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The Death Room (デスルーム, Desurūmu) is the space created by Death that acts as a special room. An entrace into the space is located within Death Weapon Meister Academy. It serves as the academy's equivalent of the principal office.[1][2]


The entrance to the Death Room is located at the end of one of the passageways in the DWMA, indicated by a large door marked with a skull and the plate, 'Death Room.' However, although from the outside, the door is firmly placed on a wall, when one walks inside the Death Room, when looking at the door from inside the Death Room, the door seems to be standing on its own with no wall behind it.[1]

Inside, a corridor leading into the room itself is lines with guillotines and tori gates. A strange-looking room, the Death Room is dome-shaped with a blue sky of it's own with clouds. In the middle of the room stands a platform with Lord Death's mirror in the center of it. Surrounding the room includes tombstones in the shape of crosses stuck onto the ground.[2][3]


The Death Room operates as a special space for Death, reflecting order into the world. Being sensitive to madness, it is subjected to crumbling dependent on the state of world order.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 103
  3. Soul Eater Super Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scythe

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