The Purple Clown (紫染の道化師, Shisen no Dokeshi) is a simple entity born of Medusa Gorgon, resulting as a by-product of her research into the creation of the Black Clown.[1]
The Purple Clown bears some slight resemblance to it's counterparts in regards to the patterning that it features, however, unlike the largely humanoid appearance displayed by other Clowns within the series, the entirety of it's form consists of a single striped and crescent shaped body about the size of an average human head. Embeded within the center of the interior curve of this unusual construction is a relatively normal yet significantly large mouth, featuring a linear protrusion extending upwards from the groove of the upper lip, while a frill composed from vector arrows encircles the Clown just below the bottom portion.
Special Abilities[]
- Wavelength of Madness: Despite it's noted inferiority to the others of it's kind, the Purple Clown is still capable of the generation and projection of a substantial wavelength of madness. Although not powerful enough to draw in multiple victims at the same moment, it can easily disrupt similar wavelengths emanating from other external sources, which when combined with it's small physical proportions, allows the creature to act as a portable means of protection against the debilitating effects incited by madness.
- Madness Fusion: Medusa can direct the Purple Clown to merge with her snakes, augmenting their power against agents of madness such as Justin Law. During initial fusion, the skin of the snake boils, eventually forming a more angular design, almost like arrows. However, such snakes were no match for Justin's Silver Gun.
Witch's Research arc[]
Just as it appears that Medusa Gorgon has embraced the swift conclusion of her life, with the separation of her head from her body at the hands of Justin Law's guillotine, the scene makes a drastic and sudden change that sees the absence of the blood that was spilled just mere moments ago. Medusa now stands exhausted but whole, some distance away from her seeming executioner who explains his surprise at the repullsion of his previous hallucinogenic madness offensive. It is here that the presence of the Purple-Dyed Clown is made known, with Medusa revealing its inferior production but use as an effective and portable counter to the effects of madness.
Medusa then instructed the Purple Clown to merge with her snakes in an attempt to augment their power to kill Justin. Even with the additional power of the Clown, her snakes fell to Justin's Silver Gun.
The location of the clown, especially after Medusa's death, is currently unknown.
- The second kanji of the Purple-Dyed Clown's name means dye or stain (染). It is also used in words like contagion (伝染, densen; Literally meaning "transmitted 'stain'") and pollution (汚染, osen; Literally meaning "dirty 'stain'").