“ | So let's spread the word together!! We'll go and see Crona again!! And we'll put the Kishin in his place as many times as it takes!! I want everyone to in the world to witness this courage!!! This soul resonance!!! | ” |
—Maka to Soul, Chapter 113 |
Maka Albarn (マカ・アルバーン, Maka Arubān) is a two-star meister at Death Weapon Meister Academy and a former member of Spartoi.[19] The daughter of Death's weapon partner, Spirit Albarn, she was inspired to be scythe-meister much like mother after witnessing her father's cheating ways and partnered with the demon scythe, Soul Eater, to create a death's weapon more powerful than her father.[16]
Atsushi Ōkubo's creation of the protagonist, Maka Albarn, involved him purposely making her a female character in response to Shōnen manga having primarily male main characters. He also paired her with Soul (along with other main characters having a male/female pairing) to demonstrate an equal representation of gender. Maka's fighting style with a scythe was given for it's uniqueness and resisted drawing influences from other people regarding his main protagonists, inlcuding Maka.[20]
Maka's surname, Albarn, may be an allusion to Damon Albarn, a musician of the British group Blur and co-creator of the virtual band Gorillaz, including the singing voice for Gorillaz's lead singer 2D. This is one of many musical allusions that Atsushi Ohkubo includes in the manga.[21]
Maka is bright, cheerful, direct, confident, smart, and hardworking, in stark contrast to her partner Soul Eater, who is very laid-back, more likely to act on impulse, and impatient in comparison.[16] She frequently studies and prefers to stay in her house and read or study, emphasized by her lack of ability to play games such as basketball despite her athleticism, and she is ignorant of its various rules.[22] Maka is also caring and compassionate, willing to easily help a friend when in need with no personal gain in the end and help a newcomer such as Tsugumi Harudori on her first day.[23] She is somewhat of a self-depreciation hero. She achieves many great accomplishments throughout the series, and she always wants to help others and do the right things, thus she is well respected. She is also known to follow the rules of the DWMA and rarely breaks them, even going so far as to not kill Gopher despite his attempt on her life.[24] and scolded Crona on their first meeting, telling them to save their "excuses" for Death himself.[25] Maka also is capable to having great compassion and understanding, enough to not only befriend Crona despite their crimes[26] but even put forth effort in helping them when they were seemingly forgone into Madness.[27]
She is known to be strong-willed and mature, unlike those such as her partner and Black☆Star and tends to look down on such behaviors, often calling them idiots.[28] Out of all the main protagonists, she is seen mostly as the most "normal" of the cast. It's been stated by multiple people like her own father that many of her good qualities come from her mother and even possess a mindset in which once she starts, barely anything stops her.[29] In the anime, it is expressed her best quality is her bravery by Crona.[30]
Despite this, Maka herself possesses flaws and insecurities. She has been noted by her partner to be stubborn and gloomy and is sometimes prone to make decisions without regarding others' feelings if she feels justified enough.[31] She also views the typical male sex negatively, finding them to be nothing more than "pigs" looking only at the sex appeal of females,[32] a notion in which may have manifested thanks to her father's lecherous actions and cheating on her mother. She also can be said to have temper issues, occasionally striking out those who annoy her with her Maka Chop and is not above striking her teachers such as Sid Barrett.[16] She is also not above breaking the rules, such as taking advantage of her father's status to check out a book beyond her rank though did so to try to help Crona, but ended up checking out the Book of Eibon's Manuscript and knew it was not only a bad idea but felt guilty about it so ended up leaving "M" as her signature.[33] Having taken immediate interests in the revelation of possessing a Grigori Soul, Maka was described by Soul as "obsessed" with the "angel stuff" until she found her new-found mindset hindering her ability to fight a fellow possessor of the Grigori, Gopher.[34][35]
One of the her main insecurities seen early on was her fear of her partner, Soul, being the one who "carried" her throughout her battles. So much so she strove at one point to get stronger to the point of ignoring her partner's personal views on the situation and blamed herself for Soul falling to Crona and Ragnarok during their first fight.[36] She also struggled with accepting her partner's celebrity status as a Death Scythe, feeling that he became one because of his own efforts with her contribution being useless. She became jealous of not only Liz sharing the same interest in music and understanding it better with Soul, but also Patty's ability to be an even better fighter than her.[37] This caused her to break down so much, she was almost willing to let Giriko sexually assault her and was initially unwilling to help Soul fight the adversary until she came to her senses. Despite being close to her father as a child,[38] much of their relationship became strained when he cheated on her mother[16] and made her secretly fear rejection from people she cared about, most notably her Demon Weapon partner, Soul.[16]
According to Soul, her hobbies includes reading books and doing puzzles.[31] and in the anime, is secretly fond of the "Pon Pon Dance", a fact in which she is embarrassed about.[citation needed] Her favorite book is The Dark Side of the Moon by the fictional author of Lorda Donsany.[33] She also stated she always wished to go inside a book, having been able to do so when she traveled into the Book of Eibon.[33] In addition, Maka doesn't like raw fish.[39]
Maka is a flat-chested, teenage young woman with light taupe hair which she keeps in pigtails, although there are certain times she may stylize them into buns or wear them straight down. Maka's primary outfit is a typical schoolgirl outfit consisting of a white blouse with a yellow sweater vest, a green striped tie, a red plaid skirt, and black boots with white buckles. When using Soul, she usually wears white gloves. Maka also wears a trench coat with a cloak-like end (which alters its shape in various parts of both the manga and anime). In her initial appearance in the first chapter, her trench coat was so long that, when buttoned up, it seemed that she was not wearing a skirt.[16][40]
When Maka joins Spartoi, her outfit changes, though it still shows similarities to her previous attire. Maka's Spartoi uniform is very similar to that of a Japanese schoolgirl's sailor uniform with the colouring of the classic Spartoi uniform: a white blouse attached with a blue sailor-style collar with a red necktie that has a pink coiled tip and a short, blue, pleated skirt. Alongside this uniform, Maka wears black tights and the classic white Spartoi shoes, but stops wearing tights a few chapters later. Like her previous outfit, Maka wears a long trench coat, though it is white instead of black and has the Spartoi logo on the left shoulder as well as the fact that the cloak end splits in two. Her pigtails are fashioned using skull hairbands similar to Shinigami's mask. She also still wears white gloves.
Maka's soul, when viewed by Stein, has an orange-like colour and has her signature pigtails.[41] Some comments from Ragnarok and Maka herself suggest that Maka's soul is quite small, especially when compared to those of others, such as Black☆Star's (although, like others, her soul grows in size considerably after she grows more powerful). When resonating with Soul, these "ponytails" turn into wings, revealing her soul to be a Grigori Soul, and her Soul Wavelength takes on the form of feathers.
In the last chapter in the Book of Eibon, Maka is transformed into a boy, having switched genders like the other members of Spartoi. Out of all the characters, apart from Pot of Fire and Pot of Thunder, she changes the least in appearance. She has shorter hair and wears a suit, complete with the usual gloves.
- Manga
According to Franken Stein, Maka was among some of the best meisters within Death Weapon Meister Academy among the one-star meisters and was handpicked for special operations from DWMA faculty.[42] She was eventually able to ascend to two-star status and was among the only one of her peers to have created a death weapon.[43] Her prowess garnered surprised to three-star meisters and weapons like Alexandre and Zubaidah, promoting Stein to point out that despite being DWMA students, they're "exception to the rule" and considered them "freaks".[44]
Due to her Anti-Demon Wavelength, she was regarded by Medusa as a dangerous element after the elimination of Joe Buttataki due to their similarly skilled power in soul perception.[45] his fact is also supported by her elder sister, Arachne, who also noted her as a threat due to her special weavelengthand soul perception abilities too.[46] Both of these attributes have not only targeted her for lone assassination, but also have value to individuals such as Noah (Greed), who conspired to kill her and use her soul perception abilities to find Asura.[47]
Despite her skill, she expressed that Death the Kid's shinigami power puts him "a whole other class from us".[48] She is also noticeably less powerful than Black☆Star[49] and Kilik Rung (expressed to be one of the top 3 fighters among students in the academy.)[50]
Special Abilities

Maka attacking Crona with a demon scythe.
Scythe Handling Skills: A weapons expert in the usage of a scythe, Maka acts as a extraordinary scythe-meister whose skill allowed her to be recognized as one of the top one-star meisters of Death Weapon Meister Academy[51] and later be promoted to a two-star status.[52] While her initial scythe-handling skill came in most from her own and Soul's partnership rather than simply her own skill, it seems Maka no longer needs to rely on Soul to do much of the spinning and work. During her fight with Crona, she used her father's demon scythe form against the latter, showing great skill as she spin and twirl the scythe even from her legs.[53] Her skill with a scythe also makes her capable of using Tsubaki's Chain Scythe weapon form.[54]
Anti-Demon Wavelength (退魔の波長, Taima no hacho): Maka possess a special wavelength that acts as a bane against dark forces such as magic, demons, and even likely immortals.[55] This wavelength also allows her to utilize enhanced forms of the Witch-Hunt[56], allows her immunity to certain magics like Arachne's magic, direct influence from the black blood, and madness to an extent.[57] She can voluntarily transfer this wavelength to her partner,[58] to others on her own with physical contact,[59] or through Soul's piano.[60]
Grigori (グリゴリ, Gurigori): Maka possess a rare soul type in which allows for flight. To enable this ability, she requires the usage of a Death's Weapon to utilize advanced magical-like powers.[61] By being on the same page with partner during soul resonance, she can manifest wings onto her weapon form.[62]
Wavelength Control (波長コントロール, Hachō Kontorōru): As a Meister, Maka has some skill in controlling her wavelength and can perform specialized techniques.[10]
High Physical Abilities (高い身体能力, Takai Karada Nōryoku): A trained meister, has an excellent level of athletic ability in which surpasses Soul.[63] She was also able to run 100 meters in 8.92 seconds.[64] Her athletic ability was renowned enough to be compared to Patty Thompson when she showed amazing physical ability herself.[65] Maka is a also surprisingly durable individual able to withstand Crona's Screech Alpha,[66] punishment from Free even after the later even slammed her with his Ice Shackle Bullet spell and overpowered her with his own martial arts and physical abilities as was still able to fight.[67] She was also able to take Arachne's hits within her disembodied from[68]

Maka strikes Crona barehanded.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (体術, Taijutsu): Maka possess proficient ability in unarmed hand-to-hand combat, often punishing her weapon's antics with jump kicks to him when angered[69] and mix in both kicks and punches during her battles with her chosen weapon on hand.[70] Her skill and usage in with her unarmed skills alone seemingly overwhelms Crona If not for the latter's own black blood.[71]
Danger Sense: Maka has the ability to ominously sense danger in which may be far too much for her to handle. She displayed this ability only once prior to her meeting Crona for the first time, in which eventually led to her first defeat and was nearly killed.[72]
Cooking: Maka possess some proficiency in cooking enough to make at least a decent breakfast for both her and Soul.[73]
Although a immensely skilled Scythe-Meister of her own, Maka herself suffers from a variety of weaknesses. While proficient in her hand-to-hand combat, her skill in such area is not on Black☆Star's level and even incurred an embarrassing moment from the assassin much to her dismay at the time.[74] In addition, it seems that even Patty Thompson surpasses her ability according to Ox Ford and Harvar D. Éclair.[65] In the Envy chapter, it's even revealed that the chapter's projections of her insecurities point out Maka feels she's even weaker then Patty despite the latter being a Demon Weapon and harbors some level of jealousy towards it.[75]

Maka's improper skill in Scythe-Handling was poor to the point she couldn't twirl a broom on her own.
Without the assistance of Soul, her capabilities diminish greatly and she's even aware of such a fact and have exaggeratedly stated that without Soul she can't do anything and both of them use each other to get stronger.[76] While in the Sloth Chapter of the Book of Eibon, even she admitted that she's not as strong as either Black☆Star or Death the Kid and as shown in the Sloth chapter, she's aware of this to the point she was affected by the chapter itself and felt she was only a burden to her weapon partner.[77] Needless to say, another addition insecurity was her Scythe-Handling skill, in which were unrefined and couldn't even twirl a mop and was another insecurity and felt that If she didn't practice that Soul would leave her for another Meister partner.[78]
This weakness no longer applies, however, as she seem to have put in practice and showncase the ability to twirl a Scythe weapon while using her father's weapon form against Crona.[79]

