Soul Eater Wiki
Soul Eater Wiki
Soul Eater Wiki

"What do I want to do?"'s not the same question it was back then. By now, it should be obvious. Maka's sound is always there to cut through the darkness for me. What I want is to become strong... for her. And that's what I'll do.

Soul Evans (ソウル・エヴァンス, Sōru Evansu) is a two-star demon weapon whom was originally born in a family of famous musicians.[3] Upon discovering his weapon heritage, Soul eventually joins Death Weapon Meister Academy where he partnered with the scythe-meister, Maka Albarn.[7] He later becomes a death scythe after claiming Arachne Gorgon's witch soul during the battle with Arachnophobia.[5] and is granted the title of "Death's Last Weapon" by the new headmaster of Death Weapon Meister Academy following the announcement that DWMA would no longer be collecting witches' souls following the war with Asura and the Clown Army.[8]


Soul's attitude is laid-back and nonchalant at the start of the series, as he tries to mold himself to his expectations of how someone "cool" would act. He is almost the complete opposite of Maka Albarn, being reserved and aloof. He often expresses how he feels about some situations by either claiming that something is "cool" or "not cool"; being a cool guy, he prefers to use the direct or stupid approach, which most of the time fails. According to Dr. Franken Stein, Soul's soul is "careless and arrogant" as a reflection of his attempt to be "cool" and "above it all".

He has a unique love for eating souls that seems to not be shared by many of the other Demon Weapons, drooling quite frequently when his next meal is nearby. He also seems to be a glutton towards food in general. He can sometimes become too driven by the thought of eating souls, which leads him to bicker with Maka or become impatient with her; but despite their squabbles, they are always able to maintain a solid friend-partner relationship. He is also friends with Black☆Star because of their similarly immature personalities, but at the same time, they cannot match their Wavelengths. He is slightly immature by being headstrong, stubborn, apathetic to most things, and argumentative. Soul also has a strong weakness towards overdeveloped women, as he bursts into a nosebleed without fail every time he sees Blair naked, contradicting his so-called "cool" way of dealing with things. He is also a slacker who likes to find easier ways out of situations, shown when he attempts to cheat in a DWMA exam, after which he ends up stripped of all of his clothes except his boxers, and is sent back to his seat to finish his test. However, one thing he has gained from all the years of being "cool" is that he is possibly one of the most loyal people one could possibly meet. He firmly believes that breaking promises and changing sides "isn't cool at all". Deep down, he is always looking out for his friends, and is even willing to sacrifice himself in order to protect his partner, Maka, showing his bravery and dedication. Despite his usual unenthusiastic appearance, he proves to be actually quite determined, and he also helps people get back on their feet when they are at a loss. He is also quick-thinking and cunning, being able to figure out a plan or a strategy rather quickly.

After the rise of the Kishin Asura, however, Soul's personality greatly matures, and his stubborn and headstrong demeanor is replaced by a more cool-headed and serious one. He remains remarkably calm and composed no matter how dire the situation is and has impressively deep insight on various situations and people. He is often seen noticing important points no one else had thought of. This goes hand-in-hand with his acute sense and judgment, which is well-respected by his peers. He begins to show more awareness and understanding towards people, up until the point that he even lectures some of the other characters when they are too stubborn to see some situations clearly. Still, he sometimes thinks it's best to leave people to figure things out on their own. He does not waste his words and is often blunt and sometimes short with people, but what he says is mostly to the point. He is also not as trusting as others, showing immediate hostility to anyone who he considers as suspicious, and his deductions are mostly correct. Once he considers someone as an enemy, he sticks to this opinion until it is proven wrong. Since he is infected by the Black Blood, he runs the risk of being overcome by Madness. Because of Soul's constant grapple with the Black Blood and Little Demon inside his soul, he has a good degree of self-control, and he rarely gives in to his emotions. He has demonstrated extremely strong willpower, being able to hold onto both his and Maka's sanity whilst using the Black Blood against Crona. He still has a compassionate side, proving to be a good, loyal friend to others, and is still willing to do anything he can to protect Maka.

He always tends to think things through before doing certain actions. Although this makes him more aware of things that some people cannot see, it sometimes hinders him as he often ends up doubting and hesitating at crucial moments, thereby making him become very indecisive when a decision has to be made quickly. Little Demon once mocked him, saying that the path he follows is only one that he has come across through process of elimination, thus he has no true conviction of his own, and is always running away. A flashback has shown him being even more indifferent about what he wants to do, but Soul states that things are different now, and that he has a conviction to become stronger for Maka. Her actions sometimes inspire him to follow his own heart, which results in him acting rather like Maka, putting himself in certain situations in a way that may seem reckless, but still courageous, such as when he decides to fight Giriko, showing that he has changed a lot over time.

However, he seems to suffer from low self esteem and is not that confident in himself. He is saddened of his inferiority to Autonomous weapons like Justin and Giriko and cringes at the thought of his brother, Wes, who is a superior musician. He also conflicts frequently with the Little Demon in his soul. He keeps most of these problems to himself, and seems reluctant to share his problems with others, which sometimes makes him appear harsh and almost cold. He is mostly seen frowning or scowling. He is rather pessimistic, and is slightly aloof and detached from others, and he admits that he shares Crona's fear of bonding with people. He seems to dislike being popular, especially for rather shallow reasons, like his status as a Death Scythe, shown by his negative reaction to the many love letters and requests to become his partner that he receives. At the DWMA anniversary party, he is seen outside on the balcony by himself rather than with the others, and does not tell Maka of his Black Blood infection and his dreams of Little Demon, although this is mainly because he does not want to worry her. He still has a kindhearted side, although he shows this side mostly to Maka.

In the first Chapter of Lust in The Book of Eibon, Soul is transformed into a girl with the characteristics of what entices him the most in the opposite gender. In this form, he noticeably has disgust towards men who are enticed by vulgar women, strongly resembling Maka's very same view. His personality returns to normal after leaving the first Chapter. He quickly reverts to his true male appearance alongside Maka, which means he does not possess many lustful thoughts (which is ironic because of his constant nosebleeds upon seeing Blair's naked body).

Having come from a family of musicians, Soul also has a great talent for playing the piano. Maka reveals that when they first met, he performed a dark song for her. Apart from this one act, however, he appears reluctant to play in front of other people because he "doesn't know what he’s capable of." Soul’s brother, Wes, is a famous violinist, but Soul wished to break free from his family’s musical tradition, and upon discovering the blood of a Weapon coursing through his veins, he used it as an excuse to leave his past life. He still retains a deep love for music, however, and seems to show enthusiasm in regards to it. Memories of his past still affect him emotionally, so much so that he prefers to forget them entirely. Nevertheless, having grown up in a rather upper-class household he retains many mannerly skills, such as ballroom dancing. He also appears to have an excellent taste for music, personally enjoying jazz, and has a distinctive eye for architecture; he claims Blair’s pumpkin house to be ‘cool’ and later states that he likes Gothic designs when he sees Santa Maria Novella Basilica.

Soul's maturity as the series goes on begins to show more and more as he manages to help Maka when she is in emotional distress. Whenever Maka is in self-doubt or unsure what to do, his words often can help her make up her mind or cheer her up. When she is unsure of whether to help DWMA fight against Arachne or help Crona and Marie defeat Medusa to save Stein, Soul encourages her to follow her heart and do what she believes is the right thing. In the last scene of the manga, Soul's compliments and thanks to her also cheer her up from her depression caused by the loss of Crona and inspire her to show the world their courage and to see Crona again.


Soul has white hair swept to one side and red eyes. He is known for his heavily exaggerated facial expressions and pointed teeth. He naturally has a lazy, droopy, and somewhat uninterested expression on his face.

His soul is light blue with the top resembling his hair and is also the Soul Eater series logo. This logo can be seen on the back of his first jacket and the bandanas he makes for himself and members of Spartoi during their mission to the Moon.

In Soul Eater NOT! Soul seems not to have a DWMA uniform, although he is first seen wearing a gakuran. Outside of class, Soul often wears blue jeans, red shoes, and a bright orange shirt, with long sleeves going to his elbows, with the words "PIANOMAN" written in red in the middle.

In his first appearance in Soul Eater, Soul wears a yellow and black jacket with buttons going down the front. Around his head is a prominent sweatband that has a sticker with his name on it and a circular logo featuring a red-lipped mouth bearing pointed fangs surrounded with the letters 'E-A-T.' He wears a pair of maroon pants, and yellow and black sneakers with a pattern on the soles resembling his teeth.

