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Who cares If you're from the Star Clan,'re you, and that's all that matters. You ain't the same as White☆ fight!! You are not a child of the Demon Path.

—Sid cheering on Black☆Star, Chapter 57

Sid Barrett (シド・バレット, Shido Baretto) is a three star meister partner to Mira Naigus, instructor of Death Weapon Meister Academy, and a high-ranking member of the DWMA Central Intelligence Agency.[8][9] Though killed in action by Shaula Gorgon, he is later resurrected as a zombie by Franken Stein.[10]


Prior to his death, Sid was known to be a friendly and well-respected teacher, having earned admiration and respect from not only the students he taught, whether they were in the EAT or NOT class, but even the likes of the staff such as Death and his weapon partner, Mira Naigus.[11][12] While Sid was somewhat strict in his teachings (chopping Maka Albarn for wasting an underclassmen's time, not assisting the students when Hero obtained Excalibur) as matter of fact, he deeply cared for all his students. He was also merciful and loved children even at a young age of 12, having been the one to not only spare Black☆Star's life but accept him as his own son.[1] He also was an individual never hesitated in helping a student and inspire them to unleash their latent potential.[11] He also described himself as a stubborn individual, and that is the "Kind of man he is", a phrase in which would later be reworded to fit his status as a zombie.[13]

Even when he resurfaced as a Zombie, he still retained all his previous traits. While he initially portrayed himself to want to kill his students for them to be relieved of the fear of death, this ended up being a ruse in which the remedial lesson was to strengthen them, a part he played in willingly to help his students grow stronger.[14] In addition, Sid carries himself as a professional and follows orders to the letter, a case he would use to spare Mifune since his mission wasn't to end the samurai's life and admitted to Joe Buttataki.[3] and that he found value in Mifune as a character. Sid is also known for describing and critiquing himself, often saying "That's the kind of man I was".

Though Sid has many respectable qualities, however, he is a low-key pervert. When threaten for information on who turned him into a zombie, he confessed once Black☆Star lifted up Tsubaki Nakatsukasa's skirt. When Soul tried to use Maka's sex appeal to get the location of the man who turned him into a zombie, he admitted it wasn't attractive.[11] However, this part of his personality is only present in the manga and excluded in the anime.


When Sid was alive, he was a muscular, dark-skinned young man with cornrowed hair and black Japanese tattoos on both his arms which still remain in his zombie transformation. The kanji shown in the tattoo on his shoulder stands for "death", and the arrow under it stands for "person". He also possessed with a headband that had the writing meaning "hole" upon it but, after his transformation into a zombie, an actual hole through his head is now present where the writing once appeared.[15]

After becoming a zombie, his skin has adopted a bluish tone and his face is composed of a flat, piggish nose, with pupilless white eyes and a mouth that persistently displays his top and bottom teeth. Despite being undead, he still retains the full extent of both his hair and physical build.[16]

Although Sid's clothing remains largely the same no matter what his own current condition is, it changes drastically to suit what the day-to-day circumstances entail. During normal everyday proceedings, he is commonly seen wearing blue jeans with a small chain hanging from one side and sneakers, accompanied by one of his various tops. Earlier in the series, this top is a simple white basketball jersey, embellished with a red number "23" on either side or his forename higher up on its back. Later, this changes to a red t-shirt with the image of a white, silhouetted tombstone upon either side while the word "tomb" is shown within the design on the front. Aside from his top, he is normally seen with a beanie hat, likely to cover the hole through his forehead. However, when conducting an operation for DWMA, Sid dons more appropriate garments befitting his present role. These typically comprise of an entirely black, sleeveless flak jacket, military combat pants and combat boots. These are accompanied by a forehead protector, iron bands encircling his wrists and further metal protectors on his ankles.[17]

During the attack on Noah's Group, Sid lost one of his arms but has since recovered and replaced, covering in stich markings.[18]



Maka Albarn recognized Sid's strength, noting that he had achieved the highest rank possible in the Death Weapon Meister Academy as a three-star meister.[6] Additionally, Sid displayed formidable combat skills as he engaged in battle against Mifune, an exceptional samurai known for his powerful soul.[19]

Statements by guidebooks

Sid is a three-star meister who excels in handling of knives and various other weapons.[20]

Special Abilities[]

