Lost Island (ロスト島, Rosutojima; FUNimation "Lost Isle") is a island located north of Alaska that formerly housed a facility made to develop demon tools by the Witch Order until a supposed accident caused it's destruction and the creation of it's magnetic field. It was also hiding place of the demon tool, "BREW".[1]
Between 1201-1300s, Lost Island was formerly controlled by the Witch Order and housed the order's Demon Tool Development Facility.[1]
In order to hide the immensely powerful "BREW", Arachne baited Death to the island with Eibon's blueprints taken from the sorcerer and arranged an "accident" that would destroy the island and attempted to fool Death by making it seem as though the powerful demon tool was destroyed in the large explosion that resulted. Due to the magnitude of the explosion, it leveled the entire island, created it's well known magnetic field, and left a "imprint" in the center of the island with the "memory" of the event that took place just before the accident.[1]
"BREW" - The Tempest arc[]
Death sends a small army of Shibusen students including Marie, Stein, Sid, Naigus, Azusa, Justin, Maka, Soul, Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Liz, Patty, Kilik Rung, Pot of Fire and Pot of Thunder, Kim, Jacqueline, Ox, and Harvar in order to acquire Brew before Arachnophobia.
Whilst the main military force consisting of Sid, his men, and Justin, fight Arachnophobia, Stein and Marie, accompanied by the students, will head for the magnetic field. Stein and Marie would go inside the field to acquire Brew, whilst the rest prevent Arachnophobia forces from going in after them.
Whilst Justin fights Giriko, and Sid, Naigus and Azusa fight Mifune, Maka and the others wait for Stein and Marie's return. However, as time passes, Maka, Soul, Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, and Patty go in the field to see if they are all right, whilst the rest fight against Arachnophobia's forces. Inside, they find out the truth of the island's history, and meet up with Stein and Marie, promising them that they will get Brew in their stead. They end up having to fight Mosquito, but due to his age-manipulation ability, have to retreat before they can retrieve Brew, the mission resulting in a failure.
However, during the fight, Medusa sends Eruka and the Mizune to get the real Brew and replace it with a fake one for Arachnophobia to take. Before the explosion, the island was a lush forest area with lots of greenery. At the centre of the island was the main facility building, a large elaborately decorated step pyramid seen out of Aztec times. However, after the accident, the effects of the explosion had transformed the area into a frozen tundra where it is always snowing. The area is littered with ruins of the facility that had used to stand there.
The biggest landmark is the centre of the island, the origin-point of the explosion. From there, a giant magnetic field of magic rises up into the air like a tornado that never stops. The powerful magnetic field can be entered by a human being, but the average human body can only last for about twenty minutes before it starts to deteriorate.
Inside the magnetic field is a holographic reply of what happened in that area shortly before the explosion, which is how Maka and the others figure out the truth behind Lost Island. If a person stays in the field for too long, they become a part of the hologram for all eternity.