“ | But look...even among the members of Spartoi here...we've got people of all different nationalities and ethnicities. We have different values. It's only "order" that keeps so many disparate people united, right? I'm a pragmatist, which some people take for coldness. The only reason I can still act with a shred of human kindness is because I can call upon 'order' at any time. | ” |
—Harvar to Spartoi, Chapter 89 |
Harvar D. Éclair (ハーバー・ド・エクレール, Hābā Do Ekurēru) is the demon weapon partner of Ox Ford and one of the top student at Death Weapon Meister Academy.[1] He is later promoted to a two-star weapon and becomes a member of Spartoi after the fall of Arachnophobia.[2]
Harvar has jaw-length, brown hair that is tied up in a spiky ponytail, although initially in the anime his hair lacked the spiky ponytail and instead resembled a bowlcut. He wears a blue shirt with a white collared jacket as a top, coupled with white pants and black shoes. He normally has the collar of his shirt up and closed in his early appearances in the manga; in his later appearances, his top is opened to reveal his undershirt. His most prominent feature is that he wears a red visor, having never been seen without it on, even in Weapon form. This visor also prevents clear view of his eyes; when his eyes are shown, they are brown and almost always seem to be glaring. He also hardly ever smiles.
As of joining Spartoi, Harvar has traded his visor for orange-tinted sunglasses which, unlike his visor, now gives a clearer view of his eyes. He also wears his own version of the Spartoi uniform, consisting of a brownish polo shirt, topped by a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled just above his elbow. He also wears two silver necklaces, with the majority them, alongside his neck, covered by a brown dual-colored, checkered, neckerchief. His attire also consists of a silver bracelet on his right wrist and two earrings — or conch piercings — on each of his ears. He wears the classic Spartoi blue pants and white shoes.
Considered a supportive and protective weapon partner, Harvar is known for his pragmaticism, logical mindset, and ability to keep calm in a situation to the point of appearing seemingly cold. Harvar is motivated by a strong sense of duty and loyalty, willing to kill others to protect his meister even when Ox protests.[4][5] Harvar also posses a strong sense of loyalty and unity as a student of Death Weapon Meister Academy, believing that grim reapers are symbols of order and that through order, unity can be achieved despite people of different ethnicities and nationalities having varying different perspectives.[6]As a weapon, he also ultimately follows the wishes of his weapon meister, even in situations he disagrees with.[7]
Despite his cool demeanor, Harvar's pragmatic and callous approaches often makes him a more intimidating figure to a degree he is sometimes unaware.[8] Harvar also harbored a strong sentiment against witches (a sentiment sometimes shared with other DWMA students), which once extended to Kim Diehl when he doubted she was brainwashed and remarked her to being a "dirty witch".[7] In another instance, he smirked when warning Eruka of any authorized actions resulting in a collar set to explode, suggesting a sadistic nature when dealing with witch-enemies.[9]
Harvar possess a comical side to his personality, willing to party and dance nude alongside friends and a wrath giant. [10] He also has a somewhat petty and vulgar nature, being eager alongside Ox to fight Black☆Star, remarking that he had never liked his "sorry ass".[11]
- Manga
According to Franken Stein, Harvar was (prior to being promoted) among the top contending one-star weapons when chosen to help the DWMA retrieve "BREW" on Lost Island.[12]
Special Abilities[]
Full-Weapon Transformation (全身武器, Zenshin Buki): As a demon weapon, Harvar is capable of transforming between both his human form and given weapon form at will.[3]
- Lightning Spear (雷槍, Raisō): Harvar's weapon form is known as the "Lightning Spear". As it's namesake implies, the lightning spear allows his a user to utilize lightning offensively, with it's greatest strength being it's speeds. In addition to that, a user of the Lightning Spear can perform lighting-speed attacks.[7]
Electrokinesis : Harvar also has the ability to generate electricity in his human form, be it through partial weapon transformation or not. Instinctively capable of using it (as electricity sparks when angered),[7] he can disperse electric shocks in the surrounding area[7] or through physical contact with enough volts to incapacitate people.[7]

Harvar attacks a brainwashed Kim.
