Soul Eater Wiki
Soul Eater Wiki

D-Frefre (Dフレフレ) is a serial killer whose soul became a Kishin Egg.[1]


D-Frefre is a tall and skinny individual with long arms and legs. Throughout his appearance, DFrefre bears a crouched, animal-like position. His skin appears to be blue and he wears a red and black striped shirt, a fedora hat with the letter D on it, and a white bony mask, with two strands of brown hair extending to the sides of his head. Most prominently, D-Frefre wears a pair of large, razor-sharp claws on his hands.[1]

Special Abilities[]

Hand-to-Hand Combat (体術(たいじゆつ), Taijutsu): D-Frefre shows a great deal of expertise in fighting using his claws.

High Physical Abilities (高い身体能力, Takai karada nōryoku): D-Frefre can somewhat keep up with the speed of opponents on the caliber of Death the Kid and can survive numerous attacks from them before being taken down.[1]


Claws: D-Frefre wields elongated metal claws on both his arms. They are sharp enough to damage powerful Meisters such as Black☆Star and Kid.


  • D-Frefre's physical appearance and fighting style are very similar to those of Jack the Ripper.
  • D-Frefre's outfit bares a resemblence to Freddy Kreuger, the main antagonist of the Nightmare on Elm Street horror movie series.
    • He shares this allusion with Frey D. Sadoko and one of the Horror Dragon's heads, both of whom appeared in the manga long after Monotone Princess' release.
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Soul Eater: Monotone Princess