Wide variety of tactics and techniques (多彩な戦術とテクニック, Tasaina senjutsu to tekunikku): Sid's expertise lies in his versatility, as he is skilled in handling a wide range of weapons and employing diverse tactics and techniques to successfully complete his missions. This adaptability enables him to excel even in the face of difficult challenges.[21] Such abilities allows him to effectively wield inordinary weapons such as his own tombsome, nearly overpowering Maka Albarn and Black☆Star in battle using their respective weaponswhen they were one-star meisters.[22]

  • Weapon Meister (武器職人, buki shokunin): Sid is skilled in wielding a variety of different weapon types.[21]
    • Knife Meister (ナイフ職人, Naifu Shokunin): Sid primarily functions as a knife meister, able to use a knife expertly in combat.[21]
    • Gun-Type Meister (銃型職人, Jū-gata Shokunin): Sid is capable of using gun-type weapons. His wavelength was powerful enough to decimate most of Mosquito's torso with one shot in his initial form.[23]
      • Gun Kata (ガンカタ, Gan Kata): Sid showcased that he can use his gun weapon as a blunt weapon, having attempted a counter attack one of Mifune after promptly blocking his attack.[24]
      • Shooting Skills (銃撃技, Jūgeki Waza): An impressive marksman, he can accurately aim at a target from a distance with a gun-type weapon.[23]
  • Martial Arts (武道, Budō): Sid is a highly skilled and trained fighter and possesses great skill in martial arts as well as being familiar overall with different types. He's also known to be Black☆Star's teacher.[19] While his prowess is relatively unknown, he's skilled enough to easily dispatch Arachnophobia soldiers[4]
    • Art of Assassination (暗殺術, Ansatsu jutsu): Like that of Black☆Star, Sid is a extremely skilled individual employing this method and is a far more serious assassin that that of Black☆Star, being part of his occupation at the DWMA. Mifune's comment during his battle with Sid implied the fact that it was him who taught Black☆Star the usage of this fighting style.[25] With this, Sid is skilled in stealth, managing to infiltrate the Arachnophobia facility without detection from Mosquito and Mifune.[26] Sid also manage to sneak around the entire Clown Army during their battle on the Moon.[27]

High Physical Abilities (高い身体能力, Takai karada nōryoku): As a trained assassin, Sid possess great athletic shape per being a top-notched, three-star meister.[6] As a zombie, he was able to easily use his own tombstone as a weapon, overpowering both Black☆Star and Maka Albarn on their remedial lesson[28]

Zombie (ゾンビ, Zonbi): Turned into a Zombie by Franken Stein, Sid seems to possess some special abilities as a result although he retains his physical prowess he possessed before his death.[6] One of these abilities is to burrow holes at quick speeds. This is especially useful in evasion and the speed in which is done is quick enough to disappear from Mifune's sight moments after hitting him with the Gunbow weapon during his fight with the Sword God. This could be done by either dirt or even snow.[29]


  • Incom (隠会無, Inkamu): Occasionally, Sid may reprise the use of the Demon Tool known as Incom to communicate with various other individuals within the DWMA Intelligence Agency.[30]
  • Sid's Tombstone: After returning as a Zombie, Sid once brandished using his own, stone-made tombstone as a weapon.
Partnered with Mira Naigus
  • Demon Knife (魔ナイフ, Manaifu): While partnered with Mira, Sid is capable of using her Demon Knife weapon transformation, capable of throwing it at targets with extreme precision and quick attack movements.[31]

List of techniques[]

Techniques with Sid's Tombstone
  • Living End (リビング・エンド, Ribingu Endo): While wielding his own gravestone, Sid leaps above the intended target, before using the momentum of the fall and the full extent of his physical strength to slam the object's base into his opponent's body with a tremendous amount of force enough to create a purple cross.[6]
Soul-Sensing Abilities
  • Soul Perception (魂感知能力, Tamashī Kanchi Nōryoku): Sid has shown proficiency in sensing the soul of others, evident when he was able to identify White☆Star's Soul Wavelength within his son, Black☆Star.[32]
Mira's Demon Knife form techniques
  • Forced Burial (強制土葬, Kyōsei Dosō):Through the amplification of their respective soul wavelengths, Mira's weapon form is able to alter its shape to a gravestone. After the blade of her knife is engulfed in an intense white light, Sid then slams the base of tombstone into the ground, a quantity of tombs appear beneath multiple individuals in the immediate vicinity of Sid simultaneously. They can be used to transport multiple people downwards[33] or be used to trap individuals inside the tomb and then set it to explode.[34]


During his life, Sid had enrolled into the academy as a meister. Due to his clumsy personality, however, he had trouble finding a weapon partner for himself. After participating in one of academy's activities dedicated to help finding a weapon/meister pairing called the "feeling partner" game, he would later meet Mira Naigus and became her meister.[35]

Chapter 57 - Sid with a baby Black Star

Sid as he decides to take Black☆Star to the DWMA.