Art of Self Defense (護身術, Goshin Jutsu): Harvar is capable of using partial weapon transformations in order to battle, his lightning spear partial weapon forms allowing him to stab and skewer his opponents at great speeds. He was capable enough to be confident in attacking and delivering a potentially fatal blow against meister, Kim Diehl.[7]
Resistance to Madness: Harvar exhibits an unusual degree of resistance to forms of madness like Arachne's madness, in which did not affect him. According to Kilik, this is likely owed to his rather pragmatic ("hardheaded") personality.[13]
Medical Science: Harvar was taught by Franken Stein on applying first aid.[14]
A Fight to the Death at the Big Bash arc[]
Harvar attends the party celebrating the eve of Shibusen's creation with Ox. When all but a few are trapped inside the school through Free's Spatial Magic: Independent Cube, he is in Weapon form and used by Ox in his attempt to break the barrier that Free had created to lock Shinigami inside the room and prevent him from interfering with Medusa's plan. However, they cannot break free.
Reunion Express arc[]

Harvar shocks Maka and Black Star
To combat against Arachne's awakening, Stein starts the class by teaching the students about Chain Resonances. He then calls up Ox and Harvar, Maka and Soul, and Black Star. He begins by explaining the importance of them matching their Soul Wavelengths with others around them, aside from their partner. This team-based Soul Resonance is vital in fighting against Arachnophobia. Stein then tells the students to attack him as a team. Harvar transforms into his Weapon form, Soul into his, and Black Star fights without a weapon. When Ox attempts to attack Stein, he instead accidentally attacks Black Star and subsequently shocks him with Harvar's electric abilities. When Ox tries once more, he again stabs Black Star, who is in the way, and electrifies him, alongside Maka also, who is in contact with Black Star. This angers Black Star, who immediately challenges Ox to a duel. Ox accepts this, and questions Black Star's abilities, believing he could never rival 'The Skilled General Lightning King.' Harvar also expresses his dislike of Black Star, saying that he never really liked him from the start. This only serves to anger Black Star more, who quickly knocks Ox out and sends him flying across the room.
Harvar is seen in Weapon form along with Ox, Kilik Rung and their partners, practicing Chain Resonance when Maka runs past them, crying after having a fight with Black Star.
"BREW" - The Tempest arc[]
Maka, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patty, Kim, Jacqueline, Kilik Rung, Pot of Fire and Pot of Thunder, Ox and Harvar are all chosen out of the One-Star Miesters and Weapons to assist Shibusen in acquiring the powerful Demon Tool Brew before Arachnophobia in Lost Island. The Demon Tool is located in a large magnetic field in the middle of the island, which is harmful to the human body if one is there for too long. The students' job is to prevent Arachnophobia forces from entering the field whilst Marie and Stein go inside. If they do not return after twenty minutes, they are to retreat.
However, as Arachnophobia troops attack, Harvar, Ox, along with Kilik Rung, Fire, Thunder, Kim and Jacqueline, lets Maka, Kid, Black Star and their partners go into the field after Stein and Marie who had not returned, whilst they stay behind to fight. Ox and Harvar proves to be a great team, incapacitating large numbers of soldiers, and performing a flawless Chain Resonance with Kilik Rung, managing to take down a Golem. Soon after, twenty minutes pass, and Kim and Jacqueline go to order the signal for retreat. Ox and Kilik Rung defend her whilst she does this.
The two Meister and Weapon pairs manage to finally defeat all the soldiers. An exhausted Stein and Marie return from the field, and they approach them, concerned. Marie tries to go back in the field to help Maka and the others, but Stein tells her that the effects of the field do not fade immediately, saying that she will only die needlessly if she goes back. Kilik Rung and Ox volunteer to go after them. Marie tries to stop them, saying that she will fail all of their grades if they go against her orders. Harvar questions whether it is right to go, worrying for Ox's grades. However Ox asks him why he is indecisive, saying along with Kilik Rung that there is no need to think for an answer, as helping their friends is what it means to be a Shibusen student.
