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Chapter 110 - Kid connecting all three of his lines

Death the Kid unleashing his Lines of Sanzu to connect them.

The Lines of Sanzu (ザ ライン オブ サンズ, Za Rain obu Sanzu) is a unique trait carried by grim reapers that serves as source of power.[1]

Cultural References[]

In Japanese Buddhism, the Sanzu River is the River of Three Crossings and the way to the afterlife. It is the Japanese equivalent of the River Styx. A person's soul crosses from the land of the living to the land of the dead by crossing one of three ways, depending on the weight of their sins, or karma: the good cross a bridge, the neither good nor bad cross through a shallows, and the bad cross through deep waters where vicious snakes swim.[2]


The Lines of Sanzu can vary in appearance on a grim reaper; it can appear as lines in the hair or the white break in the hair.[3] In their true form, they take the form of a white halo surrounding the head.[4] The Lines of Sanzu trait is a representation of a grim reaper's age; where a child's lines are incompletely while a fully mature reaper has either two complete lines connected or three lines connected.[1][3] As the child gets older, they are able to connect more of the lines. By the time they've connected the second lines, they're considered their own, independent grim reapers.[5]

Three Lines[]

Seemingly only a fully-realized grim reaper or their chosen heir can have three lines; within these lines also holds a wavelength of the parent that may be forfeited after the connection of the second line.[5] When the heir has connected all the Lines of Sanzu, the parent reaper is killed as a result[4] due to the fact that only one true grim reaper can exist at a time, the world not requiring an excessive amount of grim reapers.[6]

List of abilities and techniques[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 53
  2. Soul Eater Volume 9: Yen Press English translation, page 200
  3. 3.0 3.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 108
  4. 4.0 4.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 110
  5. 5.0 5.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 81
  6. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 113