When stripped of his clothes during the Ultimate Written Exam, it is revealed that Soul wears blue boxers with pictures of bones all over them (boxers also worn by Shotaro in Ohkubo's previous manga, B. Ichi).[9]

After his battle against Crona, when Ragnarok slices across his chest, and after surgery by Franken Stein, Soul gains a large scar going diagonally down his torso from the left shoulder to the right waist. This scar can be seen not only when he is without his shirt but even under certain shirts and jackets.

After this attack by Crona, Soul is infected with the Black Blood, which manifests in the form of the Little Ogre in the Black Room of his spiritual dimension. Here, Soul wears a pin-striped black suit with a red dress shirt, black tie, and matching black shoes. He does not wear a hairband in this outfit.

After the resurrection of Asura and his escape from Death City, Soul begins to wear a new outfit: a hairband, a black (apparently leather) jacket, a pair of light brown pants,[10] and an orange T-shirt with the logo on his sweatband emblazoned on the left breast.

During the battle for BREW on Lost Island, Soul wears a plaid zipped-up jacket with thick fur-like lining, jeans, and shoes. He appears in this same attire when in his spiritual dimension when wielded by Maka against Mosquito. This is in contrast to his fellow weapons, who are naked in their dimensions.[11] In the anime, however, Soul's Lost Island attire is never shown, and in his spiritual dimension, he is naked.

In his Spartoi uniform, Soul has kept to his fondness of wearing a jacket. This time, it is a custom, white (possibly military) jacket, with the Spartoi logo on the left shoulder with a small clip strapped to the collar for closing. Underneath the jacket, he wears a tucked-in, closed, white dress shirt with a tie. He is normally seen without the jacket on. He wears blue pants, a white belt, and white shoes.

Upon entering the first Chapter of Lust in the Book of Eibon, alongside Maka and other members of Spartoi, his appearance greatly changed in that his gender was switched to female for the remainder of the chapter. In this form, he has long hair with a fluffy hairband visible beneath. The clothes are similar to the female Spartoi outfit, with the sailor suit collar, but with the difference that it is more like a dress. He wears a blouse with puffed up sleeves with some subtle flower petal patterns on the hem. The signature tie of the Spartoi uniform has been tied up to be in a bow-shape. He wears a silky skirt that goes down to his knees and white shoes. After reaching the Envy Chapter, he turns straight back to his normal gender.

Special Abilities

Soul Eater Chapter 84 - Mad Soul plays Dark Keyboard

Soul uses his piano in the form of a keyboard

Full-Weapon Transformation (全身武器, Zenshin buki): As a demon weapon, Soul is capable of transforming from human to a weapon at will.[4]

  • Demon Scythe (魔鎌, Magama): As a Demon Weapon, Soul has the ability to fully transform into a ordinary scythe in which known as the "Demon Scythe". In this form, he sports a blade powerful enough to effortlessly cut through human and monster cat flesh.[12] Later, Soul ascended to the status of a death scythe after consuming the witch Arachne's soul, granting him qualifications to be wielded by Death himself.[13] As a death scythe, his weapon abilities are heightened and normal demon weapons are unable to touch Soul's blade without resulting in injury itself even when transformed.[14]
    • Shapeshifting (形体変化(けい たいへん), Kei Taihen): As a Death Scythe, Soul possesses one of the fundamental abilities of being a Death Scythe, Shape-Shifting, in which allows him change the size and shape of his blade. He uses this ability when creating wings.[15]
      • Soul's Piano (魂のピアノ, Tamashī no Piano): After ascending into a death scythe, Soul is capable of performing some techniques independently with his piano's "Keyboard" form, in which his scythe blades transform into a keyboard and allows him to play. In the keyboard form, he can propagate madness to others via sound and amplify a Meister's soul perception. Offensively, he can the impact of sound waves generate from his keyboard as a attack. Such proficiency impressed the likes of Stein, who claimed to be surprised he could generate that much sound alone. This technique is powerful enough to destroy concrete.[3]
    • Wavelength Control (波長コントロール, Hachō Kontorōru): As a demon weapon, he is capable of control his Meister's Wavelength while transformed into a weapon.[2]
      • Magical-Like Powers (魔法的な力, Mahō Tekina Chikara): After becoming a death scythe, his wavelength control powers became more advanced to have powers considered similar to magic; this level of control allows him to be able to utilize his meister's inner special abilities provided they are both in agreement. With this, he is able to manifest Maka Albarn's grigori soul into wings.[16]
  • Black Blood (黒血, Kokketsu): After a critical injury, Ragnarok imparted the Black Blood into Soul's system, he gained various special powers from the unique properties of the Black Blood utilized in both during his weapon transformation and outside it.[17]
    • Black Blood's Madness (黒血の発狂, Kurodji no Hakkyō):A form of Madness that allows the individual to not feel fear and "deny" their opponent's souls as well as their own. While he was capable of inducing his Meister under its sway,[18] he too can also become under its sway.[19]
    • Soul Eater Chapter 42 - Soul's piano

      Soul's Piano in the Black Room.

      Black Room (ブラックルーム, Burakku Rumu) & Soul's Piano (魂のピアノ, Tamashī no Piano): The Black Room is a spiritual place within Soul manifested after having been infected by the Black Blood in which contains a special piano that allows him to manipulate Soul Wavelengths via sound as well as control the Black Blood within him. Utilizing the majority of it's abilities require him be in resonance with a Meister and utilize their Soul Perception abilities.[20]
Chapter 75 - Soul kicks Giriko to protect Maka

Soul kicks Giriko.

Hand-to-Hand Combat (体術(たいじゆつ), Taijutsu): Soul does possess some skill in fighting in unarmed combat, having been able to perform a kick to Giriko in an attempt to protect Maka. While battling, he turned his arm into a scythe blade to combat Giriko.[21] 'Additionally, Soul possesses skill in fighting alone with his weapon capabilities, having battled Death the Kid alongside Black☆Star despite being out-matched by the Death God himself.[22] While battling the likes of Free, he was able to move fast enough to sneak up on the Werewolf and deal a fatal blow when he let his guard down, although his effort was for naught due to the latter's immortality.[23]

During resonance with Maka Albarn

Anti-Demon Wavelength (退魔の波長, Taima no Hachō): During Soul Resonance, Soul gains Maka's Anti-Demon Wavelength, allow him to have increased resistance and outright immunity to various form of Madness. While under it effects, he is immune to Arachne's Madness[24] and can hold Asura's Madness of Fear at bay for a limited amount of time.[25]


Chapter 75 - Soul Evans is beaten down by Giriko

Soul Evans has limits against fighting opponents alone.

While a formidable Demon Weapon and not entirely lacking of martial arts skill, Soul himself isn't gifted in fighting alone and as such, heavily relies on Maka Albarn to do more of the physical portion of their battles. During his battle with Death the Kid with Black☆Star's aid, Kid himself criticized his abilities on his own, citing that he's rather slow and his techniques aren't sharp.[26]

Soul is, apparently, aware of this limitation of his and has shown to be somewhat envious towards other, competent autonomous weapons such as the likes of Justin Law and Giriko, wondering how he's unable to be as skilled as them despite being a Demon Weapon like them.[27] He even questioned how Meisters are so physically able in comparison to Demon Weapons.[28] Despite becoming a Death Scythe, Soul's skills had not increased to the point that Giriko even went as far as to berate and mock Soul for thinking being a Death Scythe meant gaining the skill and power needed to fight on his own. He later stated he's not like Justin and him and he should know his limits.[29]

List of special moves

Wavelength Control techniques
  • Soul Resonance (魂の共鳴, Tamashī no Kyōmei): Soul is capable of perfoming a soul resonance in his weapon form, proficient at repeatedly amplifying his Meister's wavelength sent to him to perform special techniques.[2]
Episode 36 - Soul uses his Paino to create a Chain Resonance with Team Maka

A Teamwise Soul Resonance made via Soul's Piano.