They enter the field, and meet up with Maka and the others after their battle with Mosquito. Suddenly, the inside of the field explodes. However, Maka and Kid explain that the magnetic field replays the final moments before the explosion that created the field, saying that this is all a hologram. They soon realizes this as the explosion does not hurt them.
They all exit the field to meet Marie and Stein. Marie makes a move to strike them, but then hugs them all, saying that they will all still have a talking-to when they get back. Soon the rest of Shibusen's forces arrive and they all go back to Death City. Overall, the mission for getting Brew is a failure, as they believe Arachnophobia has got it.
Clown arc[]
Harvar is seen with Ox once he comes back to Kilik Rung with a somewhat depressed look on his face. Kilik Rung asks about Kim and of Ox's plan to ask her to accompany him on a mission. Ox replies that Kim had declined and told him she'd never be seen with someone with a ridiculous hairstyle as himself. Kilik Rung recommends shaving it off. Ox declines, stating that, even if the woman he loves detests them, he still cannot allow his two towers to be broken, as it is those two towers that gives him the knowledge to save his friends, and the power to protect the ones he loves - the thunder that inspires him. He then goes on that Kim turns away from him, not because his hairstyle is strange, but because they are not polished enough. Harvar is seen nodding in agreement. In the end, Kilik Rung and Ox, along with their partners, agree to go on a mission together to stop the Wrath Giant.

Harvar's team reaches an understanding with the Wrath Giant
Harvar is with a shirtless Ox and Kilik Rung once Maka and Soul return from their mission. When Soul asks why they are shirtless, Kilik Rung replies that, while they are on their mission of dealing with the giant (a flashback shows a shirtless Ox and Harvar confronting the giant, whilst Harvar and the Pots sit by and watch), they eventually all ended up befriending the giant and dancing around a campfire. Ox soon senses Kim coming to Shibusen, though, when he greets her, he is completely ignored. Once Kim and Jacqueline land, they are soon surrounded by officials, which leave a confused look on Harvar and Maka. Harvar, along with the other Shibusen students, watches Kim and Jacqueline run away out of fear.
Operation Capture Baba Yaga Castle arc[]
Harvar is there with the others close to Kim when Neigus reveals that Kim is a Witch. Later on, Harvar is shocked to find Ox on the floor, in the shower, after he had been beaten up by other students for defending Kim.

Harvar does not hesitate to attack a former comrade.
Harvar and Ox are called upon by Sid along with Soul, Maka, Kilik Rung and their partners. They hear that they had found Arachnophobia's main headquarters, but are then told that the person who they have to work with is Medusa, who had also blown Kim's cover. Maka, along with a reluctant Soul, agree to take on the mission, and Ox, Harvar, Kilik Rung and his partners also join in.
They, along with Kid, Liz and Patty, meet up with Medusa and trek through the Amazon Rainforest to Baba Yaga's Castle. On the way, they meet a squid(?), a normal animal that had mutated with the magic polluting the area due to Arachnophobia's Demon Tool manufacturing. Medusa briefly assists Ox and Harvar by pulling him out of the squid(?)'s attack with Vector Plate. Seeing that no attacks seem to harm it, Medusa uses Analysis Disassemble to peel apart the magic coating protecting the creature, and Kilik Rung defeats it using Triple F powered up by Vector Boost.
Later, the group go into a tunnel, where they meet with one of the disguised Mizune. Medusa hears from the Mizune that Kim and Jacqueline are in Arachnophobia. Medusa explains that Arachne can make almost anyone join her by tempting them with her words.
Continuing down the tunnel, they meet up with Eruca, who gives them Arachnophobia uniforms to disguise themselves in. The group finally infiltrate the castle. However, because everyone is wearing the exact same uniform (although Ox has his two pillars of hair still prominent in the uniform), they cannot tell who is who and are briefly separated. Ox, Harvar and Kilik Rung end up having to entertain Mosquito with a game of chess. Ox realizes that he is really weak at chess, and wonders if he should just beat him at the game, but Harvar convinces him not to. Kilik Rung is almost found out as Fire and Thunder fight in his uniform, but thankfully, Mosquito only mistakes him for a new Artifact Soldier.