Maka is overwhelmed by an opponent who has a lot of "direct power", unlike those like Arachne.
Maka herself also has her own limits and has met her match a variety of times. In her first duel with Crona, she not only lost but witnessed her weapon partner badly injured.[80] She also found that Franken Stein was far out of her league and even saw his soul and became afraid of him to the point she nearly broke down in fear.[81] During the previous year in the Death Festival tournament, it's revealed that she has lost to Black☆Star the year before[82] She also was no match for both Mosquito in his 100 Years Ago and required Soul's Piano to and a Chain Resonance (Along with the entire group)[83] nor Giriko, in which not only nearly had her killed[84] but even revealed that she has a variety of issues facing an opponent who's abilities allows them to have a lot of "direct power".[85] She was also outclassed by Free in his werewolf form, with her citing his physical abilities were incredible even.[86] Even at her max, she was not only no match for the Kishin and was pinned by the god,[87] but even claimed herself that without the aid of Death the Kid and Black☆Star, she wouldn't even land a single blow on the Kishin by herself.[88]
Maka also has been criticized by many of her opponents to lack raw power herself, with both Crona and Ragnarok consider both her and even her weapon partner to be "weak", with Ragnarok going far enough to say she's a "small fry" and looks less tasteless compared to the likes of Black☆Star.[89] Even the assassin himself, when he was angry at Maka, cockily stated that he wouldn't ever "suck that bad" like Maka after flipping her over.[90] Asura himself also held a very low opinion of her, calling her "human scum" and felt the need to make her "learn her manners".[91]
- Standalone
- Book: Usually, Maka carries a book with her to read even during missions.[92]
- Partnered with Soul "Eater" Evans

Maka partnered with her weapon partner
- Demon Scythe (魔鎌, Magama): With Soul Eater as her weapon partner, she is able to take advantage of the plethora of capabilities in which result from their Soul Resonance as well as other abilities.[9] After becoming a Death Scythe and combining it with his sound abilities, it is known that the result is that it greatly enhances her already proficient skill, Soul Perception.[93]
- Black Blood (黒血, Kokketsu) (Former): While in resonance to Soul, Maka has access to black blood with Soul Eater.[94] Under it's influence, she has greater strength that makes her capable of tossing Crona into a arch structure, destroying it in the process.[94] She also managed to manhandle Crona, whose strength due to Ragnarok once overpowered herself.[95] Maka was also able to take fatal attacks from the Black Sword transformation with only minor wounds as well as being resistant to stabbing related attacks.[95] This can also increase her healing ability, even surviving being impaled by Asura himself.[96]
- Black Blood's Madness (黒血の発狂, Kurodji no Hakkyō) (Former): In this state, the Black Blood's Madness gives her a wavelength similar to Crona. With this Madness, the Little Ogre stated that it doesn't let Maka feel fear at all. With this Madness, her fighting style becomes more erratic.[95]
- Black Blood Armor (黒血の鎧, Kurodji no yoroi) (Former): This ability is one of Maka's major advantages with the Black Blood and Soul Resonance. Formerly, this dress was prematurely created during her fight against Arachne, giving her a boost in defense enough to withstand Arachne's powerful web attacks as well as enable her to easily utilize the Demon-Hunt technique in addition and allowed her to kill Arachne.[97] After Soul pulled the Black Blood in full blast, this created a new and more formidable dress armor, allowing her flight even.[98]
- Partnered with Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

Maka holds Tsubaki's Chain Scythe mode transformation.
- Tsubaki Mode Change: Chain Scythe (椿のモード変化 [鎖鎌], Tsubaki no Mōdo Henkō "Kusarigrama"): Maka is capable of using one of Tsubaki's transformations, her chain scythe mode in particular. She was proficient enough to have attempted to battle the werewolf Free by tossing it and managed to connect her attack to Free (though it did little damage on account of his immortality.[18]
- Partnered with Spirit Albarn via bond

Maka using her father's form, the Death Scythe.
- Demon Scythe (魔鎌, Magama): Due to being Spirit's daughter, she is capable of resonating with the Death Scythe's transformation via a bond, disallowing the poison from Crona's thorn ability to tamper with resonating. With this weapon, she displayed enough proficiency to battle Crona and utilize the great traditional techniques of the scythe-meister capable of breaking Crona's defenses. While in use, she states that her father's form is heavier but possess extra power from the weight.[99]
List of techniques
- Standalone techniques
- Maka Chop (マカチョップ, Maka Choppu): A punishment technique in which those who earn her irritation by hitting the target on the noggin with the spine of the book. Often used on her partner Soul Eater to punish him for his antics.[9] Although she usually performs the technique with her book, she can also perform the technique with her hand in a similar manner to Shinigami Chop.
- Soul-Sensing Abilities techniques

Maka's Soul Perception at it's max with Soul.
- Soul Perception (魂感知, Tamashī kanchi): Maka herself possesses a keen sense of soul perception in which is due to the fact that she possess greater courage then others when fighting fear.[100] Not only can she sense souls herself, but also attributes and estimated capabilities[101] and later even the emotional state of others.[102] Black☆Star onced commented on her Soul Perception abilities being like that of a "walkin' radar".[103] According to Franken Stein, it's also possible for her to gain a boost for her Soul Perception through Soul himself,[104] in which is proven to be true when Maka was capable of searching all around the world and accidentally found the Kishin Asura's hiding place.[105]
- Wavelength Control techniques
- Soul Resonance (魂の共鳴, Tamashī no Kyōmei): Maka is capable of sending her Wavelength into her weapon back and forth (while the weapon amplifies it), unleashing more powerful techniques. Namely, she does this with Soul Eater's Demon Scythe form.[106]
- Teamwise Soul Resonance (チームでの魂の共鳴, Chīmu de no Tamashī no Kyōmei): A special technique taught to her by Franken Stein in which allows Maka to achieve a Soul Resonance with multiple Meister/Demon Weapon individuals. She's capable of resonating with her own team.[107] Much of this resonance is used in conjuction with Soul's Piano, giving her power along with her team enough to overpower the likes of Mosquito for a time[108] and contend better with the Kishin Asura.[109]
- Great Traditional Techniques of the Scythe-Meister with Demon Scythe
- Witch-Hunt (魔女狩り, Majogari): This form allows her access to various powerful, unique techniques and is capable of killing a plethora of evil beings like that of a Witch or a Demon, counter Magic, damage and potentially finish off Immortal beings like that of Free. In the anime, this technique can be delivered in the manner of a shock wave.[110][111]
- Witch-Hunt's modified forms.
- Number 6 Hunt (6文字狩り, 6-Monjigari): A rotating, slash attack in which is shaped to be that of a number six. When used against the likes of Free, it was powerful enough to pierce his Wolf Tail Wall and cause damage.[112]
- Letter "U" Hunt (U (ユー) 字狩り, Yūjigari): A crescent slash brought from below where the blade is dragged upward in the shape of a U. It was powerful enough to send Crona away.[113]

Maka performing Scythe Weasel
- Scythe Weasel (鎌威断ち, Kamaitachi): A powerful technique in which "whips" the Soul Wavelengths drawn into the Scythe Blade from the Witch-Hunt and flings them back to the originator. The downside of this technique is that it's indiscriminate and hard to control, not only being not suited for team use but also cause disorientation upon completion. It was capable of catching the Flying Dutchman off guard as well as slash through the pipes of Nidhogg Factory.[114]
- Powered up Witch-Hunt techniques
- Demon-Hunt (魔人狩り, Majingari): Remarked by Soul Eater to be the "Witch-Hunt beyond the usual Witch-Hunt", this attack is a powered up version of the Witch-Hunt. As the name implies, the attack is assumed to be remarkable enough to kill demons and has been seen able to greatly damage clowns.[115]
- Demon-Hunt form techniques

Letter "I" Hunt (also Letter "I" Hunt-Slash)
- Letter "I"-Hunt (文字狩, Ichimonjigari): An attack in which is delivered a powerful blow in a straight line. According to Maka, not only is the blow amazingly powerful but she speculated such an attack may allow her to land a strike against Medusa Gorgon. However, a weakness of this attack includes that it is easy to see coming due to it's linear formation.[116] It was powerful enough to deal a critial blow to the Clown.[117]
- Demon Scythe techniques
- Kishin-Hunt (鬼神狩り, Kishingari): A special attack in which Maka performs a slash and by using the power of the black blood, it allows her to enter the inside of the Kishin and later escape him, thereby "completeing" the attack. She used this attack in an attempt to rescue Crona, whom was abosorbed by Asura.[118]
Born as the daughter of Spirit Albarn, when he was only eighteen, and his partner, Maka Albarn grew up around her parents. Presumably, she maintained a healthy relationship with both of her parents, her father often reading her books to her during her youth, an activity in which would lead to her fond of books.[119] And she admired her mother, who was a renowned scythe-meister.
Though her father and mother were close, Maka began noticing the fact that her father, a known womanizer, often hung out with other women. Coming to this realization, this drove a wedge between them. When Maka's mother eventually found out, she would file for divorce. Maka, hurt by her father betraying her mother's trust with lies and empty promises, would soon join the DWMA and enroll as a Scythe-Meister. She then vowed to create a Death Scythe and hoped for it to be more powerful then her own father, who is recognized as the most powerful Death Scythe in the world.[120]

Maka and Soul meet for the first time.
Having already seen the student, Soul Eater at school, both Soul and Maka head into a local cafe as the weapon looks for a piano to play. As he recalls the meister's name, he asks why she wants him as a partner, to which Maka reminds him that she is a Scythe-Meister. Soul decided that he would play the piano as a sort of "introduction".[121] The Demon Weapon played a song on the piano, which Maka found creepy and dark. Soul, however, liked his song and felt that he was an interesting person to get to know, and was also the first boy that she felt she could trust. The two agreed to become partners and have been a talented Weapon and Meister team since then.[citation needed]
Introduction arc
Tsugumi Harudori, on her first day at the DWMA, struggles to climb up the stairs leading to the school building. As she struggles to go up the steps of the DWMA. However, a rogue girl effortlessly runs up the steps without hesitation or folly, and that girl is none other but Maka Albarn. With some words of inspiration for Tsugumi by telling her she's almost to the end, she then leaves. Maka ends up buying juice for the newcomer along with a written message welcoming her to the academy.[122]

Maka claims Tsugumi as her "Comrade".
Teaching the NOT class the importance of the dynamic between a Meister/Weapon, Sid Barrett calls in both Maka Albarn and her weapon, Soul Eater, to demonstrate. They're introduced as the NOT class's EAT seniors. As Maka introduces herself, she sees Tsugumi and remembers her, much to Tsugumi's pleasure. She then pointed out that Tsugumi's current uniform is what she use to wear. She reveals that the DWMA has a plethora of uniforms that one can mismatch or just simply wear their normal clothes to school. When she asks if Tsugumi had trouble picking, Tsugumi comments that she settled for her current uniform because it helps obscure her figure. As she calls Tsugumi a comrade, Sid chops Maka with a Sid Chop, telling her to stop wasting the underclassmen's time.[123]
As she readies for a demonstration, Tsugumi introduces herself to Maka for the first time and reveals to her that she tied her hair in a pigtails because of her and promptly apologizes. Maka replies that it looks cute. Having the demonstration begin, Maka prompts her partner to transform, showcasing her excellent skills as Sid explains the very importance of how a Meister/Weapoon should work. After showcasing their skill, the class claps in awe of their skill.[123]
Traitors arc
Having attended the Death Bazaar with intention of selling her books, she argues with her partner, Soul, due to giving customers the stink eye, though she argues that's how she normally looks. However, Soul reminds her that they need to clean their apartment and she needs to sell her books. When a man approaches, interested in the price of a book, is scared away by Maka's intimidating look. As Tsugumi appears and browses through the books, she picks out the Brave book. When Maka remarks she read it when she first attended the academy and asks If she like reading and Tsugumi lies and says yes. She lets Tsugumi have the book and has her promise to read the book. Though she finally sells her book, her partner sarcastically remarks "one down, a billion to go", much to her annoyance.[124]
Eternal Feather engages Maka and Soul.
As Eternal Feather, under the hypnosis and control of Shaula Gorgon, nearly kills Anya Hepburn, Maka intervenes, telling her that her bag in which she uses to defend will split in half from Eternal Feather's blade and advises her to push her bag to the side. Meme saves Anya and Maka confronts Eternal Feather. She questions her actions as well as questioning if she's a student at the DWMA. As Eternal Feather swipes her blade at Maka, her partner intervenes, stating not to touch his meister. She questions Tsugumi and her friends as to whether they know the individual, to which Tsugumi reveals she's a senior within the NOT class. When Tsugumi tries to appeal to Eternal Feather, Maka surmises that she can't hear Tsugumi.[125]
As her partners transforms into a scythe, Maka tells Soul that they cannot allow themselves to hurt the individual. Maka and Eternal Feather begin fighting, Maka being on the defense and tries to appeal to Eternal Feather, stating that they have no intention of hurting the weapon. As Maka realizes that she needs to be taken down, she then suddenly stops and puts a blade to her neck as she is order secretly by Shaula to kill herself. Eternal Feather slits her own throat, much to Maka's surprise.[125]
Later, Maka and Soul are questioned by the DWMA's Central Intelligence students Akane☆Hoshi and Clay Sizemore on the Death Bazaar Incident. Akane questioned both on Eternal Feather's behavior, in which Maka noted that she looked like she was being controlled. She is then questioned if she saw suspicious behavior but she notes that given the circumstances of the event, she couldn't tell. Akane then asks both Maka and Soul If they've seen their suspected, showing a picture of Shaula Gorgon, though both of them deny having seen her. As Soul questions if she's a target, Akane confirms and reveals they haven't released info on her yet. Soul takes advantage of the opportunity and tells him to leak the info to him so that him and Maka can get extra credit. Akane then asks how much he's offering. Both Maka and Clay are surprised at their actions.[126]
JOT! Arc