  • Teamwise Soul Resonance (チームでの魂の共鳴, Chīmu de no Tamashī no Kyōmei): Soul is capable of making an indirect connection with other teams of Meisters and demon weapon's souls to enhance and amplify a team's power to enable them to better fend against a stronger opponent.[30] When using his piano, he is capable of performing this technique. Using Maka's soul perception abilities and the sound made from his piano, he can send the Meister on his team's wavelength to one another for as long as he plays the piano and doesn't succumb to Madness. This can work even in environments that severely dampens Soul Perception (such as the Magnetic Field), s it transfers wavelengths via sound.[20]
Black Blood techniques
  • Resonance by Black Blood (黒血に よる共鳴, Kurodji ni yoru kyōmei): An enhanced version of Soul Resonance, Soul can use the Black Blood to perform a higher rate resonance with his Meister at the cost of risking his own sanity as well as completely swallowing the soul of his Meister.
  • Soul Hack: After sending the Soul Wavelength of a given object controlled by a single individual like that of Moonlight's Bit, Soul can use his piano to send a wavelength and commandeer an object under previously under the control of his opponent to his own will.[31]


Before coming to Death City, Soul Evans was part of the famous and musically talented Evans family. Also at this time, he performed a concert at Yngling Castle, which was remembered by a member of that family, Anastasia Yngling.[32]

One day, he was approached by Maka Albarn, and the two decided to become partners. Just before they agreed though, Soul played for her a song on the piano, stating that this was 'the kind of person he is.' Although the song sounded dark and strange to Maka, she liked it, and, finding Soul to be interesting, became partners with him.[33] From that point on the two worked together, gathering souls prior to the beginning of the main story.


Introduction arc

Appearing in a classroom full of NOT students, Soul transforms into his Weapon form and he and Maka show their combat skills to the NOT Class, which impresses Tsugumi.

Traitors arc


One day after class, Soul's Meister Maka was approached by her mentee, the NOT student Tsugumi. While Tsugumi and Maka had a happy conversation, Anya stared at Maka's weapon partner, Soul Eater—and simultaneously she and Soul recognized each other. Soul took Anya by the wrist and led her down the hall. Anya realized Soul was the young pianist who once performed at her family's caste. Soul urged her to be quiet, as he had renounced his previously affluent lifestyle and wanted to blend in with people in Death City. To Soul's annoyance, Anya then mocked Soul's garish outfit, which he taken to wear at some point.[34]

Remedial Lessons Arc

Soul and Maka return to their home in Death City after acquiring Rasputin's Evil human Soul. In the following morning, Soul ends up waking up with Blair on top of him, much to his shock. He is consequently kicked out of the window by an enraged Maka.

Later at the the DWMA, Soul tells her of the rumors that their homeroom teacher, Sid, has been missing and rumors have gone around that he might be a zombie attacking students. Maka is frightened by Soul's retelling of the stories but tries to write them off as meaningless rumors. They find out that Spirit, much to Maka's dismay, is acting as a supply teacher in Sid's stead. After Soul argues with Spirit, he and Maka are later summoned by Shinigami alongside Black☆Star and Tsubaki, and are told that they must complete an extra lesson. Soul is disgruntled by this as he thinks that he is too cool for extra lessons. However, he accepts since all of them will be expelled if they do not complete it. Because of their joint lesson, the four go to Hook Cemetery to hunt the zombie and learn who made it. After they reach the graveyard, a highly-annoyed Soul and Black☆Star both decide to vandalize Sid's grave. However they encounter the now undead Sid and a battle soon ensues between the students and teacher. This fight is the first time in which Maka uses her Witch-Hunt attack, resulting in a near-death experience for Black☆Star after she missteps and incorrectly aims. Maka and Soul soon argue as to whose fault it is. Ultimately, the four are able to narrowly capture Sid. The two interrogate him and Black☆Star, by flipping Tsubaki's skirt and exposing her underwear to Sid, learns that it is Stein that had turned into a zombie. Soul, rather dismayed by Black☆Star's actions, gets frustrated as Sid does not tell them where Dr Stein is, and ends up pulling up Maka's skirt (covering his eyes in the process) to get him to talk. However, Sid does not react to Maka, and Soul, disgusted by his action, begs Maka to kill him. He, along with Black☆Star and Sid, end up getting a Maka Chop from her.[35][36]

The four then proceed to Stein's lab to encounter and deal with the source of the problem. After a rather bemusing introduction with the eccentric professor, it is concluded that the only way to resolve the issue is to defeat Stein. It is only when the fight begins that Stein reveals just why he had earned his reputation as a strong fighter, by easily taking on the team single-handed. He soon appears to kill Black☆Star in front of them, much to Soul's rage. Maka rightfully begins to fear Stein and this is only furthered when she uses her Soul Perception for the first time and observes his far stronger soul. She is frozen by her fear but Soul encourages her to face him, stating that what Maka had seen was Stein's soul, not the future. They attack again and successfully use the Witch-Hunt. Unfortunately Stein is still able to overpower the attack, leaving Maka barely conscious on the ground. As Stein proceeds to grab her, Soul suddenly transforms back into his human form and crouches over Maka, telling Stein that he will not let him touch his Meister. Impressed by his bravery, Stein gives him a pass grade, and Soul then learns to his annoyance that the whole battle had been a set-up and part of the extra lesson. Soul also realizes that Black☆Star is alive.

The next day, Stein becomes the homeroom teacher for Maka and Soul's class.[37][38]

There is constant talk concerning Kid's enrollment in the DWMA. Soul is seen with Black☆Star waiting for Kid to appear. Kid, however, is three hours late, as he had spent the entire time making certain that everything had been perfectly symmetrical in his mansion before his departure. When Kid finally does arrive, he immediately begins to admire the supreme symmetry of the school building; however, he is quickly devastated when Black☆Star ruins the symmetry by standing on and breaking one of the spikes protruding out the main skull structure of the entrance. This greatly angers Kid and he prepares to do battle with Black☆Star. Black☆Star accepts; while at the same time dragging Soul into the battle.

During battle, Kid uses his Demon Weapon partners with great dexterity and handles both Soul and Black☆Star with extreme ease. The fight soon attracts the attention of the students inside the school, which leads to Maka, Tsubaki and Stein having to go outside to deal with it.

During the battle, Black☆Star and Soul decide to attempt to actually work together as a Weapon and Meister pairing. Despite their attempt, it fails horribly with Soul landing on Black☆Star's head, causing a large amount of blood to burst out of the top of his head. When transformed in to Weapon form, Black☆Star is unable to lift Soul due to the horrible connection they have between their souls. Black☆Star sends his Wavelength into Soul, which ends up in him coughing up a large amount of blood.

Angered by their failed attempts, the two decide to break up as partners. However, they still emotionally declare themselves as each other's friends and hug each other. While they are hugging, Kid shoots them both in the head. As the two get back up, they decide to renew their attacks on Kid by fighting separately. Black☆Star manages to grab Kid’s leg and pulls him onto the ground, and Soul seizes the opportunity to slash at Kid in his Weapon form. Kid narrowly avoids this and breaks free from Black☆Star's grasp, all the while pulling Black☆Star forwards, causing him to ram into Soul. Kid responds to this barrage by performing a Soul Resonance with Liz and Patti. He then performs Death Cannon, creating a large explosion that knocks both Soul and Black☆Star out.

Kid, surprisingly, loses consciousness too for seemingly unknown reasons. It is then revealed by Maka that, when Soul had attempted to slash at Kid, he had cut some of Kid’s hair, with Kid not noticing the broken symmetry until after the explosion. Soul and Black☆Star both agree that they had won 'from behind,' meaning that they had won by default.

A battered Soul is approached by Maka, who gently scolds him for picking pointless fights, saying that Soul had told her so before. Soul laughs and admits that he was not cool back then and the two reconcile.

Soul is there to see Shinigami take the unconscious Death the Kid home.

Demon Sword arc

Soul and Maka go to Italy to find an Evil human soul. Later on that night, Maka and Soul battle Sonson J and Soul eats his third Evil human Soul. The two have a brief conversation, but Maka suddenly detects an unusual soul within a nearby church and decides to investigate, believing it to be another Meister and Weapon. Soul drives them to the church on his motorcycle. She senses the souls of the Materazzi gang, but is startled as the Meister and Weapon seemingly devours them all as she no longer senses them. The two enter the church.

The two do encounter a Meister and Weapon, Crona and Ragnarok. Maka and Soul put up a good fight against the two but are overpowered due to the abilities of Crona's Black Blood. Maka realizes that Soul can be injured, even in Weapon form, when fighting, and worries about him. However, Soul replies that he is willing to die for her, and refuses to back down. However, they end up cornered, and Soul bravely defends Maka with his body, causing a large wound on his chest. He subsequently falls to the ground, although he regains enough consciousness to urge Maka to escape. Just when all seems lost, Stein and Spirit appear to rescue the two. Stein briefly tends to Soul, before fighting Crona and Ragnarok. Soul is unconscious throughout the battle, with Maka by his side. Eventually, Stein and Spirit are successful in defeating Crona and Ragnarok, but the sudden appearance of the Witch Medusa, allows the two to escape. Unbeknownst to Maka, Soul's bloodstream is invaded by the Black Blood during the fight against Crona and Ragnarok. After performing an operation on him to heal him, Stein is worried about the weapon's condition.

Soul is next seen asleep in the the DWMA dispensary with a tearful Maka at his bedside. However, Black☆Star and Tsubaki come in. Black☆Star tries to shake Soul awake rather violently, making him receive a Maka Chop.

Soul has a horrible dream that depicts him flowing endlessly through a dark void while experiencing pain. Through this void, he then sees a light and attempts to reach for it, apparently hearing Maka's voice calling for him. When he reaches it, though, he finds himself tearing out of Maka's torso. He immediately wakes up screaming, and is comforted by Maka. Later, after he had calmed down, Maka asks if she can do anything for Soul; Soul replies with a no. Maka is noticeably saddened by this. Soul tries to cheer her up by saying that it is his fault that he is in this condition. This only saddens her more as she makes her leave. Soul berates himself for making her upset.

Later, he is seen out of hospital and greeting Black☆Star and the others.

Uncanny Sword arc

Soul is present with Maka, Kid, Liz, Patti, Shinigami and Stein in the Death Room after Black☆Star and Tsubaki return from their successful mission against Masamune. He then witnesses Black☆Star try to use Tsubaki's new Uncanny Sword form, but fails as it is still too strong for him.

In the anime, Soul and Maka are concerned by Black☆Star and Tsubaki's mission, entering the Death Room to observe the fight between the pair and Masamune/Ryōku.

Soul is in the dispensary being checked up by Medusa the Witch, who has disguised herself as a nurse. When Medusa asks how he is feeling, Soul tells her of his past dreams which involves him being in a dark room, listening to jazz music and conversing with an ogre and, every time he tries to leave and follow a bright light in the darkness, he finds himself coming out of Maka's abdomen and killing her. Medusa states that he is fine and that having the same dream is normal, whilst inwardly expressing a deep sinister interest in Soul's Black Blood. During the check-up, Maka comes in and sees Soul's stitched up scar on his chest. Slightly saddened by his scar, she quickly reminds him of the party they are holding before getting out. Medusa comments on her mood, and Soul sadly explains that she is like that every time she sees his scar.

During the party, Soul is startled after Maka runs off after sensing multiple Witches in Death City. Worried about her, Soul runs after her and then sees her with Medusa and Stein. Maka, seeing how worried Soul is, learns to accept her mistake and Soul's scar. She then places her hand on Soul's chest, much to Soul's surprise, and tells Stein that she has found a way to make her soul stronger.

Experiment arc

Maka decides that, due to their previous encounter, both she and Soul should undergo special training with Stein to become stronger, but the two end up arguing between themselves, with Maka unknowingly aggravating Soul because of his conflicts with Little Ogre. When she angrily asks Soul if he wants to become stronger, Soul does not answer as he remembers Little Ogre constantly tempting him to power in his dreams. However, he fears this power as he has had dreams of hurting Maka if he uses it. Their falling-out has the effect of de-synchronizing the bond between their souls. Their argument goes on after the training, with Maka refusing to make Soul's dinner, even when it is her turn to make dinner that day.

The next mission takes Maka and Soul to London with Black☆Star and Tsubaki. Soul and Maka both ignore each other. There they encounter Free, the immortal werewolf. A battle between Free and the group begins on Tower Bridge. Due to the uneasiness present between Soul and his partner, Maka, she is unable to wield him, as she would suffer burns after holding him. She instead fights using Tsubaki, with Soul protecting her in human form. When this proves to be ineffective she makes the decision to use Soul, even if it means burning her hands. During the battle, she attacks wildly and ineffectively, causing Soul to argue with her. Maka asks him again if he wants to become stronger and Soul, reminded of Little Ogre again, loses his temper and shouts at her. The two are stopped by Tsubaki, who sternly tells them to stop arguing and try to listen to each other instead. The two resolve their issues by listening to and understanding each other's opinions, allowing them to fight at full strength. Maka agrees to become stronger with Soul, and Soul decides to face the madness of the Black Blood, telling Little Ogre that he will not let it go the way he wants. After using Soul Resonance, Soul almost consumes Maka's soul by falling into insanity, but manages to control himself. The Soul Resonance, however, galvanizes the Black Blood into temporarily spreading into Maka's bloodstream. Following an attack from Witch Hunt, Maka throws Soul aside and tackles Free, pushing him off the bridge in order to defeat him. The werewolf tries to take her down with him. However, she was rescued by Soul and Black☆Star. After completing their mission, Soul briefly jokes with Maka, the two befriend each other once more. In the end, Maka coughs up some Black Blood.

The DWMA is issuing an important exam, with the jinx that whoever scores the highest will attain a Death Scythe. Back at the apartment, Soul is occupied on cheating on the test, secretly making cheat notes, though he is temporarily disturbed once Blair enters with nearly no clothing on.

During the test, Soul is confident that he will pass, as he has hidden cheat sheets on every inch of his body. In a moment's notice though, he is caught and stripped of his clothing, save for his pants, by Sid. Realizing that he has no chance of passing the test, he decides to cheat off of Kid's answers — but Kid is still busy writing his name perfectly. Soul decides to look at the person to his left — Patti — but she is busy scribbling with crayons. She later makes an Origami giraffe with her papers, to Soul's astonishment. He then turns to a beaten-up Black☆Star, who begins writing with his blood. Soul believes he is writing the answers, but is shocked to find that Black☆Star had ultimately written down his signature. At this point, Soul simply gives up.

In the end, Soul accumulates only thirty-five points out of a hundred in the test, landing at 108th place and having to take a make-up exam.[39]

In the evening, Soul brings Maka some refreshments back in their apartment and the two look over Maka's old photograph album, showing a young Maka and Spirit.

Blair soon comes home with a present for Maka that Spirit had asked her to buy. However, in actuality, Blair had bought some lingerie for herself and had decided to shrink it to match Maka's size. Soul looks on in shock as he sees the lingerie.

A Fight to the Death at the Big Bash arc

Soul is with his friends celebrating the foundation of the the DWMA. However, he does not take part in the festivities and is seen outside by himself looking at the night sky. Maka comes to see him with some food and asks him if anything is troubling him, bearing in mind how Medusa had told her about Soul's dreams, which she had not been told of. Soul remains aloof with her, much to her annoyance. For a change of mood, she asks him to dance with her. He declines, but when Spirit enters and asks Maka to dance with him Soul uses the opportunity to let them dance together. As Maka leaves, she tells Soul to watch her food. He immediately realizes later that the food Maka had brought had actually been for him and not for her.

Later on, Soul witnesses Medusa and her followers trap Shinigami and everyone else in the party with Independent Cube. Sid manages to perform Compulsive Burial to send Soul, along with Maka, Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patti, Death the Kid and Stein away from the spell's area of influence. Stein informs them that Medusa is planning on awakening Asura and asks if anyone wishes to back out in the upcoming battle to stop her. Soul changes from his suit back into his normal outfit and adjusts his sweatband with a grin as everyone tacitly declines and prepares for battle.

On the way to Medusa's team, the group also meet Spirit. Stein tells everyone to be aware of the madness in the area and Soul seems uneasy. Little Ogre tries to entice him into falling to madness, but Soul ignores him. Later on, Medusa appears and tries to attack them, preventing anyone from passing her. Maka manages to get past Medusa by running right through the blind spot in the Witch's attack and she and Soul run on ahead, along with the rest of her friends, save for Stein, who stays behind to battle Medusa.

Maka soon catches up with Black☆Star and Tsubaki, who are about to engage Crona in a battle. Maka decides that she will face Crona instead, to avenge Soul. As the battle progresses, Maka and Soul soon find Crona and their opponent's Black Blood to be too difficult to overcome. Maka and Soul perform Soul Resonance and use Witch-Hunt. Crona counters by using Screech Alpha, overcoming Maka once again. Ragnarok continues to hurt Soul even in Weapon form, but Soul commands Maka to keep using him to block, standing against the blows, receiving a few injuries in the process. However, their attacks do not work, and soon, Maka is on her knees, ready to be finished off by Crona. During this, Little Ogre attempts to call out to Soul of his offer again in the Black Room. Soul states that he will accept his power as long as he keeps his reason. His stubbornness angers Little Ogre and the two end up shouting at each other. Little Ogre decides that they should cool down and he invites a guest, which turns out, to Soul's surprise, to be Maka. Although Soul suspects Maka to be an illusion, a swift Maka Chop to the head makes him realize that she is real, and that she is able to converse with him because of the connection between their souls in Soul Resonance.

