Soul Eater Wiki
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Soul Eater Wiki

Demon scythes (魔鎌, Magama) are demon weapons that can turn into scythes.[1] All demon scythes are characterized by their weapon form being rather polearm-like similar to that of a staff and a curved blade at the end capable of cutting through the flesh of other beings.[1] Commonly during soul resonance with attacks such as witch-hunt, the scythe's blade appearance may change in the period of the attack's usage.[2]

List of known demon scythes[]

Image Human form Classification Powers and abilities
Chapter 5 - Stein brandishes Death Scythe (Spirit) Spirit Albarn Death Scythe Possesses tremendous destructive power and and is considered unparalleled in power compared to other demon weapons.[3]
Chapter 111 - Soul Scythe (Powered Up Form) Soul Evans Death Scythe Known as the Soul Scythe; Considerably powerful demon scythe with sound-based wavelength control abilities.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Soul Eater Manga: Prologue #1
  2. Soul Eater Manga: chapter 1
  3. Soul Eater Super Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scythe