At around the age of twelve, he along with a team consisting of himself, Spirit Albarn, Franken Stein, and other DWMA agents were tasked with the elimination of the Star Clan due to their ruthless nature of killing innocents. After White☆Star's death, Sid would come upon an infant Black☆Star. Although Stein protested in taking the baby with them on the grounds of being unsure of what to do with him, Sid instead opted to take him back to the DWMA and help raised the Star Clan survivor.[1]

Throughout Black☆Star's childhood, an older Sid noted how those who found out he was from the Star Clan perceived him and once comforted him by telling him that he was "born" and raised in the DWMA, something for the latter to take pride in.[1]


Introduction arc[]

At the beginning of an orientation session at the Death Weapon Meister Academy, Sid led a meeting with new N.O.T. students, including Tsugumi Harudori, Anya Hepburn, Meme Tatane, Hao, and Raid, as well as his students from the Intelligence Agency, Akane☆Hoshi and Clay Sizemore, who were undercover as N.O.T. students while secretly bodyguarding Anya. After explaining the general rules of the Academy, he concluded the orientation session and dismissed students. When Sid exited the room with Akane and Clay, he was surprised to find Anya, wielding Tsugumi, dueling Hao, wielding Raid. Although Tsugumi had not perfected her weapon form, Anya easily disabled Hao and Raid, prompting Sid to order Clay to bring Dr. Medusa to see to the injured students.

Sid continued to lead classes for Tsugumi and other N.O.T. students, serving as a knowledgeable mentor. Although strict with Tsugumi because of the inherent danger that an untrained weapon can pose, he was trusted by her. He invited Maka Albarn and Soul Eater to join him for these lessons—although he did perform a Sid Chop on Maka for her overly exuberant interactions with her mentee Tsugumi.

While teaching, Sid also led Akane and Clay in an intelligence mission to learn more about the string of Traitors that had been attacking DWMA students. After Akane and Clay apprehended one such Traitor, Sid gathered more information from a colleague, until he discovered that one of the DWMA prison guards had been possessed by some unknown person and killed that Traitor. Later evidence brought to Sid indicated Shaula Gorgon as the witch possessing these persons.

Traitors arc[]

Later, as summer approached, at a Death City bazaar, Shaula possessed Eternal Feather through her venom-tipped jewelry that almost led to her death. Sid contacted Franken Stein to oversee her medical recovery. After healing Eternal Feather and examining her body for toxins, Stein submitted his information to Sid. Sid asked Stein to return to DWMA, but the physician refused.

Sid continued to research more information about Shaula and her venom, joining his weapon partner Mira Naigus and DWMA investigator Joe Buttataki to question Eternal Feather, but the interview brought little new information.

After more weeks of intelligence gathering, Sid noticed details about the thefts of paperwork and research at the Death Weapon Meister Academy, indicating a potential suspect: Meme Tatane, whose sleepwalking habits were similar to the trance that Shaula's Traitors seemed to have. Sid coordinated a late-night sting at the Academy, drawing the sleepwalking Meme to the location while he posted his DWMA agents at the Academy's exit and snipers across the street on rooftops. Although the sleepwalking, hence possessed, Meme arrived, she was followed by Tsugumi and Anya. As Meme's actions were revealed, Shaula controlled Meme to have her attack her friends and escape the Academy, while Shaula herself possessed Sid's very snipers to attack the entrance guards.

Sid's Death in the manga

The Statue of Liberty pierces through Sid's skull, killing him

As Meme escaped the Academy, Sid followed her to the Square of Liberty in Death City. He was followed by his agents—but Sid then realized that Shaula had possessed them as well. Confronting the witch herself, Sid could not defeat her before she stabbed him with her venom. Rather than control Sid, however, Shaula said his strong will made him a poor candidate as one of her minions. Therefore, she commanded Meme to remove the replica of the Statue of Liberty based in the Square and stab its torch through Sid's head. The explosive sound of this attack alerted Akane and Clay who arrived along with Tsugumi and Anya to discover what Shaula and Meme had done: they had killed Sid.

Sid's corpse was retrieved by DWMA intelligence agents and brought to Stein's office at Tsugihagi Research Laboratory.