Maka and her "Death Child" talking
At the the DWMA Cafeteria, Maka orders Dead Chicken. As she eats, she comments on how the "deceased chicken" is "fillin' up my [her] gut", as she is a Death Child and feels the need to speak in a odd manner. Soul, who arrives at the same table as her to eat, tells her to quit the "Death-Child talk".[127]
NOT students are required to attend a summer school session. Sid Barrett introduces to the students Maka Albarn and Soul Eater, who will demonstrate how weapons can control their abilities. After Maka says hi to Tsugumi Harudori, the NOT student feels nervous about performing in front of her mentor. As Hao and Raid give a demonstration, Maka and Soul interrupt the demonstration to explain “Soul Resonance”, the practice in which souls connect so that meister and weapon share all, including feelings. But Sid tells Raid that he really needs to imagine himself being the weapon to completely transform. He does remind all students, however, to have patience, as they are in no rush to perfect their weapon abilities.[128]
With Tsugumi now up for evaluation, Maka calls out good luck to her. Tsugumi imagines herself as a halberd, transforming into Anya’s hand. While Tsugumi is able to form the spear and scythe of a halberd, Sid notes that she still lacks the axe blade.[128]
Preparations! Arc

Maka inspires Soul to participate in the Battle Festival.
As Soul reviews the flyer for the Battle Festival, he questions Maka on the prize for being the champion, though Maka at first says "I'm dead" as a defeault answer and Soul reprimands her to not do so, as it's starting to scare him. She then tells Soul the reward for winning the Battle Festival is that champion gets to meet Death in person. Though the idea of meeting Death intimidates her partner, she reassures him that they need to look good for the NOT class, having lost the previous Battle Festival tournament to Black☆Star and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. She tells Soul that as long as they understand one another and let their souls resonate, they can beat even the most powerful of foes. Her inspiring words encourage Soul to go through with the Battle Festival.[129]
Death Fest Arc
As the Battle Festival commences, Black☆Star and Tsubaki in her Ninja Sword form and Maka with Soul in his scythe form battle it out as the crowd cheers happily at the meisters and weapons battle.[130] However, their battle is interrupted as the Traitors emerge and are infecting everyone around them as Shaula Gorgon enacts her plan against Death City.[131] Maka fends off her attackers [132] until the Traitors eventually collapse and fall asleep after Shaula's demise.[133]
Prologues Arc

Maka and Soul defeat Jack the Ripper.
Maka is on a mission to hunt the evil soul, Jack the Ripper. Accompanied with her living scythe weapon partner named 'Soul Eater', the two heroic fighters reclaim the lost soul and report to the headmaster of the academy they attend, Death. While explaining their progress, Spirit Albarn, Maka's father and the weapon of Death himself, butts in to give his two cents and to critique Soul Eater for reasons ultimately going back to his daughter of who, hates her father with a passion.[120]
Death gives them the final task collecting a witch's soul to achieve their final academic goal of making a weapon into a 'Death Scythe'. When a living weapon absorbs 99 evil souls of corrupt humans and consume the magical soul of a witch, the person in question will have their powers raised to god-like proportions and become worthy enough to be wielded by the shinigami. Their eagarness gets the better of them as they rush off toward their graduating mission directly toward a pumpkin patch where a witch takes residence; the witch in question is Blair, a magical being who happens to be taking a bath.[120]
Soul Eater, unaware, bursts through her window and gets quite a show before being punished by Maka herself. However, battle does ensue over the course of four days with the the DWMA duo losing. On the night of the fourth day, Maka and soul make a turn around on the witch and are close to reaching their goal they've hunted 99 souls for, Blair plays to Soul's ear and he apparently cuts ties with Maka. After a brief show of hostility, it turns out to be only a stroke of genius for Soul to get to Blair to drop her guard. Upon taking the opening, Maka and Soul relish their hard earned victory and customarily, Soul eats Blair's soul. Unfortunately, this soul wasn't a genuine witch's, rather a magical cat's soul, thus ruining their run.[120]
Remedial Lessons Arc
The morning after, Maka walks in Soul's room to find him with Blair, who had snuck up on him. Misunderstanding the situation, Maka kicks Soul out of the window in fury. Later, at school, Soul tells her of a rumor that had been going around recently. Their homeroom teacher, Sid Barrett had been missing and rumors had gone around that he might be a zombie attacking students. Maka is frightened by Soul Eater's retelling of the stories but tries to write them off as meaningless rumors. Much to Maka's dismay, her father becomes a temporary replacement for their homeroom teacher. However, the two are sent to the Death Room to see Shinigami. On the way, they meet Black☆Star and Tsubaki, who had also been called to the Death Room.[9]
Death, upon meeting them, informs them that they all must take remedial lessons lessons. Maka is shocked by this, thinking that remedial lessons are only for idiots; however, she is soon demoralized when she is told that she has acquired a low number of souls as of now. Death informs them to go after Sid, who had indeed been turned into a zombie, and find who had turned him into one. If they do not succeed, all four of them will be expelled.[9]

Maka and Black Star prepare to fight Sid with their weapon partners.
The four decide to go to Sid's grave in Hook Cemetery to start their investigation. Maka is still too depressed to care because of her having to take extra lessons. However, she soon readies herself as Sid attacks them. A battle soon ensues between the students and teacher. This fight is the first time in which Maka uses Soul Resonance and her Witch-Hunt attack, resulting in a near-death experience for Black☆Star after she missteps and incorrectly aims. Maka and Soul argue as to who botched up the Resonance. Black☆Star ends up catching Sid using Tsubaki in Weapon form, in which unintentionally catching Maka and Soul too, much to their chagrin.[9] In trying to get Sid to tell them who had made him into a zombie, Black☆Star flips Tsubaki's skirt, revealing her underwear. Sid relents and says that is was Stein who had made him into a zombie, but refuses to tell them where he is. Soul, refusing to give up, flips Maka's skirt also, covering his eyes. To Maka's annoyance, Sid shows no reaction towards her. She ends up giving Black☆Star, Sid and Soul a Maka Chop and Sid ends up telling them where Stein is.[9]

Maka and co. meet Stein
The four then proceed to Stein's lab to encounter and deal with the source of the problem. After a rather bemusing introduction, it is concluded that the only way to resolve the issues is to defeat Stein. It is only when the fight begins that Stein reveals just why he had earned his reputation as a strong fighter, by easily taking on the team single handed, intimidating Maka and apparently "killing" Black☆Star. Maka rightfully begins to fear Stein and this is only furthered when she observes his far stronger soul, using Soul Perception for the first time. It appears that she is frozen by her fear, but Soul manages to encourage her to fight him, saying that just because she had seen his soul; she has not seen the future.[10]
The two attack again and successfully Resonate and connect their Witch Hunt. Unfortunately Stein is still able to overpower the attack, leaving Maka barely conscious on the ground. Before Stein can grab her however, Soul appears and crouches over Maka, telling him that he will not let him hurt his Meister. Stein, pleased by Soul's bravery, gives him a pass point, and Stein reveals that the lesson has now ended. Everyone finds out that Black☆Star is actually alive and that this was all a part of the remedial lesson, much to Maka's despair. From this point onwards Stein becomes Maka's teacher. Maka, horrified, actually starts to want her father to be her teacher instead.[10]

Maka's surprse at Stein's next dissection experiment.
Maka is seen in class watching the new teacher, Stein; prepare to dissect an endangered bird on the brink of extinction. Tsubaki wonders where Black☆Star and Soul had got to, and Maka jokingly replies that the two may as well become partners since their attitudes are almost the same, which provokes a shocked Tsubaki to object rather violently towards her. Two students then notice Soul and Black☆Star about to battle somebody outside. Maka tells Stein that, when two Meisters fight on school grounds, one staff member has to foresee it. With that said, Stein brings Tsubaki and Maka with him. They find that Soul and Black☆Star are fighting Death the Kid and his partners, who had just enrolled into the DWMA.[134]
Outside, Stein teaches Maka about matching wavelength with one's partner(s). Maka witnesses the perfect Resonance between Kid and his Weapons and the imperfect Resonance between Soul and Black☆Star, using her newly acquired Soul Perception. She watches in dismay as the helpless pair fail to act as a Meister and Weapon and end up being defeated by Death the Kid after trying to execute a sneak attack. However, Black☆Star and Soul win by default as Kid then loses consciousness after coughing up blood. Maka explains that Soul's sneak attack earlier had cut Kid's bangs, making them asymmetrical, and he had fainted because he had just noticed this.[134]
She approaches a battered Soul, and gently scolds him for picking pointless fights, which had been what Soul had told her once before. Soul laughs and admits that he had been 'not cool.' The two agree that Black☆Star can only be partners with Tsubaki. Maka and Soul agree to work together again as they reconcile. When Death comes to pick up his son, Kid, Maka takes the opportunity to see his soul. She, however cannot see it and leaves it at that. What she does not know, however, is that the reason she cannot see Death's soul is because it covers the entirety of the DWMA.[134]
Demon Sword Arc
Having been sent to Italy to hunt down Sonson-J and entering a confrontation with the evil human wielding Soul Eater, Maka slays him before he has a chance to react, remarking the ability to kill from DWMA students isn't granted freely as the serial killer insinuated. As Soul consumes the deceased human soul, she asks the Demon Weapon if souls taste good, her weapon confirming they, indeed are. As their conversation subject change to how Black☆Star and Tsubaki fare in their assignments, Maka senses the passing of "Soul Responses" from the Santa Mario Novella Basilica, recognizing the likelihood of it being the Materazzi who are known to situate in the church as well as sensing the Soul Responses of a Meister and Weapon. Reminding Soul of their duty as DWMA students to investigate mysterious occurrences despite his objections, they investigate.[135]

Maka encounters Crona.
Arriving there on Soul's motorcycle, Maka realizes all the souls present from before have vanished. As she opens the door, she has a feeling she shouldn't. Feeling compelled to her duty as a DWMA student, she opens the door, finding the mysterious Meister and Weapon whom she senses earlier. Although she see's only one individual, Maka concludes that the other must be literally inside the Meister.[136]
She notices the weapon, Ragnarok, making it's entrance from inside Crona and watches from utter surprise at the sight. Surprised at Ragnarok being able to speak, she informs Crona of it being forbidden to over hunt souls and when Crona retorts her notion with their own belief that "she" said it was okay, Maka prepares to engage the Meister. Entering a fight, Maka seemingly easily gains the upper hand until she attempts to behead Crona. Maka deduces that Crona's blood harden, preventing their beheading. The tables turn as soon as Crona uses Screech Resonance, being unable to injure Crona or use her weapon to defend herself and resorts to dodging and attempts to escape. Trapped, Soul protects Maka as he recieves a grievous injury.[137]