After a while, all of the students manage to reunite, and everyone (including Harvar, quite humorously) and the others all embrace Medusa in joy as they finally find her. Medusa states that she was doing some preparations for the invasion and executes their initial invasion plan. Arachne's room is sealed with eight Locks. Each of the castle's towers that look like the legs of a spider contain one Lock. The students are told to destroy two Locks, whilst her own forces will destroy the rest. She, Maka and Soul will head towards Arachne's room. She uses Vector Conduct on Ox, Kilik Rung, and Kid to help them find the Locks.
Ox, Harvar, Kilik Rung, Fire and Thunder go on towards the Lock, seeing a couple of Arachnophobia members in lab coats, talking on how the Moral Manipulation Machine had become a success. Ox suddenly picks up Kim's Soul Wavelength. Kilik Rung encourages Ox to go after her, saying that he will take care of the Lock. Ox, thankful, does so. As they leave, Harvar states that Kilik Rung is a nice person, but both are slightly dismayed when Kilik Rung shouts at them to cheer them on, fearing that their cover will be blown.
The two enter a strange room full of steam that seems to have the same effect of cannabis. They meet some dazed Arachnophobia soldiers, and later, the two split up to look for Kim.
When Harvar finally reunites with Ox, he enters the scene, only to find Ox, bloody and on the floor, at the hands of Kim. Ox tells him to be careful as Kim and Jacqueline seem to be controlled by something. Harvar, however, refuses to believe him, saying that Kim was tricking them from the start, saying that she is a Witch through and through. Realizing Ox's critical condition, he prepares to attack Kim in order to protect his Meister, despite Ox's protest.
Harvar manages to stab Kim, killing her, much to Ox's sadness. Harvar gives Jacqueline a chance to surrender, as her Meister is dead. Ox still tries to save Kim by attempting to use first aid on her wound, but Harvar says that it is too late for Kim, and it is more important to attend to his wounds, but then the two are startled as Kim's wound is gone. She wakes up and kicks him away, and Ox and Harvar wonder why she is still alive. They then realize that Kim is a Tanuki Witch, and that she is a master of Regeneration Magic. Ox says that she is indeed an angel, and Kim agrees that she is different from most Witches, which is why she had suffered so much. Using Jacqueline, she blasts fire at them, but Harvar manages to shield Ox from the blast. Harvar tries to kill Kim again before she can use her magic, but Ox tells him that he will fight. Harvar protests at first, but when he finds that Ox is unmoved, transforms into his Weapon form. Kim criticizes Ox, saying that in the end, even he will turn against her. Harvar tells her not to be selfish, as Ox of all people does not want to do this.
Whilst fighting, Kim explains that Witches born with destructive magic go through what is known as the Sway of Magic as they get older, in which they become destructive in nature as well. But because she had been given with restorative magic and not destructive, she is not under the Sway of Magic, and because of that she could neither be accepted in the Witch community or in Shibusen. She attacks with Wollantern, which Ox cannot dodge due to his injury. Harvar tells Ox that he must fight back or he will die. Ox explains that Shibusen is willing to accept her, but Kim denies this. She says that she is finally able to feel like she belongs somewhere after joining Arachnophobia and having the Moral Manipulation Machine used on her. Ox questions on why she is crying then. She says that as a Witch, she cannot change, just as Ox cannot change his hairstyle. Ox replies to this by putting down Harvar, and says that people can change, saying that Kim being a Witch does not matter. He snaps his hairstyle in two, (the effort and strength needed to do such an act widens his wound, much to Harvar's concern) promising her that he will make a place where she can belong. After being shown his undying love for her, Kim finally manages to return to normal, and bursts into tears.
