Soul Eater Wiki
Soul Eater Wiki

Scythe-meisters (鎌職人, Kama Shokunin) are meisters whom are capable of employing the usage of a demon scythe, fighting with it similarly to that of a pole-arm like weapon.[2]


When training, aspiring scythe-meisters typically learn scythe-handling skills and basic maneuvers such as twirling.[3] Among scythe-meisters, the witch-hunt slash is a common techniques learned among their skills although it is considered advanced. Superiorly skilled scythe-meisters can also employ advanced variants of this moves, those it is more selected and are dependent on the amount of courage one possesses.[4][5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 1
  2. Soul Eater Manga: Prologue #1
  3. Soul Eater Volume 5 page 53 (Yen Press)
  4. Soul Eater Manga:Chapter 1
  5. Soul Eater Super Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scythe