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Soul Eater (Vol. 1): Special Social Studies Field Trip (ソウルイーター(Vol.1) 特別社会科見学) is the first audio drama released for Soul Eater.
- Junko Takeuchi as Maka Albarn
- Soichiro Hoshi
- Yumiko Kobayashi as Black☆Star
- Noto Mamiko
- Takako Honda
- Kai TaYuko
- Sawashiro Miyuki
Featured Appearances[]
- Death
- Spirit Albarn
- Franken Stein
- Sid Barrett
- Maka Albarn
- Soul Evans
- Black☆Star
- Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
- Patricia Thompson
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Other
- Matasaburou (first appearance)
- Poseidon (mentioned)
- Sofia Ressa Valk (mentioned)
- Poseidon's Lance (first appearance)
See also: Audio Drama 01/Transcript and Audio Drama 01/Audio
Maka, Black☆Star, Kid and their weapons are sent by Lord Death to a special social studies field trip to the Louvre Museum in Paris and are required to write a report on an exhibit from the museum. Their tour guide, Sofia, takes them to the museum's underground floor to show them one of the exhibits: A weapon that Sofia explains used to belong to the God of the Oceans, Poseidon. Sofia also claims that the spear has a soul inhabiting it; The students are skeptical before a ghost actually appears before them, introducing himself as Matasaburou. He then explains that he used to be Poseidon's weapon whom he used in battle against many monsters and demons, but he has lost his meister and remained as a ghost who haunts his own weapon body, unable to reach "Nirvana" because he died alone.
The night after this, Death receives a phone call from Owl Tours, the company that was supposed to manage the field trip. The caller is a man who claims to be the tour guide in charge of the trip, saying he was late and will be able to pick up the students and begin the tour at morning. Death tells him that the students already started the tour with a different guide, namely Sofia, which surprises the caller.
The following day, Maka and Soul and notice that Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Kid and the Thompson sisters disappeared and left behind their lunch. Questioning where they are, Blair appears and informs them that she smelled them in the "basement", referring to the floor where Poseidon's Lance was, and saying there was another room adjacent to the exhibit. Heading back into the Poseidon's Lance exhibit, Soul notices a painting titled "The Execution of The Thirteenth", which is dated to 1606 and ascribed to an unknown artist, and depicts a witch being executed in a witch hunt. According to the painting's description, the witch it depicts was the thirteenth in that witch hunt, referring to her as "a woman who made the church quiver" and was tortured for two weeks after being sentenced to death. The description goes on to claim that the witch's "curse" lives on and that she speaks of revenge. Soul then notes that the Witch's name was Sofia Ressa Valk and says she looks similar to their tour guide and even has the same first name.
At the same time, Sofia congregates with a mummy, telling him that she is a descendant of the thirteenth witch who wishes to resurrect her. She tells her accomplice that by casting three weapons and three meisters into the large, boiling cauldron of bones next to him she will be able to complete the "Magic of Eternity" to resurrect her ancestor, claiming she will make every single one of "those witches" remember the Valk name and make sure they will pay for the humiliation they caused her. Sofia then looks through a crystal ball and wathces Kid and Black☆Star dispatching of groups of owl-like mummies with their weapons. She applauds the two meisters for their strength, but claims their time is almost up and wonders how to cook them.
Maka, Soul and Blair arrive at the basement and reach the room Blair talked about earlier. They enter the room only to see no one is there. Suddenly, Soul hears Sofia's voice calling for him to help her, but Blair stops him, telling him that person is a Witch, and Maka notices a pentacle on the floor. Maka and Soul turn to leave, and are confronted directly by Sofia, who threatens to use them as ingredients in her potion, prompting them to run away and for Sofia to send her mummies after them. Soul transforms into his demon scythe weapon form and he, Maka and Blair begin to fight off the mummies. After they are defeated, Sofia uses Soul Protect: Cancel, revealing herself to be a witch and stating that she will be their stewadess to hell. Soul questions why she is attacking them, and Sofia replies that she has to sacrifice weapons and meister with unyielding fighting spirits in order to create her potion and attacks them, forcing the three to run away again.
The three travel into the big weapons exhibit, but Sofia quickly catches up to them again, telekinetically weapons flying at Maka and Soul. Maka deflects the weapons, but Sofia uses a spell known as "night wing" to blast Maka with a barrage of sharp feathers before walking up to her and wondering if she can already finish Maka off. Before she can, Professor Stein arrives with Spirit to assist Maka. Sofia fills the room with her feathers to obstruct Stein and Spirit's vision, commenting that Spirit must really love his daughter and exclaiming that she will allow him to watch her final moments. Stein uses Spirit to disperse the feathers and battles Sofia, before noticing a seal and saying that he should destroy it using soul menace, before telling Maka and Soul to run away.
Suddenly, Matasaburou's voice speaks to Maka and pleads her to wield him as a weapon in order to vanquish Sofia. Maka tells Soul that they need to find Poseidon's Lance, but Soul protests, saying they need to defend Stein and Spirit. Maka explains that Matasaburou spoke to her and told her to use his spear. Once they arrive at the Poseidon exhibit, Matasaburou possesses his own weapon body and allows Maka to wield him, and they head back to the weapons exhibit. Inside, Stein attacks Sofia with Two Palm Soul Menace: Twin Spears, only for her to claim it can't even dent her Shield Phaser. Just then, Maka arrives with the lance, with Spirit commenting that it has a soul wavelength on a god's level, before Maka breaks through Sofia's shield and kills her, with Stein commenting that Matasaburou destroyed her soul.
Black☆Star and Kid arrive with their weapons. Soul then explains that Sofia wanted to sacrifice them in order to create a potion and resurrect her ancestor, commenting that she was cruel and heartless even compared to other witches. Matasaburou comments that she was envious of the fact that the meisters and weapons with him had people who were dear to them - namely each other - while she had none, leaving her with no purpose other than revenge. He said he has witnessed individuals with this mindset before but never had the chance to put down one of them. Kid comments that he was already suspicious of Sofia when he saw the painting earlier.
Matasaburou's body begins to glow, saying that he can finally reach nirvana with having defeated the Witch. He thanks everyone as his spirit form vanishes, and the living meisters and weapons bid him farewell. The morning after that, everyone is scrambling to finish their report, tired after spending the night fighting Sofia and her mummies. Spirit begins to help Maka with her report, and she thanks him for having come to save her. Stein then arrives and says he is finished developing the photos he took with Spirit, with Maka seeing many of the photos had Spirit flirting with woman in Paris, causing her to get angry and tell him to leave.
- Of the cast used for this drama CD, only Black☆Star's voice actor, Yumiko Kobayashi, was retained for the anime voice cast.