The two dance together in the Black Room. During the dance, Maka and Soul discuss the situation they are in. Maka wishes to sense Crona's Soul Wavelength — which she can only do by falling into the same madness that Crona is in. Soul is upset at her decision, but after a while, he agrees, saying that Maka is the one who decides. He vows that he will bring her back no matter how deep she goes into the insanity.

Back in the real world, Soul gives into the Black Blood, and Maka is driven by madness, giving her unprecedented abilities that allow her to fight equally against Crona. As the battle goes on, Soul struggles to hang onto both of their sanities against the madness, and constantly tells Maka to snap out of it and to do what she has to do. After Maka ends up doing rather ridiculous things such as trying to eat Crona's head, the true Maka in her mind looks on, embarrassed. Soul assures her that her current behavior is not that different to what she usually is like. Maka, however, takes advantage of this current state and manages to match her Wavelength with that of Crona's, allowing Maka to find her way within Crona's consciousness. Crona reacts violently, experiencing a rejection reaction between them and Ragnarok. Soul then manages to break free from the madness and then pulls Maka out of it too.

Maka begins to understand Crona's Wavelength and realizes that they have never actually managed to bond with people. She puts Soul down, much to the Demon Weapon's astonishment and begins walking towards Crona. Soul looks on worriedly as she walks through Crona's Bloody Needle attacks and embraces them, asking Crona to become her friend. Crona, now free from the madness, starts crying and takes her hand. Soul watches the scene with a smile. He admits his own fear of bonding with people as he thinks of his friends. Soul then leaves the Black Room and Little Ogre.

However, Soul suggests to Maka that they must be going soon, but Maka is uncomfortable with leaving Crona on their own. They are soon attacked by an angered Ragnarok, and Soul ends up trying to pull the Weapon off of Maka. Crona decides to handle Ragnarok and tells the other two to go on.

Later on, Maka senses the awakening of the Kishin and rushes to help the others. She appears a little too late with Soul as Asura is already on the point of escaping. As the Kishin breaks through the ceiling to emerge above Death City, Maka grabs one of his skin scarves, using Soul to try and slow down the Kishin. However, after emerging above the surface, a piece of falling debris hits Maka, releasing her grip. Soul transforms to his human form, catches Maka and uses his body to break her fall. The two land on a crate of oranges, leaving Soul battered and bruised, but otherwise all right. Maka briefly tries to go after Asura before falling unconscious. Soul states his amazement of Maka's resolve. He then watches the battle between Shinigami and Asura with Maka in his arms. After the event, Soul is seen carrying Maka on his back as he walks through the ruined Death City.

Soul, seeing Maka cooped up in the apartment worrying about Crona, decides to give her a change of air by dragging her to play basketball with Black☆Star and the others (this scene is only shown in the anime). Due to a shortage of one player (Liz), they force Maka into joining the game. Soul brings up the idea of a bet, for each of the team's respective captain to follow if they lose. If Kid's team lose, they will put the paintings on Kid's walls in his mansion off by an inch; if Maka's team lose, she has to go shopping with her father.[40] Ultimately, Kid's team wins, and Maka ends up having to go shopping with her father, much to Soul's amusement.

Trial Enrollment arc

Soul is seen observing Crona start getting used to the life at the DWMA with Maka and Marie. He is however, rather annoyed by Crona's extreme pessimism. Maka decides to cheer Crona up by proposing for them to write a poem to get rid of their negative feelings. Soul makes fun of the idea, but receives multiple Maka Chops from his Meister. After Maka, Marie and even Black☆Star end up getting depressed and sitting in a corner after reading Crona's poem, Soul decides to read it for himself. He soon follows the rest into the corner, before questioning the presence of Sid.

Later on, Maka, Soul and Crona are sent on a mission to Loew Village, a village full of Golems and Enchanters, in the Czech Republic after an incident involving the Oldest Golem. There, the gang ask around about the event with no results. Soul senses that the villagers are hiding something from them. They soon meet a man who calls himself Sou, who promises to tell them about the incident and lead them to the Oldest Golem. Soul is immediately suspicious of him.

While walking, Soul expresses his suspicions towards Sou, and his suspicions soon show to be correct. The gang is attacked by the Oldest Golem and Soul reveals that he is Giriko. Soul transforms into his Weapon form as he and Maka prepare to fight. Maka then notices the Golem has a Soul Wavelength, which is strange when they do not possess a soul. At this point, Giriko transforms into his Weapon form, which is that of a giant chainsaw, and partners with the Oldest Golem. The Golem goes after Maka and quickly overwhelms her. Maka convinces Ragnarok into helping her. With that, Maka and Soul team up with Crona and Ragnarok and battle the enemy. Maka manages to get through the Golem's defense and deals it a cut. Immediately, a large amount of spider webs shoot out of the wound onto Maka, paralyzing her. This forces Crona to defend her when the Golem strikes, though Maka is still sent flying, bewildered at the current situation. Soul transforms into his human form to check Maka. He discovers spider webs covering Maka's body. Soon spiders begin appearing from all corners, congregating on the Golem, eventually forming the Witch Arachne. Arachne reveals how she had lived countless years, seeing through the eyes of millions of spiders around the world. She proves this by correctly stating Maka and Soul's names, and identifying Crona as Medusa's child.

The battle soon seems hopeless, as Crona is overwhelmed by Giriko, who is ordered by Arachne to kill them. Soul is unable to do anything, and watches with Maka. Before Crona can be beheaded, Justin makes it in time to prevent it. Maka, along with Soul, watch the battle between Justin and Giriko and — when Giriko escapes with Arachne — the battle between Justin and the Oldest Golem. Soul looks on in amazement at Justin and Giriko's overwhelming power, and can hardly believe that the two are the same type of Demon Weapon as he is. As Justin finishes the battle, he tells everyone to pray for his fallen enemy, the Oldest Golem. As everyone closes their eyes, Soul privately curses to himself for being such a weak Weapon who cannot protect his Meister when she is helpless.

Everyone returns to the the DWMA, with Justin carrying Maka off inside a coffin, much to her annoyance.

Bodyguard arc

Soul is in the school dispensary, with his group of friends, attending to Maka in her paralyzed condition. He is next seen, with Black☆Star, listening to the conversation between Sid and Nygus, who had found one of Arachne's bases. Black☆Star decides to follow Sid to Arachne's facility with the intent to destroy it. Though Soul protests, Black☆Star remains bent on avenging Maka. Soul then decides that he will go with him, but Black☆Star tells him to stay with Maka. Soul reluctantly agrees, knowing that he will just be a target without Maka. In the Black Room, the Little Ogre attempts to coax Soul back into the Black Room, but he ignores him again.

Later on, Soul prepares to leave for the night, and is saying goodbye to Maka when Black☆Star comes back from his fight with Mifune. He secretly asks Soul if he had told Maka of his actions, and the Demon Scythe replies that he has not. Black☆Star agrees that it is better that way. He hands Maka some candy Mifune had given him for her and leaves. Soul gives Maka the candy.

Maka recovers from her condition and is seen with Soul in Stein's class as he is about to start a lesson. The lesson is about Duel Arts and he plans to teach the class by having Black☆Star, Maka and Soul, and Ox and Harvar work together to fight against himself. During the battle, Black☆Star is subject to many accidental assaults by both Ox and Maka, with Ox accounting for the lion's share of the assaults. At one point, Maka is accidentally shocked by Ox, too. Maka and Soul then watch the angered Black☆Star challenge and defeat Ox for his actions. Overall, the lesson is a complete failure.

Reunion Express arc

Soul and Maka are seen at a party with their friends, thrown in celebration for Maka's recovery. Soul is then seen with all the others comforting Crona. Liz later thanks Soul for bringing some records to play for the party. Soul replies that his choice may not suit the mood. Maka attempts to coax Soul to play the piano. Soul is not enthused and excuses himself to the bathroom. When the party ends, everyone goes home.

The group again try to make Soul play the piano for them. Their efforts still remain fruitless. Soul replies that his music is not worth to be heard by others. Maka answers that she had liked the song Soul had played for her some time ago. Soul bitterly replies that she only likes his music because of her low Musical IQ.

Soul is only briefly seen with Maka, the two looking on as Hiro is pushed around by the other students. Soul comments that students usually fit in with their school after a while, although Hiro seems to be an exception as Maka states that he is too shabby for the DWMA.

Soul is with Maka, Death the Kid, Liz and Patti outside waiting for Black☆Star and Tsubaki, to practice their Chain Resonance. Stein warns them that if they do not pass, then they will be removed from his class. With this said, Maka warns Black☆Star in particular to do this properly, but he insists that he always does. Despite this, the three students fail multiple times, and this angers Maka. She believes that Black☆Star is the blight of the Resonance. She starts arguing with him, but Kid steps in between them, and Stein decides to give them a break to cool down.

Maka confronts Stein with the purpose of removing Black☆Star from the team. Stein however, refuses, and Maka returns to the others, frustrated. Black☆Star accuses her of tattling to Stein and being selfish. This infuriates Maka, bringing her to try to punch him, but she fails. Kid attempts to intervene, but Soul stops him, telling him to let Maka and him deal with it themselves. She tries to punch him again, and this time, Black☆Star allows her to hit him. Black☆Star then warns Maka that, if it goes on any further, it would be a duel, and he would be sure to crush her. With that said, Maka curses at the top of her lungs and runs off in tears.

Maka is soon visited by Tsubaki. She talks her around, and Maka decides to go back and apologize. However, on the way, she becomes a little nervous, and has to be dragged along by Tsubaki. At this point, Soul appears. Maka, embarrassed, questions him on whether or not he is here just to laugh at her. Initially, Soul says nothing, and then says the laughter should wait until they have succeeded in the Chain Resonance. With that said, they return to the group. There, Maka apologizes to Black☆Star. The group resume their training and succeed in their Chain Resonance. During the Resonance, Little Ogre confronts Soul and shows him a piano in the Black Room, and tells him that he will be able to use it to grant his friends further power. Soul ignores him again, as he enjoys the feeling of the Chain Resonance's beat as everyone's Wavelengths synchronize with one another. He says to himself that even if people who were similar to each other were to be brought together, they would not be able to create such a fantastic rhythm such as this. Stein then makes Maka the leader of the group.

Later that night as they are heading home, Maka lets Black☆Star hit her to make up for how she had hit him earlier. To everyone's surprise — Soul in particular, who believes it as 'not cool' — he ends up hitting her hard. Though heavily bruised Maka smiles and says, 'Ouch.'

"BREW" - The Tempest arc

Soul and Maka, along with Kid, Black☆Star, Ox, Kirikou and Kim and their respective Weapon partners are the group of students chosen for fighting to obtain Brew before Arachnophobia in Lost Island, an island that had been a research facility for Witches until a large explosion from an accident had destroyed the facility. The Demon Tool is located in a large magnetic field in the middle of the island, which is harmful to the human body if one is there for too long. The students' job is to prevent Arachnophobia forces from entering the field whilst Marie and Stein go inside. If they do not return after twenty minutes, they are to retreat.

Stein and Marie enter a vortex in the middle of the island where Brew is located, leaving behind the group of students. However, after they take a long time to appear, the group starts to worry. Ox, Kirikou, and Kim decide to stay behind and take care of the forces opposing them with their Weapon partners. With that, Maka, Black☆Star, and Kid enter the vortex with their partners in Weapon form. The first thing they notice when they enter the vortex is that the vortex contains a holographic dimension that constantly replays what had happened on the island moments before the explosion. They see Shinigami, and sees that he looks a little different as he does now. Kid explains that that is Shinigami from the Grim Times, before he founded the DWMA.

The group hurries on towards a giant temple, which is evidently the Witch's research facility. When they reach it, they notice a large mass of Witches leaving the area — one of them being Arachne. They hear Arachne speak about blowing up the island and everything relating to Brew. The group proceed and soon meet Marie and Stein. Because Marie and Stein are staying too long in the vortex, they are slowly becoming a hologram themselves. The students decide that they will take on the mission of retrieving Brew, as they persuade Stein and Marie to retreat.

They eventually bump into Mosquito, who is carrying Brew. He then reverts to his form from 100 years ago and prepares to battle them. Before the battle can start, though, a hologram of Eibon appears. Black☆Star decides not to waste time and attacks Mosquito, ignoring the presence of Eibon. Maka follows suit and, eventually, Kid brings himself to ignore Eibon and attacks Mosquito, too. None of their attacks, however, are penetrating the tough hide of Mosquito. Mosquito then uses his immense strength to overpower them. Soul begins to realize the gravity of the situation they are in. Little Ogre appears and attempts to goad Soul into releasing the Black Blood. Soul is worried it may spread to his teammates but Little Ogre assures him otherwise. Soul then commands the attention of his teammates — telling them to perform a Chain Resonance, with sound as the medium. Soul will play the piano in his soul, which will transmit directly into their souls, creating a rhythm that everyone can follow to create a Resonance. Everyone suddenly starts to laugh. Soul, confused, asks them why they are laughing, and they tell him that they have finally got him to play the piano for them. Soul smiles and enters the Black Room again. Little Ogre assures him that his piano is tuned and ready for him.

Soul plays the piano — giving everyone a rush of power, and enabling them to maneuver around each other flawlessly and connect their attacks one after the other. They are easily able to overcome Mosquito with both their speed and strength. Ultimately, their combined strength allows them to damage Mosquito and Kid manages to connect a Death Cannon, and Black☆Star his Uncanny Sword, which destroys both of Mosquito's arms. In the anime, Maka is about to perform the Witch Hunter, but through Soul's Chain Resonance, her power combined with Soul's creates a new move, which Soul calls the Majin Hunt. Before they can finish him off, Soul ceases his playing, advising them to leave as their time limit for staying in the vortex is almost up. He tells them that Mosquito will be able to stay longer since he can make himself younger. Little Ogre, frustrated that Soul had stopped using his power, throws him a bitter comment. Everyone has no choice but to leave. Mosquito, impressed by their skills, allows them to escape.

On their way out, they meet up with Kirikou and Ox with their partners, who help escort them out of the field. They leave and watch how the research facility is destroyed by an explosion, though that, too, is a hologram from years past. When they exit the vortex they are greeted by a distraught Marie, who makes a move to strike them out of anger, but then instead hugs them all for making it out safe, but soon threatens that they will all have a talking with her back at the DWMA.

Maka calls Shinigami and reports in on the failed mission. She then sits next to Soul on the boat as they make their way back to the the DWMA.

Anime deviation version

Soul and Maka activate their Majin Hunt early, in the battle against Mosquito in Lost Island.

Internal Affairs arc

Maka is with Soul at Deathbucks back at Death City, saying bye to Crona as they head home. While walking, Maka wonders if her friends are all right after the battle for Brew. Soul replies that they should be since they are much tougher than him or Maka. Maka then remembers that she had left her notebook in the classroom. She tells Soul to go home and boil the rice as she heads back. When Maka returns to the apartment, Soul notices how late she is and that she has not got her notebook. He senses that something is wrong.

Anime deviation version

fter the failed mission to retrieve Brew, everyone is demoralized by their failure. Although some of them try to look on the bright side, Soul bluntly states that it does not matter as it is a fact that they have lost the battle. However, he is dragged into training by an enthusiastic Maka, who wants to try to use Majin Hunt again. Although reluctant at first, he soon becomes focused on the training, and even though they fail to use Majin Hunt, he reassures Maka that if they had done it once, they can do it again.

After Black☆Star loses against Death the Kid in a duel, Soul and Maka decide to pay Black☆Star a visit to see how he is. The two see him training, and decide to leave him alone.

He joins his other friends, along with Crona on a picnic, in which he seems to notice their strange behavior. Soon after, Crona is ordered to leave the the DWMA by Medusa. However, they run away, with the intent on finding a place where no one can find them. When Crona disappears, he questions Maka on whether she had noticed that Crona had started acting strange, as if they had felt that they did not belong in the DWMA. Despite his slightly accusing tone, he helps Maka find Crona on his motorcycle, and brings Crona back to the the DWMA, where they are quickly apprehended for being a spy for Medusa, despite Maka's protests. Soon after, Medusa surrenders to the DWMA in order to make a deal with Shinigami.

During her imprisonment, Maka and Soul visit her cell, where Maka screams at Medusa for hurting Crona so much. However, Medusa is unmoved by her words, which angers her more. Soul calms his Meister down, and tells her that it is not worth talking to Medusa. He leads her away, after telling Medusa to enjoy her new cell. However, later on, even he cannot repress his shock as he finds that Medusa is being released by the DWMA.

In Maka and Soul's apartment, Soul wishes Maka a goodnight. Maka pays him no mind, preoccupied with her thoughts of Crona. Soul senses something amiss and asks her if something is wrong. Maka responds with a yes. Soul asks if it is something he should know about. Maka says she will tell him tomorrow. Soul tells her to take her time and leaves her alone.

Clown arc

Maka and Soul meet with Kirikou and his partners in the the DWMA as they all choose an extra-curricular mission. Krikou spots Black☆Star's signature on the back of one of the mission cards and wonders if Black☆Star had reserved the mission. Maka shows that she is saddened at how the school seems quieter now that Black☆Star and Tsubaki have taken a leave of absence. Soul and Kirikou pause in thought at this. However, Maka soon picks up a mission that reads on the back, 'Leave this kind of boring mission to Maka' in Black☆Star's writing. Irritated, Maka takes the mission, whilst Soul comments that she hates to lose.

The mission takes Maka and Soul to Bor-7 Factory in Russia, to solve an incident taking place there, which require pairs with Soul Perception. Thus, Maka is paired up with Death the Kid and his partners. Blair also tags along.

After being abandoned by Death the Kid, who is unable to enter the factory's asymmetrical entrance due to being crippled by his obsessive compulsions, Maka, Soul, and Blair are forced to search the building alone. During their search, they are ambushed by the Flying Dutchman but Blair is able to save the group and she then proceeds to follow him as he makes his escape. It is at this point that the Clown is first mentioned, being stated as 'the one who will give the people their freedom.' The Clown then decides to make its entrance, even after receiving advice from the Flying Dutchman not to attack as it would not be able to capture Maka so easily, introducing itself anyway.

Maka begins to sense the similarity between the Clown's soul and that of Asura's, how this one is small yet absorbing and sucking in everything. Before she can deduce anymore, the Clown attacks and a large battle ensues. Eventually the Clown's soul begins to affect Maka and she is sucked into its madness and any efforts to save her are blocked as pipes surround the pair. Maka is forced to see visions of the deaths of her friends and family, in an attempt to drag her deeper into the madness. Soul desperately tries to reach her, and manages to do so by using his Soul Wavelength. He appears in Maka's mind, both of them dressed as they are in the Black Room. Soul asks her to sit by a piano and explain to her that the songs he plays are of madness. Maka protests that she likes his music. Soul says that insanity gives people strength, but it is the strength that one acquires when they endure the madness that is truly interesting. Maka replies that this power is courage. Soul suggests that they should let Crona know of this too. Soul then takes her hand and tells her to let him listen to her soul. Maka places her finger on a piano note at random, and plays a G note. Her newfound courage through Soul's Wavelength manages to free her from the Clown's madness. Soul grins and says that a G note is perfect for Maka.

The two resume their battle. This new found courage causes Maka's abilities to evolve and now being faced with Majin Hunt, even at full strength; the Clown's abilities are no match. It is eventually defeated but before its soul can be consumed, it disappears in a shower of ribbons.

Maka and Soul return from their mission, meeting with Kirikou, Harvar and Ox, who are shirtless. The two ask them why they are not wearing their shirts and Kirikou explains that they had tried to fight the giant, but then had ended up dancing around naked around a campfire with it instead. Soul wishes that he had gone with them as their mission had sounded much more fun than his and Maka's. Maka protests that their mission had not been that boring since they have learnt a new move. As she and Ox discuss Majin Hunt, Kirikou and Soul, bored with their conversation, start talking about a musical instrument Kirikou had found during his mission. After some brief talking, Kim and Jacqueline arrive, too. They are soon surrounded by numerous officials, who know that Kim is a Witch. When one attempts to arrest them, the two take off. Soul watches the two along with the others.

As Nygus tells everyone of Kim being a Witch, Soul offers to go along with Kirikou in searching for her. Maka secretly uses her father's ID to visit the captured Medusa in her prison cell. She asks Soul to come with her. At the door of the cell, she asks Medusa of Crona's whereabouts, though Medusa fails to give her any answer relating to the question, only aggravating Maka even more. Soul decides that it is best to just leave and leads his Meister away, after telling Medusa to enjoy her new cell.

Operation Capture Baba Yaga Castle arc

Sid reveals to the students of their plan to infiltrate Arachne's base, Baba Yaga's Castle, and requests that they work with Medusa on the mission. Soul is shocked by this proposition and decides to back down. However, Maka tells him that it might be best to work with the Witch since she can tell them about Crona. Soul reluctantly agrees, and teams up with Maka, Kirikou, Pot of Fire, Pot of Thunder, Ox and Harvar for the mission. Death the Kid and Liz and Patti are also chosen to be Medusa's bodyguards. After the operation details are discussed, they proceed with the mission, towards South America in the Amazon River Basin. During the trek, they come across a lake polluted by magic due to Arachne's Demon Tool production. Fire and Thunder begin to cry since their Earth Shaman powers directly transmits nature's grief to them. Medusa suggests that the sound of the Earth would probably sound like the babbling of children, as she cannot imagine it sounding like anything else. Soul retorts with a snide comment, asking Medusa how she can say such kind things after messing up the world by releasing Asura. They are then attacked by a large squid-like creature, a once normal creature of the rainforest that had mutated because of Arachne's magic pollution. Thanks to Medusa's assistance, they manage to defeat them.

They soon enter the castle by walking through underground tunnels. Medusa soon meets one of the Mizune family, who tells them that Kim and Jacqueline are with Arachnophobia, much to everyone's shock. Medusa explains how Arachne draws in followers with kind words, which are only used as a set up to make them obey her. Soul compares Arachnophobia to an evil cult and comments that the people tricked into joining Arachnophobia also have something wrong with them to join such an organization. As the group camp out in the tunnels, Maka uses the opportunity to interrogate Medusa about Crona. Medusa states that the reason she is waging war against Arachne is because Arachne had took Crona to be used as a sacrifice. Maka believes this. When she returns to Soul, he reminds her not to place too much trust on Medusa.

The next day, they continue and soon meet Eruka, who gives them Arachnophobia uniforms to disguise in. When the group make it into the center of the castle, they find that everyone is dressed exactly as they are. Soon, they all become confused and eventually lose each other — each getting into their own trouble, Soul in particular. Along with Death the Kid, Soul gets the job to play with Angela, with Mifune watching over them. Having to pretend that he cannot see Angela during her invisibility magic (although he can easily see her hands and the large stick she is wielding), he ends up being hit painfully in between the legs by the Witch, with Kid soon following. To his relief, he manages to reunite with everyone.

Medusa begins to discuss the plan. They are to take down the eight locks preventing people from entering Arachne's throne room. Each lock is located in each of the eight towers of the castle's 'legs'. After performing Vector Conduct on them, Medusa leaves them to follow the arrows pointing to their respective lock. Kid is given Tower Eight. Maka chooses to act as Medusa's bodyguard in Kid's stead, stating that, if Medusa does anything untoward, she will not hesitate to attack her.

Maka, Soul, and Medusa continue on. Although Medusa tells them to trust her, Soul remains cold towards her. He expresses his doubts to Maka, who ignores him and tells him to stop making a fuss. Frustrated, Soul inaudibly says that he is only worrying about her.

The three are next seen in front of the door leading to Arachne's room. With all the locks destroyed by the others, the throne room opens. Maka uses the opportunity to sense for Crona's Soul Wavelength. She is interrupted, though, when Arachne's magic spider thread spell assaults them. Everyone is seen attached to the strings, looking like puppets. Soul collapses on the floor, unable to get up as a puppet without strings. Little Ogre appears out of his shadow and mocks Soul, telling him that his current state suits the person he really is, and not the 'cool' person he so pretends to be. Soul recalls past moments with his brother, Wes, a violinist, and how he had felt he would never be as good as his brother as a musician. He remembers how he had used his abilities as a Demon Weapon to escape from his inferiority. Little Ogre then reminds him of Soul's positive traits, of being an intelligent individual being able to make difficult judgments at such a young age. But he quickly jeers at him, saying that he decides on his actions only by eliminating every other alternative action as worthless. He asks Soul what he wants to do now, but Soul cannot answer. He forsakes Soul, leaving him helpless and calling him a coward for choosing a path to follow through simple elimination, having no clear decision on a path himself. Soul begins to cry for help. As he does this, an image of Arachne above him begins to pull him upward by threads, comforting him. Soul is elated and believes he has been saved. Maka gives Soul a Maka Chop, 'cutting' the strings and freeing Soul from the illusion. As Maka helps him up, Soul thinks to himself on how he had always been indecisive in the past, but sees that he is different from then, and promises to become stronger, for Maka's sake, as she has always helped him through the darkness. They then enter the room. Maka uses her Soul Perception to locate Arachne. When they find her, though, Arachne is seen on the floor, lifeless.

Soul asks Maka what she thinks of the situation. She replies that she can feel the madness flowing through the room. Suddenly, the darkness begins to spread and attack the three. The darkness reveals itself to be Arachne, who had abandoned her body to fuse with insanity itself. Medusa tries to contain her using her Vector Arrows, but fails. Medusa and Arachne then begin to communicate, with each insulting the other. The conversation ends with Arachne performing a mental attack that immediately defeats Medusa. After that, Arachne begins to attack Maka. Despite Maka's attempts, all her attacks seem to just flow through Arachne, due to her formless state. Maka and Soul both agree that they should use Majin Hunt.

Maka soon notices that Arachne is trying to overcome everyone in the vicinity, including Maka's friends, with madness. Soul wonders why the insanity is not affecting him. Little Ogre explains to him in the Black Room that Maka's Anti-Demon Wavelength is protecting him. Maka tells Soul to spread her Anti-Demon Wavelength throughout the castle to everyone. Soul tries to figure out how to spread her Wavelength through such a distance. However, seeing Arachne's magic webs in the Black Room, Soul hatches an idea. He proposes spreading Maka's Anti-Demon Wavelength with his piano by using the spider webs like a string instrument, spreading the Wavelength using the threads as a medium. Little Ogre comments that he only plays the piano, to which Soul replies, 'Don't you know? My brother's a violinist.' Soul plays a piece called 'Meditation of Souls,' the piece his brother, Wes had always been playing. Since it starts on a G note, it would be perfect for transmitting her Wavelength. He compels everyone to listen to 'Maka's melody.' This works out to be a success, as everyone is saved from the insanity. They even manage to transmit the Anti-Demon Wavelength to Arachne, attacking her and forcing her to sever the network. With this now done, Maka and Soul perform Soul Resonance — activating Majin Hunt.

Whilst doing so, Soul ends up accidentally activating his Black Blood, which now forms around Maka in the form of a black dress. Soul assures her that it is nothing major to worry about, and that the dress will act as an armor. They decide to take advantage of it before it wears off and attack Arachne. The dress protects Maka from Witch's attacks. With a powerful move coupled with an armor, Maka is able to reach Arachne and deliver a powerful swipe, killing Witch. Maka's attention is quickly changed to Crona's whereabouts. She then notices Medusa's body, but senses a normal soul instead of a Witch Soul. She then senses Medusa and turns her attention to Arachne's body, which is now possessed by Medusa. Maka is immediately attacked by her. Soul immediately rushes to her aid. Medusa reveals that she had used Crona as an incentive for Maka's cooperation. Medusa then states that Maka's abilities are a threat to her and the world's progress to insanity. Before Medusa can finish Maka, she is attacked by Enrique. The Death Scythe Tezca Tlipoca then enters and warns Medusa of the oncoming the DWMA forces. Medusa takes him up on the advice and leaves. Before leaving, Maka asks where Crona is. Medusa tells her to give up, going on to say that the Crona she knows no longer exists and that she will never give Crona up. Maka punches the ground in anger and laments on how she had believed in Medusa all the way. Soul offers her a comforting hand.

Soul meets with Black☆Star, who is recovering from his fight with Mifune, in the the DWMA dispensary. Soul tells him to keep Mifune's death a secret from Angela. This angers Black☆Star, but Soul sternly tells him to think about the dangerous situation Angela is in, since she may soon be under the influence of the Sway of Magic that compels a Witch's destructive nature. The last thing they want is to have Angela know that Black☆Star killed Mifune. He calms down and accepts the fact.

After the fall of Arachnophobia, Soul and Maka resume their hunt for Evil human souls. Soul is in Weapon form with Maka, preparing to engage in battle against Frey D. Sadoko. Maka easily defeats the Evil human, and Soul claims his final Evil human soul needed for the Death Scythe transformation.

Later, Soul and Maka are in the Death Room with Shinigami and Spirit, in their new Spartoi uniforms. Stein reveals the new group's name, Spartoi, is Greek for, 'the sown,' a horde of warriors born from dragon's teeth set loose to combat insanity. Soul questions why the name had been changed from Shibu-Kid's Squad to Spartoi. Shinigami answers that Stein had thought that the name would not work wonders for morale. Both Maka and Soul then rejoice over Stein's return to the DWMA. Spirit hands Soul Arachne's Witch soul and congratulates him on becoming a Death Scythe. The other members of Spartoi join them, as Soul, drooling and with a smirk on his face, consumes Arachne's soul and becomes a Death Scythe, signaling the birth of the elite student group, Spartoi.

Anime deviation version

Arachne soon starts to spread the Kishin's madness using machines spread out across the world, and the sky turns red because of Asura's Wavelength. Soul meets with Black☆Star and Tsubaki outside. When Tsubaki asks him where Maka is, Soul grumpily replies that she is at home, locking herself up in her room, confused and depressed about what it happening.

He later gets Maka to play basketball with him, Black☆Star and Tsubaki. He makes a bet, saying that whoever scores a basket will defeat Asura. In the end, Maka scores the basket. However, their fun is short-lived as Kid and the Thompson sisters come to inform them that Medusa had made a deal with Shinigami, trading in the whereabouts of Arachne for her freedom. Soon, the preparations for infiltrating Arachne's castle gets under way. Soul prepares for the assault, but Maka is still torn on what to do as she really wants to help find Stein.

On the day of the assault, Soul overhears Maka and Sid talking and hears that Marie and Crona have cut off ties with the DWMA and had gone to look for Stein. He remains quiet about this until they are in the Amazon River Basin, waiting for the order to attack with Black☆Star and Tsubaki, where he confronts Maka about what she had heard from Sid. Maka retains her depressed mood, which annoys Soul, up to the point he angrily tells her to do what she wants to do. His words clear Maka's head, and she chooses to help Marie, Crona and Stein. Soul trusts Black☆Star in infiltrating Baba Yaga's Castle, and follows her.

After calming Maka down as she had gone running in a random direction, the two decide to use Soul Resonance to boost her Soul Perception powers in order to find Stein and the others. Soul is skeptical about this, but complies. The plan works and they are able to find Stein, Marie, Crona and Medusa. The two arrive just in time to protect Crona from a blow by Medusa. Maka angrily attacks Medusa, taking in to no account of the deal she had made with the the DWMA, and her brash tactics annoy Soul. Soul uses his piano to make a Chain Resonance with Crona and Marie, and try to bring the insane Stein back to normal and to defeat Medusa. However, when Crona takes a blow from Medusa to protect Maka, she flies into a rage, and inadvertently activates the Black Blood. Soul tries to stop her from giving way to her negative emotions, but cannot reach her as the Black Room starts filling with the Black Blood, with Little Ogre saying it is futile. He is almost swallowed by the Black Blood, still telling Maka to stop. However, Maka's enraged attacks create an opening in Stein's defense, which gives Marie an opportunity to use her Wavelength to free him from the insanity. Maka soon returns to normal, and the Black Blood is controlled.

With Stein back on their side, Maka and Soul decide to use Majin Hunt to kill Medusa without harming the human that she had taken possession of. Using a Chain Resonance with Stein using Marie, Maka and Soul (despite the latter's doubts) manage to use Majin Hunt and kill Medusa, who tells them that Maka's Majin Hunt, although it had managed to kill her, will not kill the Kishin.

After leaving Crona in the care of Stein and Marie, Maka and Soul go on to find the Kishin. On the way, they watch, dumbstruck as Death City, which had turned into a giant robot, attacks Baba Yaga's Castle. They witness Death City 'eat' Asura, but when Maka sees Asura break out again, she and Soul fear for the worst, that Asura had defeated Shinigami.

Kishin Battle arc

They make it through the barrier Asura had made and the two finally meet up with Death the Kid, