerful, her weapon power isn't as strong as Spirit Albarn, remarking Death brandishing him was him at his most powerful and felt a battle between Death and Asura with her as a weapon was beyond her ability.[2] She is also inferior to Excalibur, whom is stated to be the most powerful weapon in the world.[3]

Special Abilities[]

Clairvoyance (千里眼, Senrigan): Azusa's special death scythe ability that allows her to resonate with a meister and view with a viewing radius of at least 50 meters, allowing her to make accurate calculations, analyze and gather information at high speeds, and both view and gauge the power of others through their souls in a manner similar to users of soul perception.[4]

List of techniques[]

Wavelength Control techniques

Soul Resonance (魂の共鳴, Tamashī no Kyōmei): As a magic weapon, Azusa is capable of resonating with a chosen meisters. Uniquely, she can establish soul resonance via radio or a phone.[4]



Trial Enrollment arc[]

Soul Eater Episode 25 HD - Marie and Azusa 5

Azusa deadpans as a desperate Marie wants to marry a toilet.

Having been summoned by Death to Death City after the Kishin's revival, Azusa arrives in the city along with colleague and friend, Marie Mjolnir. Having a conversation with Marie on priorities, relationships, and marriage, she deduces Marie's problem with relationships is linked to the fact she tries to hard, only to be punched by an upset Marie. When Marie contemplates marrying the toilet, she then talks her out of it and witnesses Marie destroy the toilet, not surprised of her display of strength.[1]

Having spotted her former classmate Spirit and Stein, they all greet each other and reminiscent on her bratty behavior in the past. Azusa also then claims that the Kishin's resurrection was both of their fault. Cutting conversation short, she orders them to line up to visit Death, with all her former classmates doing so much to their chagrin.[1]

Azusa and Stein madness

Azusa deduces the dangers of Asura's Madness Wavelength, impressing Stein.

Arriving with all of the Death Scythes, she joins in the meeting as they devise a strategy to counter the Kishin's madness wavelength, with all the Death Scythe asking Stein of the effects of the wavelength, with Azusa deducing that the Madness Wavelength may awaken the evil or boost the hold to individuals, impressing Stein. She then instigates Death to take action on Spirit and Stein, feeling as the situation is their fault. Death then reshuffles responsibilities, resulting in Azusa being tasked with finding the Kishin as well as taking Marie's responsibilities in Oceania. After the reshuffling, Death then dismisses most of the Death Scythes barring Spirit.[1]

Bodyguard arc[]

Episode 27 - Azusa leads Sid and Mira

Azusa leads Sid and Mira through the Research facility.

During her search for the Kishin, she finds one of Arachnophobia's research facilities and passes the intelligence to DWMA and Sid Barrett. Later, she accompanies Sid and Mira Naigus as she directs them onto their mission. Remarking his speed, she uses her Clairvoyane to update her map, earning a remark from Mira on the impressiveness of her Death Scythe abilities. Azusa also warns the infiltration duo on the souls of a witch, an old monster, and "something else". When the alarms in the research facility goes off, she investigates with her Thousand-Mile Eyes and finds an unknown DWMA student having triggered it.[4]

Shortly after, Azusa would update Sid on the situation and inform him that the student is fighting Mifune although also comments on their difference in level of power.[4]

After Sid and Mira leaves the facilities to bomb it, he later uses Azusa to save Black☆Star and Tsubaki by shooting both Mosquito and Mifune while at the same time destroying the facility. Azusa comments on her capabilities, though is more concern for the opponent who had moved into a blindspot, stating he's no ordinary man.[4]

"BREW" - The Tempest arc[]

Operation Capture Baba Yaga Castle arc[]

Kishin Battle arc[]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Soul Eater Anime: Episode 25
  2. 2.0 2.1 Soul Eater Anime: Episode 48
  3. Soul Eater Anime: Episode 9
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Soul Eater Anime: Episode 28

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