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Shinra Kusakabe (Shinra Kusakabe) was a human from the Old World responsible for the creation of the New World through the Adolla Burst. In the New World, he is a prominent member of the World Heroes Force and a famous hero throughout the history of the New World.[2][1]


In the old world, Shinra was brave, intelligent, confident, and willing to save others. His ambition was to become a hero for the world since he was five. After the creation of the New World he managed to achieve his ambition and become a hero for the world, and later in his adulthood lead the World Heroes Force with a smile of hapiness on his face.


Shinra was a teenager of average height, with a slim muscular build with short and spiky black hair, crimson eyes, and especially sharp teeth. In the old world, he normally wears bunker Gear, which consists of a dark t-shirt buckled at the waist with a belt, dark offshore trousers that have light patches on the front leg and pelvis area, which are strapped over his shoulders. Those are later topped by a protective outer jacket, trousers, a neck protector, protective gloves and a helmet with the number 8 on it, signifying his brigade. The buttons of his protective jacket are in the shape of cross-like symbols.

in the New World he changes his clothing and has black with bandages on his arms and sandals.


Shinra was born to his mother Mari Kusakabe as a virgin birth, this was because he was born from the concept of what humanity thought was a ''hero'', after that his brother Sho Kusakabe was also born. In a night that will mark Shinra for live a spontanous combustion ocurred, with his mother and brother getting killed by the infernal (which in reality, was his mother and his brother also survived) This marked Shinra for life because he now has a nervous smile that activates any time he is nervous or sad, which makes people think he is a demon.

In his teenage years, Shinra tried to be a hero and that is why he joined the special fire force to show everyone that he was one, later on he finds his own Brother and tries to stop the White-Clad for trying to turn the earth into a sun. In the events of the cataclysm, Shinra suffers from an explosion of anger and sadness, which causes the destruction of the world. However, with the help of Arthur Boyle, he was able to get on his own mind and decided to still be a hero and bring hope to humanity. Because of this, he reunited with his mother and then he created the Soul Resonance forming Shinrabanshō-Man and changing the old world turning into the New World and defeating Despair.

In the New World, Shinra become a member of the World Heroes Force and saved people from monsters.

Special Abilities

Ignition ability (発火能力, Hakka Nōryoku): in the Old World, Shinra had the power to use fire generate from his own feet to fight and give powerful kicks, at one point his strength was so great that he was able to stop the Moon from falling to earth, due to being the fourth pillar, his Adolla Burts allow him to go at the speed of light, effectively causing time to stop from his perspective, then go faster than light to go back in time.

Mighty Soul (強靭な魂, Kyōjin'na Tamashī): in the New world, Shinra gained the Mighty Soul and he become even stronger than when he was in the Old World.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fire Force manga: Chapter 303
  2. Fire Force manga: Chapter 304

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