Soul protects Maka from Crona's sword strike.
Blaming herself for what happened to Soul, she is seemingly about to be killed when she is saved by the intervention of Professor Stein and her father, Death Scyhte. Concerned for Soul, she learns that Crona is an individual on their way to becoming a Kishin.[138] Maka then watches as Stein performs Soul Menace on Crona, noting it can cause internal damage[139] and then expresses concern as Stein is hit by Bloody Needle.[140] She also then notes of Stein's Fighting Style in which he uses a weapon to block and counters immediately with his left hand.[141] Maka then witnesses the conclusion of Stein/Death Scythe and Crona/Ragnarok's fight and as Stein prepares to finish off them both, she witnesses a Soul Rejection from them both and then senses the Soul Response of a Witch. Learning of Soul Protect, she is intimidated by the Witch's power, surprised her mother made her father a Death Scythe by killing one.[142] As the Witch, she is seen worried about Soul's condition, only for her father to comfort her they then head home.[143]
Back at Death Weapon Meister Academy, she watches as Stein finishes performing an operation on him, learning that Stein was able to save the Weapon from certain death and goes to see him.[144] Checking on Soul, she blames herself and vows to get strong just like him. Her tender moment is interrupted by a frantic Black☆Star and is Maka Chopped as a result. Doctor Medusa then enters the scene, asking Maka to get her father off of her leg. Maka also chops her father. When Doctor Medusa comments on Soul's condition, she apologizes as she still blames herself. Medusa then "comforts" Maka, telling her that she'll get stronger.[145]
Maka later is present when Soul awakens after having a nightmare, relieved to see Soul awake and alive. She then attempts to make herself useful to her partner to assist in his recovery, though he reminds her that he feels that it's his fault he's injured. However, this actually only makes her even more sad. As she leaves, she berates herself for worrying about Soul and is approached by her father, requesting the both of them go on the roof.[146] Although the both spend time with one another, she grows bored and reads her book. Trying to make conversation, Maka asks If her father really loves her mother and then asks why did he cheat on her frequently. With no response, she also doesn't allow her father to change the scenery.[147]
Maka later asks her father about Stein's words and Ragnarok being the "seed of the Kishin", pleading for her father to explain to her what it means. Her father then explains that the collection and hunting of souls has been a constant battle of good and evil, explaining the origins of the Kishin. Her father goes on to tell the story of a Meister who once served under Death himself much like the DWMA and was afraid of death. During a battle, he began serving his weapon innocent human souls and a Kishin was made as the final result. Afterwards the DWMA was built to serve as a deterrent for the rise of another Kishin as well as teach Meisters and Weapons to further prevent another rising. Maka then understands that Ragnarok, the Demon Sword, is a candidate to becoming a Kishin.[148]
Uncanny Sword Arc
Being in the Death Room to surprise and welcome Black☆Star and Tsubaki back as congratulate them on collecting their first soul, she watches as the assassin and his weapon unveil their new transformation: the Uncanny Sword. Maka also watches as the assassin cannot handle the power, his wavelength overloading.[149]
Some time later at the DWMA with Blair on her shoulders, Maka watches as Professor Stein gives Black☆Star a new training regiment involving Kyukon Water and becomes envious of the assassin growing in strength. Stein then informs Maka that his yearning to "surpass gods" was his unique way of motivating himself, telling her that once she found the motivation to come see him. Blair then reminds Maka of the party thrown for celebrating Soul's release and Tsubaki and Black☆Star collecting their first soul. Going to see Soul, she finds herself running out as she is reminded of Soul's injury from his scar.[150]
Later that day during the party and after they all ate, Maka fumes at Soul for criticizing her cooking.[151] She then senses the soul responses of two Witches in Death City and runs to investigate without her weapon partner.[152] She arrives quickly though finds she's too late in seeing the Witches she sense, meeting up with Stein and Doctor Medusa. Speculating that one of the Witches may be the one they encountered earlier in Italy, Stein dismisses it. Yearning to face the Demon Sword Master once again, she tells Professor Stein that she found her motivation, with him smiling and alerting her to come by his office the next day.[153]
Experiment arc
Black Dragon arc
Maka pays a visit to Medusa in order to get a blood test, concerned of her condition after coughing up Black Blood in her battle with Free. However, both to Maka and Medusa's surprise (Medusa had seen Maka cough up Black Blood, surveying the battle with Eruka) there is no trace of Black Blood in her body. Medusa gives Maka some medicinal herbs in hopes of strengthening the Black Blood, and then asks Maka on how Soul is doing. She tells her how Soul had told her of his dreams, and that he had been quite distressed. Maka is shocked as she had not heard this from Soul and tries to hide her anger towards her partner as she excuses herself. She crossly decides to confront him when she gets home. However, on the way, she meets Stein, who, suspicious of Medusa, takes the medicine she had received from her.
Maka and friends arrive at the the DWMA commemoration party. During the party, she sees Soul alone outside and tries to talk to Soul about any of his problems, with little effect. Annoyed that Soul had told Medusa of his dreams and not her, Maka tries to change the mood and asks Soul to dance with her. Soul declines this offer, and when Spirit arrives, asking his daughter to dance with him, Soul persuades her to do so, much to her dismay. However, Maka leaves some food behind from the buffet for Soul.
The party is interrupted when Medusa and her group begin to trap everyone in order for them to awake the Kishin. To prevent Medusa's group from awakening the Kishin, Asura, Sid is able to send Maka, Soul, Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Liz, Patti, Stein and Spirit, underground to defend the school. Once underground, Stein tells them of how Medusa is planning to reawaken the Kishin that is sealed beneath the DWMA, and offers everyone a chance to back out of the upcoming battle. Along with everyone else, Maka declines and prepares herself, changing from her dress to her usual uniform, donning her trench coat.
A Fight to the Death at the Anniversary Celebration arc
Whilst on the way to stop Medusa, Maka senses a Wavelength that deeply disturbs her: that of her father. Spirit joins the group after he had also escaped from Free's Spatial Magic, much to Maka's annoyance.
They soon encounter Medusa. Black☆Star and Death the Kid, with their partners, run past Medusa. Maka also does so, by taking a risky path right through the blind spot of Medusa's attacks. She manages to pass through, and Stein stays behind with Spirit to battle Medusa.
Maka and Soul soon catch up with Black☆Star and Tsubaki, who are about to battle Crona. Although Stein had told Black☆Star and Tsubaki to fight Crona, Maka disobeys orders and tells Black☆Star to go on as she will fight Crona to avenge Soul. She expresses more confidence in the battle, and manages to aggravate Crona, and tells Ragnarok after he insults her that she is pleased that he is now treating her as an enemy rather than a meal. However, Crona still proves to be more powerful than her, countering her Witch Hunt with Screech Alpha. After seeing Crona gain the upper hand in their fight, Maka overhears Soul and Little Ogre and meets with Soul in the Black Room. Soul, shocked, thinks she is only a mere illusion that Little Ogre had created, but a Maka Chop from her shows him that she is real, and that they can converse to each other because their souls are in Resonance. The two dance together in the Black Room, and Maka tells him that she had heard Little Ogre after the Black Blood had temporarily infected her during the fight against Free, and urges him to accept his bargain for power when it appears to be their only chance of victory during their second battle against Crona. She tells him that she might gain more understanding of Crona's Soul Wavelength if she falls into the same sort of madness as it.
Soul appears reluctant, but he finally agrees, promising Maka that he will bring her back no matter how deep she sinks into madness. During this battle, the Black Blood causes Maka to fall into a crazed state of delirium, while Soul Eater holds on to both of their sanities, drowning in the darkness he refers to as madness. Because of the Black Blood hardening within her body, she is able to gain an immunity against slash and crush attacks and also acquires superior strength, quickly overpowering Crona.
While in this state, Maka is not only quite crazy but also quite silly, as her movements, behavior, and her fighting style change drastically, and she resembles a state of inebriation. Her drastic behavior is clearly indicated by her swaying, constant giggling, and attempt to devour Crona's head. The true Maka is embarrassed by her actions, but Soul reassures her that her current state is no different as to how she usually acts. Soul tells her to quickly find Crona's soul. After passing by her own soul and her partner's soul, she sees Crona's soul. Whilst her physical self is crazily attacking them, her mental self manages to see into Crona's soul.
Later in their fight, she begins to understand Crona's soul and realizes that Crona has always lacked any sort of close relationship with anyone, not even with their mother, Medusa. As Soul manages to pull her out of the madness, Maka puts Soul aside, much to his surprise, walks calmly through Crona's Bloody Needle attacks (getting stabbed a few times in the process, although the Black Blood still manages to protect her) and embraces Crona, subduing them and stopping their rampage. Their fight ends with Maka asking to become Crona's friend. Crona starts to cry and decides to help Maka. Ragnarok, however, is displeased, and attacks Maka, which Soul and Crona try to prevent. Maka and Soul leave them behind to deal with the furious Ragnarok and help Black☆Star and the others stop the release of the Kishin.
On the way, Soul is concerned for Maka's wounds she had received, but Maka realizes that the Black Blood had healed them. However, she sees that her Black Blood is no longer in her body, and wonders why. However, she has no time to think as she senses Asura being released. She rushes to stop Asura. Despite her effort Asura is still released, but Maka still tries to stop him, grabbing one of his skin scarves and using Soul to try and slow him down. However, when Asura emerges above Death City, some falling debris hits her and she is left falling towards Death City. Luckily, Soul cushions the blow, probably saving her life. Maka still briefly tries to go after Asura, but loses consciousness. After Asura escapes, Soul carries her through the ruined Death City.
Maka is cooped up in her and Soul's apartment, worrying over Crona. Soul, in order to give her some fresh air, drags a reluctant Maka outside (this scene is only in the anime). She ends up persuaded to play basketball with Soul, Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Patti and Death the Kid, with the excuse that they are missing one player (Liz). To make the game more interesting, Soul brings up the idea of a bet for each of the teams' respective captain to follow if they lose. If Kid's team loses, they will put the paintings on Kid's walls in his mansion off by 1 in; if Maka's team loses, she has to go shopping with her father. Ultimately, Kid's team wins, since Maka, having never played basketball, easily loses as she does not know the rules. Maka reluctantly asks her father to go shopping with her, and Spirit ends up vomiting out of happiness and suprise, much to her shock.
Trial Enrollment arc
Maka visits Crona on the day of their first day at the DWMA after asking Sid for permission, as the zombie fails to coax Crona out of their room. Maka enters Crona's room to get them out. After a shaky start as Maka gives Crona a Maka Chop by accident after aiming for Ragnarok, who had flipped her skirt, she and Marie coax them out and show them around the Academy. They are met by Soul, who asks Crona how they feel about the DWMA. However, Crona, depressed, seems fully convinced that they will never fit in. To cheer them up, Maka proposes that Crona write a poem to express themselves, which is met immediately with scorn by Soul (who suffers multiple Maka Chops as punishment). However, Crona's poem ends up being so depressing that Maka, Marie, Soul, and even Black☆Star end up getting depressed with them and sitting in a corner.
Later on, Maka, Soul and Crona are sent on a mission to Loew Village in the Czech Republic after an incident involving the Oldest Golem. There, the gang ask around about the event with no results. Their arrival seems to attract hostility from the villagers. They soon meet a man named Sou who promises to tell them about the incident.
While following Sou, Soul expresses his suspicions about him, and indeed, the group are soon attacked by the Oldest Golem. Maka quickly notices the Golem has a Soul Wavelength, despite the fact that Golems do not have souls. At this point, the man named Sou reveals himself to be Giriko and transforms into his Weapon form and partners with the Oldest Golem. The Golem goes after Maka and Soul and quickly overwhelms them. Maka then convinces Ragnarok and Crona into helping her. With that, the two team up and battle the enemy. Maka manages to get through the Golem's guard, cut the Golem and, immediately after dealing the strike, a large amount of spider webs shoot out of the opening and paralyze her. This forces Crona to defend her when the Golem strikes. Soul watches over the paralyzed Maka. Maka then watches numerous spiders congregate and form into the Witch Arachne. Arachne reveals that she had been surveying the world for hundreds of years through the eyes of many spiders. She proves this by referring to Soul and Maka by name and identifying Crona as Medusa's child.
The battle soon seems hopeless, as Crona is overwhelmed by Giriko, who is ordered by Arachne to kill them. Before Crona can be beheaded, Justin Law makes it in time to prevent it. Maka, along with Soul, watches the battle between Justin and Giriko. She expresses her awe at both of the Weapons' power. When Giriko escapes with Arachne, Justin fights against the Oldest Golem and beheads it with his Law Abiding Silver Gun. After defeating it, he orders everyone to pray for it. As Maka closes her eyes, she hears Soul curse to himself about being too weak to fight for Maka like Justin and Giriko, and gives him a concerned look.
After Justin defeats the golem, he carries the paralyzed Maka off inside the coffin attached to his dune buggy. Maka is annoyed as everyone pretends to ignore her, and sympathizes with Sid as she finds herself covered in flowers in a coffin.
Bodyguard arc
Maka is visited by all her friends in the infirmary in light of the recent events that had caused her paralysis. She is slightly embarrassed as Soul tends to her with everyone watching, and is greatly annoyed when Black☆Star signs her face in order to get better. After overhearing the conversation between Sid and Nygus, Black☆Star vows to avenge Maka. He later returns, defeated by Mifune, when Soul is saying goodbye to Maka for the night. Black☆Star gives Maka the candy Mifune had given him for her and promptly leaves, with Maka confused about his behavior, as she had not heard of his fight to avenge her.
Reunion Express arc
Maka recovers from her condition and is seen in Stein's class as he is about to start a lesson. The group discuss on how Black☆Star had been picking a lot of fights recently with the other students. However, Stein, much to everyone’s shock, throws a scalpel in their direction and tells them to focus on the lesson. Black☆Star arrives late and is told to stand outside for the time being. The lesson is about Duel Art and he plans to teach the class by using Black☆Star, Maka and Soul, and Ox and Harvar to work together to fight against himself. As Black☆Star is told to re-enter the classroom, Maka wonders why he is so out of breath; turns out that he had been training whilst outside. During the battle, Black☆Star is subject to many accidental assaults via both Ox and Maka, with Ox accounting for the lion's share of the assaults. Maka ends up being electrocuted by Ox's Lightning King along with Black☆Star and then watches the angered Black☆Star challenge and defeat Ox for his actions. She comments that this adds to the number of battles won by Black☆Star in a row, and Black☆Star tells her not to include Ox in his total. Overall, the lesson is a failure.
Maka is seen at a party with all her other friends thrown in celebration for her recovery. She comforts Crona with everyone else, who is still getting used to having people around him. When Maka asks Soul to play the piano, he refuses and goes to the bathroom. When Liz asks what kind of songs he plays, Maka replies that Soul plays really dark and strange songs. When the party ends, the group splits up.
The group again try to make Soul play the piano for them. Their efforts still remain fruitless. Soul tells everyone that his songs are not worth listening too. Maka objects, telling him that she had liked the song Soul had played for her once. Soul, frustrated for some reason, tells her that she only likes his music because of her low Musical IQ. Maka defends her love of, 'The Pon Poko Dance,' which is immediately made fun of by the others. She attempts to bring Crona into the conversation, but they quickly retreat and excuse themselves. Maka wonders about their strange behavior.
Witnessing Hiro being bullied around by the other students, she sympathetically comments that Hiro would have been more popular if he went to a normal school, since he is too shabby here at the DWMA.
"BREW" - The Tempest arc
Black☆Star joins Maka and Kid and their partners outside to practice their Chain Resonance. Stein warns them that if they do not succeed, then they will be removed from his class. With this said, Maka warns Black☆Star in particular to do this properly, but he insists that he always does. Despite this, the three students fail multiple times, which angers Maka. She believes that Black☆Star is the blight of the failures. She starts arguing with him, but Kid steps in between them, and Stein decides to give them a break to cool down.
Maka confronts Stein with the purpose of removing Black☆Star from the team. She fails at this and returns to the group. Black☆Star then accuses her of tattling to Stein and being selfish. This infuriates Maka, bringing her to try to punch him, but fails. Kid tries to diffuse the situation, but Soul steps in and tells him to leave the two to sort it out on their own. Maka tries to punch him again, and this time, Black☆Star allows her to hit him. Black☆Star then warns Maka that, if this goes on any further, it sould be a duel, and he would be sure to crush her. With that said Maka curses at the top of her lungs and runs off in tears.
On her own, Maka secretly talks of her envy of Black☆Star and how he can become so strong without being concerned about anything around him. She is soon visited by Tsubaki. She asks him what she thinks of Black☆Star. Maka replies simply by saying that he ticks her off. Tsubaki pauses, before saying that Black☆Star actually does study before tests, which surprises Maka as he always gets zeroes. She asks Tsubaki why he never gets good grades, and Tsubaki admits that she does not know. Maka laments, saying that she will never understand Black☆Star if even Tsubaki cannot understand him. Tsubaki says that friends do not need to understand each other all the time. Realizing her mistake and on how to achieve a true Chain Resonance, Maka eagerly decides to return to the others, and Tsubaki wonders if it was necessary for her to come in the first place. However, Maka, on the way, panics, wondering on how to apologize. Tsubaki ends up dragging her, saying that she does not need to think about it since she will probably end up fighting with Black☆Star again. She is then met by Soul. She asks him if he had come to laugh at her, and Soul pauses before replying that the laughter should wait until after they had succeeded the Chain Resonance. Returning to the group, she apologizes to Black☆Star, who forgives her. The group resume their training and succeed, with Maka not trying to understand them, but putting her life in their hands and trusting them. Stein then makes Maka the leader of the group.
Later that night as they are heading home, Maka lets Black☆Star hit her to make up for how she hit him earlier. To everyone's surprise, he ends up hitting her hard and, though apparently bruised after being sent flying, Maka smiles and says, 'Ouch.'
aka, Kid, Black☆Star, Ox, Kirikou, and Kim and their respective Weapons are the group of kids chosen for fighting to obtain Brew, a powerful Demon Tool, before Arachnophobia. The Demon Tool is located in a large magnetic field in the middle of the island, which is harmful to the human body if one is there for too long. The students' job is to prevent Arachnophobia forces from entering the field whilst Marie and Stein go inside. If they do not return after twenty minutes, they are to retreat. Maka questions on this, saying that she does not want to leave Marie and Stein behind. Ox replies that if they go in the field, the enemies will follow and the battle will get out-of-hand, leading to people being lost because of staying in the field for too long. He questions Maka, saying if she deserves to be top of the class, a comment which hits Maka hard.
When Stein and Marie, the duo responsible for retrieving Brew in the vortex of Lost Island, take too long to reappear, the group begins to worry. Ox, Kirikou, and Kim decide to stay behind and take care of the forces opposing them. With that, Maka, Black☆Star, and Kid enter the vortex. The first thing they notice is Death and that the vortex is a sort of frozen time anomaly repeatedly showing the events that led to the explosion on the island.
Kid explains that what they see is Shinigami from the Grim Times, before he built the DWMA. The group then hurries to a temple. When they reach, they notice a large mass of Witches — one of them being Arachne. They hear Arachne speak about blowing up the island and everything relating to Brew. The group proceeds and soon meet Marie and Stein. Because Marie and Stein are overstaying in the vortex, they are in danger of becoming a part of the time anomaly. Maka and the others tell them to retreat and decide that they will take on the mission of retrieving Brew.
They eventually bump into Mosquito, carrying Brew. He then reverts to his form from 100 years ago and prepares to battle them. Before the battle can start, though, a hologram of Eibon appears. Black☆Star decides not to waste time and attacks Mosquito, ignoring the presence of Eibon. Maka follows suit and, eventually, Kid brings himself to ignore Eibon and attacks Mosquito too. None of their attacks, however, are penetrating the tough hide of Mosquito. Mosquito then uses his immense strength to overpower the kids. Luckily, Soul comes up with the idea of Chain Resonance and augmenting it with his music. The group laugh as they hear he is going to play the piano in his soul. When Soul asks why they are laughing, Maka replies that they had finally got Soul to play the piano for them.
Soul plays the piano, giving everyone a rush of power, enabling them to maneuver flawlessly around each other and link their attacks with ease. They are easily able to overcome Mosquito with both their speed and strength. Ultimately, their combined strength allows them to damage Mosquito and Kid manages to connect a Death Cannon, and Black☆Star attacks with his Uncanny Sword, which destroys both of Mosquito's arms. Before they can finish him off, Soul stops playing, advising them to leave as their time limit for staying in the vortex is almost up. Maka protests, but has no choice but to agree. Since Mosquito can revert to an even younger form of himself, he can remain in the vortex for longer, and the group have no choice but to retreat without Brew. In the anime only, Maka continues on to activate the Majin Hunt and bisects Mosquito horizontally, but he escapes by detaching his head from his body. Soul then tells everyone that it's time to leave.
On their way out, they meet up with Kirikou and Ox, who help escort them out of the vortex. They leave and watch how the Witch's research facility is destroyed by an explosion, though that, too, is a hologram from years past. When they exit the vortex they are greeted by a distraught Marie, who makes a move to strike them, but instead hugs them all for making it out safe, but soon threatens that they will all have a talking with her back at the DWMA.
Maka calls Shinigami and reports in on the failed mission. After doing so, she sits next to Soul on the boat that is bearing them back to the DWMA.
Internal Investigation arc
Maka is with Soul saying bye to Crona as they head home. While walking, Maka remembers that she had left her notebook in the classroom and turns back to retrieve it. On her way, she notices Crona talking to someone in an alleyway and the name 'Medusa' comes up. Distraught, Maka then leaves, but bumps into a child. She apologizes and continues on her way. Back at home, Maka ponders about what to do.
Late at night, Maka is still contemplating on what to do regarding Crona. Soul sees that she is troubled and asks her if she wants to talk to him about it. Maka tells him that she will tell him tomorrow, knowing that Soul will definitely help her. She decides to talk to Crona the next day before class. The next day, when Maka goes to check on Crona, she finds that Crona is not in their room. She then says Medusa's name in quiet anger. She then runs off to find them.
Clown arc
Maka is first seen choosing an extra-curricular mission from the bulletin at the DWMA. She meets with Kirikou, who is searching for a mission also. Although Kirikou had chosen one, Maka tells him that the mission requires Soul Perception, which he is not capable of, and suggests him another mission. She, Kirikou and Soul notice Black☆Star's signature on the back of the mission card Kirikou had chosen. Maka expresses sadness at how things are quieter at the DWMA now that Black☆Star and Tsubaki have taken a leave of absence. However, she reads a note from Black☆Star that had been written on the back of one of the missions, saying that, 'This sort of boring mission should be left to Maka.' Goaded by his note, Maka crossly accepts the mission.
The mission sends Maka and Soul to Bor-7 Factory in Russia to solve an incident taking place there, which requires two Meisters with the ability of Soul Perception. She is joined by Death the Kid and his partners, Liz and Patti.