Jacqueline, still under the effects of the Moral Manipulation Machine, tries to attack but is incapacitated by Harvar, who proposes that they return her to normal. Kim, realizing Ox's wound, heals him, and also restores his hair, kissing him on the nose as she does so, leading to them both blushing furiously. Harvar does not notice this, and wonders why they are both bright red, but does not seem to mind that much.
After restoring Jacqueline's morality, they all go and assist Kilik Rung. Harvar rather heartlessly stabs Artifact Soldier: Morubi (the Artifact Soldier distracting Fire and Thunder) in the head in front of Fire and Thunder, causing everyone to back away from him in fear at his ruthlessness. The three Weapon and Meister teams later go on to destroy the Lock they are designated with.
Afterwards, Arachne tries to drag down everyone in the vicinity of the castle into madness, and Ox and his friends are heavily affected by the insanity, apart from Harvar, who is confused by their behavior. In the end, Kilik Rung has to describe the sensation to him. However, Maka and Soul manages to save everyone, with Soul spreading Maka's Anti-Demon Wavelength to everyone.
Grigori arc[]
Harvar is seen, alongside with a battered and bruised Ox, back in the dojo of Shibusen. After Ox's defeat against Patty, the two comment on Patty's athletic ability, comparing her's to Maka's. Harvar comments that Patty may even surpass Maka. Ox the says that in cuteness though, Kim is superior. Harvar agrees. He is later seen to be a part of the new Shibusen elite unit Spartoi.

Harvar is bored
Harvar is outside, sitting atop some stairs, watching Tsubaki play with Pot of Fire, Pot of Thunder, and Angela. He expresses his angst by commenting on how he does not have any special training today, and so has too much free time and is bored.
Salvage arc[]
Eruka, along with Kim, Risa and Arisa, use Arithmetic Magic: Magic Calculation to open a portal to the the Book of Eibon where Kid is being held prisoner. Harvar, who surprisingly has a smile on his face, emphasizes the fact that the collar around Eruca's neck will explode, should she make any suspicious moves. He is seen to monitor the progress of the Spartoi members in the Book of Eibon along with Ox.
War on the Moon arc[]
War on the Moon II arc[]
Dark Side of the Moon arc[]
- Much like how Ox Ford is named after the University of Oxford, Harvar is also named after a school, Harvard University.
- Harvar's last name, Éclair, is derived from the French word for lightning.
- In his first appearance in the manga, Harvar has a bowl haircut. However, in later appearances, he is seen with a spiky ponytail.[15]
- Before Operation: Capture Baba Yaga's Castle, Harvar always refer to himself with the first-person masculine pronoun, boku (僕). However, after, he starts referring himself with the more masculine and informal pronoun, orē (俺) which may indicate a slight change in his personality, suggesting that he had become slightly less serious over time.
- In Chapter 97, Harvar complains that he can not draw curves very well. This is revealed in Chapter 100, when his headband's logo is composed of only straight lines.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 34
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 64
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 29
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 49
- ↑ Soul Eater Super Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scythe
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 89
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 50
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 54
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 72
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 44
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 29
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 34
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 58
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 51
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 29, page 29
One-Star | Hero • Tom • Soul's admirer • Soul's proposer • CronaAnime |
Two-Star | Black☆Star • Death the Kid • Kilik Rung • Maka Albarn • Ox Ford • Kim Diehl |
Three-Star | Alexandre • Franken Stein • Sid Barett • Enrique • Zubaidah |
Unknown | Akane☆Hoshi |
One-Star | Tom's partner • RagnarokAnime |
Two-Star | Elizabeth Thompson • Harvar D. Éclair • Patricia Thompson • Fire • Thunder • Soul "Eater" Evans • Tsubaki Nakatsukasa • Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupré |
Three-Star | Mira Naigus • Spirit Albarn • Azusa Yumi • Tezca Tlipoca • Marie Mjolnir |
Unknown | Clay Sizemore |
Deceased (Three-Star) | Death • Feodor |
Graduated | Joe Buttataki • Auntie |
Deceased (Three-Star) | Tsar Pushka |
Defection (Three-Star) | Justin Law |