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The Great Old Ones (旧支配者(グレート・オールド・ワン)) are godly beings who each embody a form of madness born from their madness wavelength.[1]

Cultural References[]

The Great Old Ones is an allusion to the "Great Old Ones" of the Lovecraftian mythos. Great Old Ones were ancient cosmic deities who once ruled the Earth and are still worshiped in a bizarre fashion by some human cults — very similar to the roles played by characters such as Death and Asura.[2] However, unlike their inspirations, most of these beings tend to be benevolent.


Seemingly god-like beings who embody a type of madness and possess a soul wavelength at a god's level,[3] the very existence of the Great Old Ones is tremendous and can plunge the entire world into madness.[4] Their madness seemingly effects most individuals and can even have an effect on the weather, awaken sleeping witches, or cause natural disasters.[3] Additionally, their madness wavelengths radiate with a force nearly on par with one another, as Death the Kid initially confused the Great Old One of Power's wavelength with that of Asura's wavelength upon meeting the entity for the first time inside the Book of Eibon.[1]

Befitting their vaunted status, they're some of the most powerful beings in the world.[5][5] Some of the individuals who are known as the "Great Old Ones" are often revered as true gods, such as the Kishin Asura and the Shinigami, Death.[6]

List of Great Old Ones[]

Name Race Status
Asura Reaper Inactive
Eibon Sorcerer Alive
Excalibur Sword Alive
Great Old One of Power Unknown Alive
Death Reaper Deceased


  1. 1.0 1.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 72
  2. Soul Eater Volume 17 Translation Notes, page 189
  3. 3.0 3.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 24
  4. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 72 (Yen Press Translation)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 16
  6. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 110