Maka defeats The Clown
After being abandoned by Death the Kid, who decides to search for a 'suitable' entrance to the factory but finds himself unable to enter due to being crippled by his obsessive compulsions, Maka, Soul and Blair (who tags along) are forced to search the building alone. During their search, they are ambushed by the Flying Dutchman but Blair is able to save the group and proceeds to follow him as he makes his escape. It is at this point that the Clown is first mentioned, being stated as "the one who will give the people their freedom." The Clown then decides to make its entrance, even after receiving advice not to attack as it could not capture Maka so easily, introducing itself anyway.
Maka begins to sense the similarity between the Clown's soul and that of Asura's, but how this one was small yet absorbing and sucking in everything. Before she can deduce anymore, the Clown attacks and a large battle ensues. Eventually the Clown's soul begins to effect Maka and she is sucked into its madness, with any efforts to save her blocked as pipes surround the pair. Maka is forced to see visions of the deaths of her friends and family, in an attempt to drag her deeper into madness. However, Soul manages to reach her with his Wavelength. Maka meets with Soul in her mind, both dressed as if they are in the Black Room, with the exception that Maka's face is partly covered by the Clown's mask after being influenced by the madness. Having her sit at a piano, Soul tells her that the songs he plays are of madness. Maka protests that although she does not know much about music, she likes Soul's songs. Soul explains to her how madness gives people strength, but beneath the insanity, when the soul endures the darkness, is a strength that is even more intriguing. Maka calls this strength courage, and Soul tells her that they should have Crona know of courage too. Soul takes Maka's hand and tells her to let him listen to her soul. Maka touches a key at random, which is a G. Due to the influence of Soul's Wavelength, Maka's courage allows her to break free of the illusions. The two resume their fight against the Clown.
This newfound courage causes her abilities to evolve and now being faced with Majin Hunt, even at full strength, the Clown's abilities are no match. It is eventually defeated but before its soul can be consumed, it disappears in a shower of ribbons.
Maka recalls the moment when Kim left, the revelation that Kim is a Witch, and that the person who released the information was Medusa. When taking a shower with her female classmates, Liz invites her to lunch. Maka replies that she will be preoccupied during that time. During lunch break, Maka uses her father's ID to visit the recently captured Medusa in her prison cell with Soul. There, she asks Medusa of Crona's whereabouts, though Medusa does not give her any answers relating to the question. Soul decides that it is best to just leave.
Operation Capture Baba Yaga Castle arc
Maka, Kirikou, Ox, and their respective weapons are chosen for the assault squad for the operation of taking over Arachnophobia with Medusa. Maka is shocked and angered by the fact that she must work alongside the Witch that had caused Crona so much pain. However, she agrees to work with Medusa, since she might know something about Crona, and persuades Soul also, who had decided at first to back down from the mission. Kid and his two partners are also chosen to be Medusa's bodyguards. When meeting Medusa face to face, she barely manages to control her hatred towards her. After the operation details are discussed, they proceed with the mission, towards the Amazon River Basin in South America.
On the way, the group encounters mutated squid-like creatures affected by Arachne's magical influence over the environment. During the battle, Maka ends up being saved by Medusa, and after Medusa uses Vector Boost to strengthen Kirikou's attacks, the creatures are defeated. The group soon enter the castle via underground tunnels. Immediately, Maka's Soul Perception activates and she senses two people. Kid reassures her that the two are a Death Scythe and his Meister, and that they had been secretly dispatched to watch over Medusa. Maka discovers that one of them is a monkey. After traversing through the castle some more, the group camp out. Maka uses the opportunity to interrogate Medusa about Crona. Medusa states that the reason she is waging war against Arachne is because she took Crona to be used as a sacrifice. This throws Maka, and her anger against Medusa ends up being quelled as she starts to believe the Witch. Soul warns her not to believe Medusa, but Maka slowly ends up trusting her.
The next day, they continue and soon meet Eruka, who gives them Arachnophobia uniforms to disguise in. When the group make it into the center of the castle, they find that everyone is dressed exactly as they are. Soon, they all become confused and eventually lose each other — each getting into their own trouble. Maka has a close run-in with Giriko, but luckily, the Weapon does not remember her and soon turns his attention to Liz and Patti, who distracts him. Everyone soon meets up with Medusa and is thrilled.
Medusa begins to discuss the plan: taking down all eight locks preventing people from entering Arachne's throne room. After performing Vector Conduct on them, Medusa leaves them to follow the arrows pointing to their respective lock to destroy. Kid is given lock 8. Maka chooses to act as Medusa's bodyguard in Kid's stead, stating that, if Medusa does anything untoward, she will not hesitate to attack her. Although Soul still tells her to not trust Medusa, Maka brushes off his worry as him merely causing a fuss, which annoys him.
Maka, Soul, and Medusa are then seen in front of the door leading to Arachne's room. With the magical barrier preventing their entry lifted, Maka uses the opportunity to sense for Crona's Wavelength. She is interrupted, though, when Arachne's magical threads assault them, threatening to plunge them into insanity. Maka is next seen unharmed by this, likely due to her Anti-Demon Wavelength. She manages to knock Soul out of the magical influence, too. They then enter the room. Maka uses her Soul Perception to locate Arachne. When they find her, though, Arachne is on the floor, lifeless.
Soul asks Maka what she thinks of the situation. She replies that she can feel the madness flowing through the room. Suddenly, the darkness begins to spread and attack the three. Medusa tries to contain it using her Vector Arrows, but fails. Medusa and Arachne then begin to communicate, with each insulting the other. The conversation ends when Arachne performs a mental attack that immediately defeats Medusa. After that, Arachne begins to attack Maka. Despite Maka's attempts, all her attacks seem to just flow through Arachne, due to her formless state. Maka and Soul both agree that they should use Majin Hunt.

Maka donning a Black Blood dress
Maka soon notices that Arachne is trying to overcome everyone in the vicinity of the castle with madness. Soul then comes up with the idea of spreading Maka's Anti-Demon Wavelength to everyone around the castle using the network of spider threads Arachne spanned to spread the madness into everyone's heads. Soul plays his piano to facilitate the transmission of Maka's Wavelength and is successful in freeing everyone. They even manage to transmit the Anti-Demon Wavelength to Arachne, forcing her to sever the network. With this now done, Maka and Soul perform Soul Resonance — activating Majin Hunt with Maka donning a dress made of Black Blood.

Maka defeats Arachne
Playing the piano had set off Soul's madness and activate the Black Blood, which had formed into a dress similar to the one Maka wears in the Black Room. They decide to take advantage of it before it wears off and attacks Arachne. The dress acts as an armor against Arachne's attacks. With a powerful scythe coupled with the dress acting as an armor, Maka is able to reach Arachne and deliver a powerful swipe, killing her. Maka's attention is quickly changed to Crona's whereabouts. She then notices Medusa's body, but senses a normal soul in it instead of a Witch Soul. She then senses another reaction and turns her attention to Arachne's body, which is now possessed by Medusa. Maka is immediately attacked by Medusa. Medusa reveals that she used Crona as an incentive for Maka's cooperation. Medusa then states that Maka's abilities are a threat to her and the world's progress to madness. Before Medusa can finish Maka off, she is attacked by Enrique. The Death Scythe Tezca Tlipoca then enters and warns Medusa of the oncoming the DWMA forces. Medusa takes him up on the advice and leaves. Before leaving, Maka asks where Crona is. Medusa tells her to give up, going on to say that the Crona she knows no longer exists and that she will never give Crona up. Maka punches the ground in anger and laments over her mistake to trust Medusa, as Soul comforts her.
Maka is with Liz and Patti discussing Kid's capture. Patti asks Maka what she knows about the Book of Eibon. Maka replies that she does not know anything, although it is heavily implied that she is hiding something.
Grigori arc
Soul and Maka resume their soul hunting. After defeating Frey D. Sadoko Maka and Soul at last harvest their ninety-ninth evil human soul. Maka is seen with Soul in the Death Room in their new Spartoi uniforms. When asking Shinigami about the change of the unit's name to Spartoi from Shibu-Kids Squad, Shinigami replies that Stein had thought that Shibu-Kids Squad did not really work wonders for morale. Stein explains that Spartoi means 'the sown' in Greek, an army of warriors born from dragon's teeth to fight against insanity. Maka is overjoyed that Stein has returned and hugs him. The other members of Spartoi arrive to commemorate Soul finally obtaining his ninety-nine Evil human souls and one Witch Soul. Soul consumes Arachne's soul and, alongside the birth of a new Death Scythe, the elite unit Spartoi is formed.
After becoming a Death Scythe, Maka and Soul begin to understand what exactly the implications of this means. They are seen outside with Marie, and Kim flying. Maka suggests that because Soul is a Death Scythe now, that he should be able to fly with ease. Marie objects, telling them that becoming a Death Scythe is not something so simple. She continues, saying that the advanced wavelength control that a Death Scythe obtains from a Witch Soul can grant magical abilities. If she can use the Grigori form her soul takes and imply it with all of that, they may be able to manifest wings. Marie calls Maka an angel at one point, which awakens Maka's desire to become like one, much to Soul's annoyance. Maka protests that with Ox calling Kim an angel all the time, it would be nice if she is called one as well. Spirit also comes along to watch their training.

Maka with her Death Scythe, Soul
In beginning the training, Soul transforms into his Weapon form. He has a slightly different form now, more so where his 'eye' is located in his Weapon form. They are then told their souls must be synchronized in order to complete the task. They must both focus on the same image, of Kim flying. While doing this, the scythe blade on Soul shrinks. Marie explains that form manipulation is basic for a Death Scythe and that they must have decided that the long blade is not necessary for flight. After, both Maka and Soul create sharp, blade-like wings at the end of Soul's Weapon form. However Soul, upon being told by Spirit to imagine Maka as an angel, instead thinks of the somewhat negative things she has done. Maka then starts spinning upside down in circles until they both fall, due to Soul losing concentration. They still argue about whose fault it is. Maka then rants about how she had wanted angel wings instead of the spiky ones that appeared. They argue again which leads to Maka saying she had wished she was partnered with Ox. Soul does not understand this as Ox is a Meister. Later, at the DWMA, Maka is still fantasizing on how she is now considered an angel Soul still telling her to drop the idea. They are then later called by Spirit to discuss something.
Soul is seen once again with Maka practicing flying with Kim. Despite the extremely slow speed given by the tiny wings, Maka is thrilled to have the fluffy angel wings she desires. Prior to this, Spirit speaks to them about the many enemies they have such as the witches (more specifically Medusa), the new group Noah has formed, and the Kishin. Spirit warns them that they aim to take out talented people on their side as well, meaning Maka is also a target. Maka's advanced Soul Perception is the reason for her being targeted, and that it is their trump card against the Kishin. Spirit explains that the DWMA must protect Maka at all costs. After making a remark about her father, saying that he wants to protect her because of her abilities, Maka leaves the room. Spirit then asks Soul to watch over Maka. Going back to the training, Soul tells Maka that he believes her father cares more about her safety than her ability. They then continue on talking about the many responsibilities they have still to do, such as saving Kid. Soul remarks that they are not yet ready though and Maka becomes extremely surprised. Maka then senses another force approaching and urges Kim to head on without them. Gopher then appears in the sky, armed and ready to kill Maka.
The three engage in battle, with Gopher overwhelming Soul and Maka with his tremendous speed. Not too soon after, Gopher charges up a powerful attack in the center of his chest, aimed at Maka. Soul and Maka manage to dodge the attack with the mountain behind taking the impact. Soul remarks that Gopher is not ordinary, and Maka then explains that Gopher also has the same angel type Grigori Soul as she does, but filled with evil magic. Gopher then launches another barrage of attacks at the two. Soul and Maka attempt to attack but are once again outmatched in speed and take a hit by Gopher's barrage. Soul begins to talk about their difference in speed and it may be helpful if they bring the fight to the ground. Maka realizes the full meaning of Soul's words that they are not ready yet as they are losing the battle. Now irritated by the small angel wings, she demands Soul to create new ones. Soul grins and complies, and the two perform a Soul Resonance, creating larger and more powerful wings. The two then prepare to continue the fight, with Maka telling Gopher that the real battle begins now.
After witnessing Maka create a new pair of wings, more suitable for battle, Gopher now realizes why Maka is wanted by Noah. Jealous of this realization, Gopher once again goes on the offense. Maka's new pair of wings allows her to easily dodge his attack and all attacks following it. Immediately, Gopher is forced on the defensive after Maka delivers numerous hits, which includes a Witch Hunter. Angered that the body Noah made for him has been damaged; Gopher prepares another one of his stomach cannons, with this one specially installed with his hatred of her. Driven by Gopher's hatred, the ball of energy follows Maka everywhere. This prompts Maka to perform Majin Hunt and proceeds to slice through the ball of energy. Maka continues her attack and manages to inflict a shallow wound on Gopher. When Soul asks why she held back in the end, Maka replies that he is not on Shinigami's wanted list. Maka then witnesses Gopher retreat via a page from the Book of Eibon.
Witch's Research arc
Back at the DWMA, Maka sees the large amount of requests that female Meisters have sent to Soul for him to be their partner in his locker. She expresses her amazement at the sheer amount, and states that although Soul usually got love letters like these, they had increased dramatically in recent times. Soul grumpily replies that it's only because he has become a Death Scythe. Maka pauses, before thumping her partner's back (hard) and suggesting they go home. As they leave, a mysterious girl watches the two, and she deems Maka incompatible for Soul.
Later, Maka complains that since she was the one who made Soul a Death Scythe, she should be getting some request letters too. Soul states that Maka's lack of sex appeal is the problem, and compares her to Blair, Risa and Arisa who are passing by, promoting their cabaret club to other students. Maka briefly makes a snide comment about men, until she is startled along with Soul because Blair is hanging around two Witches.
Salvage arc
Maka and Soul worry about the two Witches being free, when Marie comes and takes Blair and the two Witches to the Death Room. Soul expresses concern on the situation, but Maka assures him that things must be under control if Marie is there.
The two later hide and watch Marie and the two Witches go in, and watch the doors of the Death Room. They soon see Marie storm out in a temper, and then sees Black☆Star and Tsubaki approaching the closed doors. Black☆Star breaks the door down, even though there is a sign saying that no one must enter. Soul proposes they should just go in too, but Maka replies that sneaking around is much cooler, comparing herself to a heroine in a mystery novel. Soul soon gets bored and calls it all a waste of time. Maka spots the mysterious girl still spying on them, and wonders what she's up to, having noticed her already with her Soul Perception. It is here revealed that Maka was actually the one who secretly took out the Level 4 book from the Library, which was the Book of Eibon manuscript that Death the Kid thought was originally stolen by Medusa. She apologizes to Shinigami for this, and tells him not to blame Spirit (who’s ID card she used to borrow the book). She begs Shinigami to let her go on the mission to help save Kid. Shinigami, with some persuasion, complies. Maka, determined to rescue her friend, tells the rest of Spartoi that, 'This is for Kid!'
Maka, along with Soul, Kirikou, Pot of Fire and Pot of Thunder, Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patti and Blair, are sent into the Book of Eibon to save Kid. There, the group meet The Table of Contents which informs them that they need to traverse through the seven chapters of the book in order to save Kid. The group soon enter the first Chapter, Lust, and Maka has her gender changed, based on everything she sees desirable in the opposite sex. Surprisingly, she resembles Soul(without his hair styled with hair gel) a little which further implies that she has some feelings for him, and with her new male temperament, she immediately gets a nosebleed upon seeing the Succubus, much to Soul's annoyance.
After passing through the Lust Chapter and into the second Chapter, Gluttony, Maka realizes that although they had left the Lust Chapter, she still appears male, although her personality has returned to normal. The Table of Contents explains that they will only gradually return to their original gender depending on the intensity of their sexual desire. The more intense it is, the slower one changes back. Maka snidely passes off the comment that Soul would probably change the slowest. She almost succumbs to the large amount of food on display in the Chapter, and barely manages to control herself.
Maka ends up getting separated from the rest in the third Chapter, Envy. She finds herself caught up in an illusion based upon her envy. She ends up in a fake the DWMA, and is approached by the mysterious girl she had seen spying on her and Soul. The girl tells her that she is not worthy of being Soul's partner, and how little she understands Soul. Maka protests this, saying that she reads lots of music books in order to understand Soul more. However, when commanded to spin a nearby broom like she does with a scythe, Maka surprisingly fails to do so, which results in the girl mocking her, saying that she is only a bookworm that always needs to have Soul helping her. Maka remembers how Soul had always needed to help and lead her, and the girl reveals that she is envious of people who understand music like Soul, in contrast to Maka who, in a flashback, shows that she does not reciprocate Soul's appreciation for music. Convinced by the girl of her worthlessness, Maka breaks down in tears.
Soul arrives at this point and asks her if something is wrong. Maka pretends that everything is fine. Soul tells her not to become separated this time and he takes her hand, moving on to the next Chapter.
The two are next seen in the sixth Chapter of the Book of Eibon, Sloth. Soul drags Maka along, but soon, Maka gets teary, still upset by her previous experience, and stops Soul, saying that she needs to tell him something. She apologizes to Soul for dragging him back, before sitting down, and to Soul's shock, asks him to leave her behind and says that she cannot fight alongside him anymore.