Remedial Lessons[]

Some time later, rumors had become rife within DWMA about various strange occurrences, all surrounding a recently deceased teacher. The rumors said that he got the idea of absolute freedom stuck in his head and started attacking students to show them the amount of freedom dying had brought him. These stories pertained to Sid's present circumstances but, due to their unsubstantiated nature, they were largely dismissed, especially by Maka Albarn who believed that Sid wasn't capable of such things. However, Shinigami himself soon personally tasks Maka, Soul Eater, Black☆Star and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa with the collection of the now-zombie Sid's soul.

Sid vs Maka

Sid suddenly emerges from beneath the ground

The group proceeds to Hook Cemetery, where Sid's grave is located, and gather around his tombstone. Sid suddenly emerges from beneath the ground, grabbing Maka's left ankle in the process, before trying to impale her with a sharpened stake in his other hand. Soul makes it just in time, separating the pair but provoking Sid to substitute his weapon with his own enormous, cross-shaped gravestone. Despite originally being a knife meister, Sid wields this object to devastating effect and initially overwhelms his opponents. He even goes as far as providing his enemies with constructive advice, while still fighting them. It is only after Sid uses Living End that the tables begin to turn and Black☆Star manages to land a highly damaging blow. After Maka's unsuccessful attempt at a Witch-Hunt and Sid's quick return to underground, it is left to Black☆Star to capture him using Trap☆Star. After much interrogation; culminating in Black Star lifting up Tsubaki's dress, Sid finally admits that it was Dr. Stein who turned him into a zombie.[36][37]

Stein is targeted next by Maka and Black☆Star's teams, as part of the remainder of their lesson. Sid patiently waits with the students while they conduct this operation, even allowing Tsubaki to attend to Black☆Star, injured during the fight with Stein, without trying to escape. However, it is eventually revealed that the entirety of the previous events had all been a trick, set up by both Shinigami and Dr. Stein to better teach the students.[38][39]

Holy Sword[]

For failing to capture any souls in his last extra lesson, even though it was just supplementary, Sid decides to charge Black☆Star with an appropriate punishment. This takes the form of cleaning DWMA's huge library which, of course, Black☆Star isn't overly happy with. However, Sid simply reasons that by not completing such lessons it is unfair on Tsubaki and so if he doesn't like it, he should just change his ways. He then proceeds to leave, promising to check back on him later.

True to his word, Sid returns and is surprised by the sight he is observing, as the library is now completely clean. However, he soon notices Tsubaki who announces that she has only one book left to do. Sid's expression quickly changes to one of pure rage, realizing exactly what the "brat" had done but just as he is about to leave to find Black☆Star, Stein explains that he went looking for the holy sword Excalibur. With both predicting the result of such an action, Sid decides it's best just to go back to grading tests.

Ultimate Written Exam[]

When the students of DWMA are made to partake in a significant test; Sid fills the role of the "exam proctor" and promptly makes an example of Black☆Star, who is currently hanging beaten and bloody from a nearby wall having stolen the test answers, as a reason for why they shouldn't attempt to cheat. He subsequently explains the rules and pronounces the start of the exam. Sid is so diligent in his duty that he easily notices and punishes Soul's cheating, who had written the answers all over his body. Except for this slight hiccup, the rest of the test goes without incident as far as Sid is concerned.

Black Dragon[]

In one of DWMA's many corridors, Sid and Stein discuss an urgent matter, concerning the possibility of Medusa, the school nurse, being a witch. In order to resolve this issue and acquire the much needed proof, Sid locates and subsequently infiltrates her house where he discovers numerous artifacts with a direct relation to witches. However, upon finding Medusa's diary and deciphering her intended plans, Sid is assaulted by numerous versions of Eruka Frog's Tadpole Bombs.

The Eve's Fight to The Death[]

After the events of the previous chapter, Sid bursts into the commemoration festival heavily wounded and quickly alerts everyone to "get out of here!" He firstly explains that he managed to survive by diving underground just as the explosion occurred, before informing the others that Medusa's group were patiently waiting for the day Shinigami-sama got out of his mirror and gathered together with the teachers in a single location. It then rapidly develops into a race against time, as Sid attempts to activate Compulsive Burial before Free can use his Spatial Magic: Independent Cube. The contest results with Sid as the victor, using his technique just mere moments before Free completes his own. Sid utters his final words to the group involved with the ability, as the cube is sealed.

With the current circumstances isolating most of DWMA's forces within a single room, Shinigami asks if Sid is alright, he replies yes but is extremely apologetic, just wishing he could have done more. Shinigami manages to convince him that he did the best he could considering, before proceeding to discuss Medusa's use of Soul Protect to deceive them, provoking Sid to unintentionally mention the Kishin. This leaves Shinigami with little option other than to reveal the presence of the Kishin, but when he simply announces "there is a Kishin in DWMA's basement", Sid warns him that that's too short.

Daily Life[]

Due to the conclusion of the previous battle resulting in Asura's revival, Sid had been tasked in gathering together the Death Scythes, who where spread out around the world. Sid managed to successfully summon 4 out of the 8, but those in charge of Europe and South-west Asia were currently both on a mission, the one in charge of South America only said "gugugu" which prevented any communication, whereas Africa just rejected the invitation.


With Medusa's sudden exposure as a witch and her recent death; Mira Nygus, Sid's partner, adopts the role of interim doctor. While she is currently attending to a paralyzed Maka, Sid enters and comments on how nice she looks in her new uniform, before asking if she had a minute. He silently mutters about new intelligence being received from Azusa Yumi, concealing his mouth as he does so, continuing to say that he can't say anymore with the others present. Both proceed to make their exit, discussing outside the exact details of the operation which requires them to infiltrate an Arachnophobia laboratory and destroy the Demon Tool located inside.

In one of the many corridors of the facility, two guards chat casually at their post, when suddenly a knife lands square between the eyes of one of them. Before the other has time to react, Sid drops down from the ceiling and breaks his neck in one simple movement. The two bodies disintegrate and their souls are absorbed into Mira's holster, as Sid informs Yumi of their current progression, to which she replies with detailed instructions and information about their target. Unexpectedly the alarm begins to sound, resulting in Sid uttering "impossible" but Yumi confirms that it was Black☆Star's presence at the front entrance, which caused the situation. Sid uses this opportunity to infiltrate the target room, photograph the Demon Tool in question and set various explosives in the immediate area.

After returning to Yumi's position and observing Black☆Star's crushing defeat at the hands of Mifune, Sid takes the decision to use her weapon form to devastate Mosquito's left torso. He attempts a subsequent shot at Mifune, but the samurai easily parries the blast and moves into their blind spot. This moves Sid to compliment Yumi's accuracy, but question whether Mifune is a normal man to be able to avoid her shot so easily.

Reunion Express[]

Nearing the conclusion of a significant battle between Death the Kid, the Fisher King and a single Mizune, Sid suddenly appears and uses Mira to pierce the Fisher King's eye at range, killing him instantly. Sid then tells Kid that he and DWMA's Africa Branch's Recovery Squad will handle it from here, before being told that the witch managed to escape. However, Sid is unconcerned and instead focuses upon the fact that another demon tool has come into their possession.

"Brew" Tempest[]

In a large scale conflict over the acquisition of Brew, which sees the majority of Arachnophobia confronting DWMA, Sid and his respective squad are tasked with suppressing the opposing force. While Sid is requesting that his squad not lose concentration due to the effects of the island's magnetic field, they suddenly come under ambush from the enemy. Sid deftly avoids a swift sword swing to bury Mira, in her weapon form, deep into the opponent's chest, before grabbing the victim's head and repeatedly stabbing them in mere moments. Yumi, presently residing on Sid's back in her weapon form, brings his attention to their allies below who are on the verge of being annihilated just by Mifune. Sid quickly orders Mira to head to a designated location, before he charges into battle.

Adopting a higher vantage point, Sid takes aim and accurately fires at his intended prey, but Mifune easily deflects and recovers from the shot, proceeding then to quickly close the gap between himself and Sid. Sid blocks the subsequent strike using a concealed wrist protector and skillfully manages to connect with Mifune's arm, acquiring considerable distance from him by tunneling through the soft snow. Mifune gives chase and, while sliding down a steep cliff, Sid turns and fires multiple shots, issuing the challenge "come and get me, samurai".

Continuing their thrilling game of cat and mouse, Mifune relentlessly pursues Sid but seemingly growing annoyed at his constant tunneling antics, he kicks numerous swords in Sid's direction. These weapons easily and accurately pierce the ground below yet Sid manages an apparently successful escape, however, in the process he suffered a glancing wound to his abdomen. Never the less, he proceeds onwards towards the rendezvous point.

When Mifune reaches this specified destination, he is subjected to various elements in a trap, concluding in Sid grabbing his feet from below as a large block of wood hurtles towards him. In order to keep his enemy in position, Sid suffers a grievous wound to his shoulder, but he quickly gains revenge on a bloodied Mifune by impaling his arm. The two face-off with other, trading words before preparing to begin their next round of fighting. However, observing DWMA's retreat signal the two see no reason to continue any further.

After returning to the original landing location, Sid orders the treatment of the wounded before tending to even his own injuries, when he is soon informed by Kim and Jacqueline of the current situation. Hearing that the other students and teachers are currently in tremendously dangerous positions, Sid valiantly makes the decision to mount a rescue operation despite his wounds, but at Mira's pleadings, he hurriedly gets them treated.

Sid eventually makes it to the magnetic field and begins to ask about the status of Brew but, seeing Stein on the ground and unable to move, he instead simply offers to carry him on his shoulders.

Internal Investigation arc[]

With the recent circumstances surrounding the failure of the operation to capture Brew, due largely to Stein's unfortunate and seemingly coincidental outburst of madness, it's assumed there is a traitor within DWMA. As a result of this, Sid is questioned by Joe Buttataki in his investigation into the possibility of the presence of a spy.

During the course of this interrogation, Sid reveals that his primary mission types are "assassination" and "infiltration", making him the most suitable and likely candidate to be the traitor but he remains fervent in his denial of the accusations.

There is Someone to Admire[]

He is shown to be at the meeting concerning the Kishin's location. He and the others learn that the Kishin has been hiding out on the Moon and it also appears that after his recent battle against Noah's group, Sid has had his supposed severed arm repaired or reattached.

Battle on the Moon[]

He was on the moon and sends Akane and Clay to go inside and to find the Kishin.

Witch Trial[]

Sid came inside to check on Akane and Clay but also encounters the new Noah and Gopher. Akune told him he was using them (Noah and Gopher said the opposite). Even though he is annoyed, he continued on in the cave. As they reach to end of the cave, they found a pitch black pit. Gopher offer to light up the pit, but Sid decline him and drop a flare instead. Asura woke up and released his madness upon everyone, only to find that it was a hallucination. Sid then proves that Asura is there.

Dark Side of the Moon[]

Versus Asura[]


  • "Adults always cling to the past...while kids always want to escape to the future. But Black☆Star lives in the here and now." (Sid to Liz concerning Black☆Star)[40]


  • Sid's name in Japanese is written "Shido" and spelled with the characters meaning "dead" and "person", a fitting reference to his current status as a Zombie.
  • He is named after Pink Floyd's original frontman Syd Barrett.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 57 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Chapter 57" defined multiple times with different content
  2. Soul Eater Chapter 70, Yen Press English translation, Volume 17, Page 103: "I am twenty-five years of age, ma'am."
  3. 3.0 3.1 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Chapter 38
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Chapter 27
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Soul Eater Not! Volume 4.5 Official Fanbook ~Need to Know~
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 1
  7. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 34
  8. Soul Eater NOT!: Chapter 37
  9. (Yen Press) Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 1 — Maka: ....But before he died, Sid-sensei was the highest rank, a Three-Star Meister and a well respected teacher.
  10. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 2
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 1
  12. Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 39
  13. Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 38
  14. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 1-2
  15. Soul Eater Anime: Episode 3
  16. Soul Eater Anime: Episode 4
  17. Soul Eater Anime: Episode 28
  18. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 89
  19. 19.0 19.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 34
  20. Soul Eater Super Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scythe
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Soul Eater Super Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scythe
  22. Soul Eater Volume 1; Chapter 1, page 164-177
  23. 23.0 23.1 Soul Eater Volume 8; Chapter 28, page 38
  24. Soul Eater Volume 9; Chapter 34, page 139-142
  25. Soul Eater Manga; Volume 9, Chapter 35 page 181 (eBook): Mifune:Now it makes sense. When I look at you.......I can see how a child like Black☆Star could develop such talent.
  26. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 27-28
  27. Soul Eater Volume 22; Chapter 94, page 54
  28. Soul Eater Volume 1; Chapter 1, page 166-167 (eBook)
  29. Soul Eater Volume 9; Chapter 34, page 140
  30. Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 37
  31. Soul Eater Manga: chapter 35
  32. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 39
  33. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 15
  34. Soul Eater: Battle Resonance
  35. Soul Eater NOT! Volume 4.5
  36. "Remedial Lesson" (Part 1)
  37. Engage the Witch Hunter! A Heart-pounding Remedial Lesson in the Graveyard?
  38. "Remedial Lesson" (Part 2)
  39. Shape of the Soul - Enter the Ultimate Meister, Stein?
  40. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 39 (Yen Press)

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