Maka destroys Giriko's first body
When Soul asks her why she is suddenly saying this, Maka apologizes again and says that none of it is his fault and that she is to blame. She tells him to split up with her. Soul is unnerved by Maka's statement and tells Maka not to spout a lot of nonsense just because of an illusion in a book. Maka replies that Soul must have seen something in the chapter of Envy as well, and Soul, put off a little, denies that he saw anything.
However, before their conversation can continue, Giriko attacks both of them. After kicking Soul aside, Giriko pins Maka down on the bed grabbing her wrists, saying that instead of waiting ten years, he is going to 'make her scream' right now. To his surprise, Maka replies, 'Do what you want,' which enrages Giriko, since she does not fear him, and he proceeds to kill her. Before he injures Maka, he is intercepted by Soul, and he transforms into his Weapon form as Maka prepares to fight. However, still emotionally distressed from the Envy chapter, she is unable to concentrate, and ends up leaving herself open for Giriko's attacks. When Giriko, tired of Maka's lack of determination, tells her that he will finish her off quickly, Soul suddenly transforms back into human form and Maka looks on shocked as Soul tells her that he will fight Giriko on his own.
Predictably, Giriko proves to be stronger than Soul, and ends up wounding the Death Scythe several times. Maka looks on, dumbfounded as Soul, after a powerful blow by Giriko, falls to the floor at her feet. However, Soul still gets up, voicing his frustration on his inability to do anything for Maka. However, he states that this is not the sort of courage that Maka had shown to him. Determined to show his own courage this time, he stands up again to fight. Soul's words bring Maka back to her senses. With a resolute expression on her face, she mentally berates herself, calling herself an idiot for not believing in Soul just because she had seen an illusion in a book.
She then proceeds to apologize to Soul, who forgives her and begins to attack Giriko again with new resolve, but is still distraught over the Envy Chapter and is starting to lose when Soul comes up with a plan to intercept Giriko's Soul Wavelength by using his piano and Arachne's ability to spread Wavelengths via webs. Maka then uses her Soul Perception on Giriko and Soul plays his piano and uses it to stop Giriko. Maka then proceeds to cut him in half and he then explodes. Believing Giriko is defeated she begins to walk away now feeling less distraught over the Envy Chapter. Then a now female Giriko comes up from behind and cuts Maka's back. He then explains that he had had another body for himself for backup in case something like this happened, and being in the Chapter of Sloth, Maka had not realized this as she had been too sloppy with her Soul Perception. He says that he is disappointed that he is a 'big-titted female' and says that people do not explode when they die. Maka then says that Arachne had exploded when she died. Giriko responds by praising Arachne, saying that she had been, 'something else,' and wonders if Maka would explode when she dies. Maka and Grikio continue to fight, but Maka starts to lose as she proceeds to acquire more injuries and Soul's piano is destroyed by Giriko's Wavelength. She begins to lose hope, convinced that she will die. However, before Giriko can kill Maka, his soul, not being able to take eight hundred years of rage, begins to rupture. Maka sees this using Soul Perception and then proceeds to slightly mock Giriko, telling him to sit down and rest, as there are many chairs and beds in the Sloth Chapter. Giriko, enraged, tries to kill her, but his soul explodes before he can do so, leaving Giriko's body as an empty shell. Maka laughs at his demise and is later seen carried by Soul on his back after the battle.
Soon, the Black Mass frees everyone from the Book of Eibon, and they all tumble out the book onto the scene of battle. Maka is shocked and distraught as she sees Marie, Stein, Sid and Nygus at Noah's mercy. Although Sid and the others tell them to run, Black☆Star and Death the Kid decide to fight Noah and his monsters. Death the Kid asks Maka and Soul to help the two, and Maka is surprised as they activate the Insanity Wavelength in them. Soul asks if Maka can pull it off in her injured state with Maka replying that she has to. Holding Soul in Weapon form, she forms a Chain Resonance and supports Black☆Star and Death the Kids' sanities with her courage, whilst giving the two advice during the battle. Maka is in awe at Black☆Star's and Kid's new powers acquired through madness.
Later when Noah is finally defeated, Gopher takes the book of Eibon and flees. Maka attempts to stop him, but collapses, due to her injuries and is caught by Soul.
Mad Blood arc
Maka grows concerned for Soul as his scar that he had acquired from Crona begins to hurt. However, she gets a call from the DWMA, telling them that Crona had appeared in Moscow. She, Soul, Stein, Kim and Jacqueline arrive in Moscow. Whilst Kim and the others stay and tend to the soldiers affected by the Black Blood, Soul and Maka enter the area where Crona fought Feodor and Tsar Pushka. They find the two encased in two spheres of Black Blood. Maka laments over Crona's actions, and holding back tears and mentally calling Crona an idiot, tries to cut into the spheres with Majin Hunt. However, the moment Soul touches the spheres; he becomes insane due to the Black Blood and returns to Stein and the others, pulling her by the pigtail. Everyone looks on, shocked as Soul yells that his scar hurts, and his scar re-opens, causing a Witch Hunt-like blade to emerge out of it.
Maka senses the insanity coming out from the scar in Soul's chest. Enraged, she demands Soul to tell her what he is playing at. Soul merely replies that he is only releasing the pain that he had been holding back for so long. Gleefully, Soul attacks Stein, who uses Jacqueline as a Weapon partner. However, Soul's blade is sharp enough to wound both Stein and Jacqueline, even in Weapon form. Stein decides to attack Soul before he can attack himself, but Soul retaliates by using sound waves by turning his blade into a keyboard. The sound waves attempt to drag Stein into insanity, but Kim manages to negate the insanity with her Regeneration Magic. Maka, knowing that Soul will be ripped apart if Stein were to fall into the Madness, passes on her Anti-Demon Wavelength into Stein as well.

Maka Chop!
Stein marvels at how Soul is able to create such powerful sound waves by himself, and states that Maka's Soul Perception ability must have grown stronger as well through using Soul Resonance with Soul. Maka grins and states that although Stein only seems to have noticed now, she and Soul had always become stronger together. She adds, 'Right, Soul?' but Soul ignores her and keeps on attacking. Stein asks Maka what is going on with Soul, and Maka states that Soul has not completely given into the madness and is fighting within himself. She states that he will come back. Just as she says, Soul manages to quell the insanity within himself and returns to normal. Maka, however, annoyed that he is still acting cool even though he is not under the influence of the Black Blood anymore, gives him a Maka Chop with her hand. As Soul protests, Maka begins punching and kicking him, saying that it is payback for pulling her hair. Stein, relieved, raises the threat level of the Black Blood spheres and tells the Russian Branch to take cover. Another soldier then suddenly appears, and tells them that Crona had struck once again in Ukraine, much to Maka's shock.
Hunt arc
Maka and Soul along with Black☆Star and Tsubaki travel to Shisceda Village to help Heming, the village's hunter take down a sky whale in order to help the village prosper for another year. Maka uses her resonance with Soul to grow wings and join Black☆Star in the sky where they search for the whale. As they begin the hunt, Maka feels that something is wrong with the sky. They hear a loud noise and the sky whale appears before them and they pursue it. Black☆Star suggests forcing it to go down, but Maka reminds him they cannot directly interfere in the hunt. When the sky whale spouts Maka and Black☆Star can sense there is madness in his spout, and Maka realizes that there is a higher concentration of madness at high altitudes and wonders why it is like this. As they continue to chase the sky whale Soul realizes that the sky whale is sensitive to sound and suggests using the noise in the sky to their advantage to corner the whale. Maka and Soul proceed to attack the sky whale with supersonic waves of sound, causing it to gradually descend to lower altitudes. Heming spots the whale and shoots it down, ending the assignment with success. As they head back to the DWMA, Maka reflects on the uneasy feeling she had back in the sky, saying it was similar to the Kishin. As they arrive back at the DWMA, they are met by Marie who tells them that Crona has been added to Shinigami's list and that Spartoi has been ordered to execute them. Maka was upset about Shinigami's order of the execution of Crona. However, she understands what must be done. Kid said to her that it is not about executing Crona, rather than maintaining "order". While Maka was trying to find Crona, she came across Asura's wavelength. She and Soul went straight to Shinigami to report, but he already had found out his whereabouts. With that task at hand, Kid was in charge of investigating the matter (partly because of his skateboard capability), but had to quit Spartoi to do so because of his status as a shinigami. Maka asked him to take care since his mission was more dangerous than hers.
War on the Moon arc
Maka went again to try to find Crona's soul, but couldn't. Soul told her that it's hard to pinpoint just one person out of the hundreds of souls in the area or even the world for that matter. She probably found the Kishin due to an reaction from the Black Blood. She knew that. Soul told her to call off for today and try again next time. She swears that she will find Crona.
Later that day, she met up with her father after being summoned by a public announcer, to her chagrin and embarassment. He claimed that he was sorry and that he wanted to meet her no matter what. She asked if he was going to The Moon as well, which he was. It was an important mission for him plus it's his first foreign trip in a long time. He said that Liz and Patti are making an will, and that he was sorry about putting her in a tough situation with Crona's research and all. She said it was fine since they stopped for today.
Spirit gives Maka her mother's wedding ring, rather than the will that she was expecting. Maka's mother sent it back to him after the divorce. It is revealed that he was young and broke, so he went to buy a cheap ring off the street from an old lady. According to the old lady, there is an charm written on the back side of it that could apparently purify madness and misfortune. It was brought to Maka for all the hard work she is doing for them and because she was born to them. Spirit claims that her mother is strong enough to not fall prey to madness and that she probably knew that the world is surrounded with madness right now. She probably wants Maka to have it. Maka thanks him and puts it on. He then mentions that, when her mother was pregnant with her, he wanted a boy. Upon her confusion, he says that he thought that a girl like her father would have inexhaustible source of worries. Initially, this statement annoyed Maka. However, her father went on to say that he was glad that it was her. He hugged her and said that she had grown strong. Spirit went on to say while he was a bad father; Crona was a poor child that was raised by Medusa. He and Stein should have stopped the witch back when they first met at the Santa-Marianovera's church. At this point Maka then remembers something that she had missed in her search for Crona. She hurries away, leaving Spirit relatively confused. Spirit then states that Maka reminds him of her mother's straight-forwardness.
Maka and the other arrived in Italy. She continued to search Crona and eventually pinpointed their location. However, she want to make sure of a few things before proceed the mission. In her perspective, she is not sure she can fight Crona. When she went into Santa-Marianovera's church, Crona asked who she is. At first Maka thought Crona lost their memories again; however Crona said that they are just trying to straighten their memories and that she caught them in the moment. Maka said she came here to stop Crona from pursuing Asura and to persude them to come back to their friends. However, Crona refused because they just killed their mother, Medusa, and is afraid that they will do the same to her and the others. When Crona escaped to go to the Moon, she made a vow to bring Crona back, even if she has to break the "order" to do so. Then after Kilik's group leave, Maka, Soul, Black☆Star and Tsubaki decide helping Crona is more important than following the order of Spartoi. They abandon their duties as members of Spartoi and change back to their old clothes to show they were no longer a part of it, and head off to the moon. Maka with Soul and Black☆Star with Tsubaki were going to the Moon with Maka using her Grigori soul to fly there while Black☆Star used Tsubaki's shadow to stretch him up to the moon.
War on the Moon II arc
When they arive at the moon, with Black☆Star now hanging off Maka's scythe, they look down to see a large amount of clowns. After Maka flung Black☆Star into the crowd of crowns, she is attacked by Moonlight. However, Soul uses his soul hack ability to control the beams and destroy some clowns. After that, Maka swoops down and saves Stein from some clowns using Witch-Hunt.
After the witches uses Soul Protect on the clowns, Maka begins to help destroy them. Maka later defeats the last clown with Majin Hunt.
Dark Side of the Moon arc
During the battle on the moon, Maka and Black☆Star fight to defeat Asura. They are both defeated, and Maka then discovers her soul being out of wavelength with Soul when she tries to wield him to continue fighting. Black☆Star holds him off for the time being because Maka is unable to fight, until her father Spirit shows up and tells her to wield him and fight against Asura using him. She is able to wield her father temporarily and do serious damage to Asura, which puts her and Soul's wavelength back in resonance and allows her to wield Soul again afterwards.

Maka in her black dress.
Soon, Kid finally shows up and joins Maka and Black☆Star in the fight. Soul determines the only way to defeat Asura is to utilize the Black Blood using Maka's Soul Perception, and Maka dons the black dress again to wield the Black Blood's power. While Kid and Black☆Star hold Asura back, Maka uses the Black Blood's power to enter Asura and talk to Crona, who had been consumed by Asura. She convinces Crona that they are doing the wrong thing, and Crona feels amazed that someone would go through such lengths and risks to help them after all they had done wrong. Crona, admiring Maka's selflessness and feeling they did finally have someone who cared about them, decides to use their power to seal up the Kishin on the moon. This in turn, however, puts Crona stuck inside the Moon's Black Blood alongside the Kishin.
Maka attacks Asura with the Kishin Hunt after leaving Asura's body, which gives Crona the opening to seal up the Kishin and themself inside the moon. Then, Maka, Black☆Star, and Kid all return back to Death City. Maka returns to Death City with Black☆Star and Kid after the defeat of Asura. She then learns of Death's death, and sits at home by herself for a while thinking, feeling depressed about Death's passing, and about Crona's sealing inside the moon. She then sees Blair trying to seduce and flirt with Soul, which annoys her further, but Blair really is just wanting to cheer Maka up and gives her a hug afterwards.
Maka then attends the ceremony announcing Kid's replacement as the Shinigami in place of Death. The manga then ends with Soul and Maka talking, with Soul thanking Maka for giving him the strength to overcome the madness and saying she's the reason he was able to pull through it. Maka now feels better and happily exclaims that she has a new purpose in mind; to show everyone the strength of courage and its ability to overcome the madness. At a certain point in time, Maka and Soul had participated in the previous Death Festival, having gone up against Black☆Star and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. However, she and her partner were defeated by the duo, the assassins taking the victory that year.[154]
- "People need fear to survive. We experience it so we can grow stronger!"[155]
- Maka's theme song is 'Psychedelic Souljam.' She also has a character song with Soul: 'Mauve Iro no Sympathy.'
- In the Official popularity poll taken by the manga's readers, Maka ranked 3rd, but in the Second Official popularity poll taken by the manga's readers, Maka ranked 2nd.[156]
- The title of Maka's favourite book, The Dark Side of the Moon (月の裏, Tsuki no Ura) by the fictional author Lorda Donsany (ローダ・ドンセイニ, Roda Donseini) is a possible allusion to the 1973 musical album of the same name by the band Pink Floyd. This allusion is not only another one of Atsushi Ohkubo's numerous musical allusions in Soul Eater but also another allusion to Pink Floyd.
- In Volume 18 of the Soul Eater manga (which contained the Spartoi's adventures through the Book of Eibon), Atsushi Ōkubo created a horse-racing style table of the Soul Eater characters who have had their genders switched, and made a race as to who is the most lustful out of them all in a 'Lust Race.' Maka was given a racehorse name like the other characters, which was Maka Impact, named possibly after the famous Japanese racehorse Deep Impact. Her popularity level was 56, but the odds of her being the most lustful was quite low.
- Maka's name happens to be an anagram for "kama", in which means "scythe".
- ↑ Soul Eater Super Guidebook -How to Make a Death Scythe?-
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 42
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Prologue 1
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga:: Chapter 63
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 40, Page 20
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Jot! 4 (Volume 3) (eBook)
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga:: Chapter 63
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Soul Eater Super Guidebook -How to Make a Death Scythe?-
- ↑ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 1
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 2
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 1
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Prologue 1
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedChapter 64
- ↑ 'Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 33
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 32
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedc0.1
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedSuper Guidebook
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 11
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 62, Page 31-32
- ↑ A Public Conference with the Creator of Soul Eater, Atsushi Ohkubo (fr). Journal du Japon.
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 16: Yen Press Translation, Page 186
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 24
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 1
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 65
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 6
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 19
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 106
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 3
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 90
- ↑ Soul Eater Anime: Episode 51
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 10
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 69
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 72
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 63, Page 3-12
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 64, Page 19, 26-31
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapters 10-12
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 74
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 12
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 5: Yen Press Translation, Page 13
- ↑ Soul Eater Anime: Episode 1
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 2. Anime: Episode 5
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 34
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 62
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 101
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 15; Chapter 60, page 95
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 15; Chapter 58, page 25-26
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 16; Chapter 64, page 47
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 37
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 33
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 32.5
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 34
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 64
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 24; Chapter 106, page 120
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 4; Chapter 11, page 54-57
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 4; Chapter 10, page 41
- ↑ Soul Eater Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scythe
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 14; Chapter 55, page 99
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 15; Chapter 59. page 55
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 20; Chapter 84, page 85
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 15; Chapter 59, page 65-70
- ↑ (Yen Press) Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 63 — Marie: "It's not because Soul-kun's a Death Scythe now. That's not why you might be able to fly. It's because of Maka-chan's soul. Because she has a Grigori soul. You know, they say one in fifty million have. Add to that the high level of wavelength control that a weapon can achieve when he acquires a witch soul, control that allows for almost magical-like powers, and you might be able to manifest angel wings. And If you can do that,then you might be able to fly.
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 16; Chapter 63, page 14
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 5; Chapter 15, page 43
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 44
- ↑ 65.0 65.1 Soul Eater Volume 15; Chapter 62, page 158
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 5; Chapter 17, page 112-113, 128
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 4; Chapter 11, page 50-61
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 15; Chapter 58, page 30
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 1; Prologue 1, page 20
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 4, page 130-131
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 5; Chapter 17, page 101-103
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 4-5
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 1; Chapter 1, page 145
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 9; Chapter 33, page 95-96
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 18; Chapter 74, page 57
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 18; Chapter 76, page 133
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 18; Chapter 75, page 96
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 18; Chapter 74, page 53, page 57
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 24; Chapter 106, page 119
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, page 143
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 2, page 26-28, page 37-41
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT Volume 4; Chapter 25, page 169
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 36-37
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 19; Chapter 7, page 34
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 18; Chapter 76, page 142
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 4; Chapter 11, page 59
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 25; Chapter 111, page 125
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 25; Chapter 111, page 118
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 5; Chapter 17, page 105
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 9; Chapter 33, page 96
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 25; Chapter 109, page 52
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 56
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 86
- ↑ 94.0 94.1 Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedChapter 18
- ↑ 95.0 95.1 95.2 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 19
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 25; Chapter 111, page 113-115
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 15; Chapter 59-60, page 73-90
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 25; Chapter 111, page 138
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 106
- ↑ Soul Eater Super Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scyte
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 4; Chapter 10, page 32
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 16; Chapter 65, page 80
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 16; Chapter 67, page 169
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 20; Chapter 84, page 88
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 21; Chapter 89, page 50-55
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 2
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 33
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 35-36
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 109-111
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 12
- ↑ Soul Eater Anime: Episode 4
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 11
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 5; Chapter 18, page 142
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 11; Chapter 41, page 66-67
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga; Chapter 43, page 135
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 11; Chapter 44, page 161
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 11; Chapter 43, page 135 (eBook)
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 111-112
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga:Chapter 12
- ↑ 120.0 120.1 120.2 120.3 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 0.1
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 111
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 1
- ↑ 123.0 123.1 Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 4
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 14
- ↑ 125.0 125.1 Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 15.
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 16
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT! Volume 3, JOT 1 page 52/ Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 20
- ↑ 128.0 128.1 Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 30
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 36 page 2-4
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 38 page 10
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT Manga: Chapter 38 page 24
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT Manga: Chapter 41 page 21
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 42 page 32
- ↑ 134.0 134.1 134.2 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 3
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 4, page 110-115
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 4, page 115-119
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 4, pages 124-140
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, pages 143-154
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, page 157
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, page 159
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, page 161
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, page 167-172
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, page 175
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, page 177
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 5, page 179-184
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 3; Chapter 6, page 10-14
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 3; Chaper 6, page 19-21
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 3; Chapter 6, page 31-33
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 3; Chapter 8, page 131-134
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 3; Chapter 9, pages 149-153
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 3; Chapter 9, pages 154
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 3; Chapter 9, pages 160-161
- ↑ Soul Eater Volume 3; Chapter 9, pages 167-170
- ↑ Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 36 page 2-4
- ↑ Soul Eater Anime: Episode 4
- ↑ Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 100
One-Star | Hero • Tom • Soul's admirer • Soul's proposer • CronaAnime |
Two-Star | Black☆Star • Death the Kid • Kilik Rung • Maka Albarn • Ox Ford • Kim Diehl |
Three-Star | Alexandre • Franken Stein • Sid Barett • Enrique • Zubaidah |
Unknown | Akane☆Hoshi |
One-Star | Tom's partner • RagnarokAnime |
Two-Star | Elizabeth Thompson • Harvar D. Éclair • Patricia Thompson • Fire • Thunder • Soul "Eater" Evans • Tsubaki Nakatsukasa • Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupré |
Three-Star | Mira Naigus • Spirit Albarn • Azusa Yumi • Tezca Tlipoca • Marie Mjolnir |
Unknown | Clay Sizemore |
Deceased (Three-Star) | Death • Feodor |
Graduated | Joe Buttataki • Auntie |
Deceased (Three-Star) | Tsar Pushka |
Defection (Three-Star) | Justin Law |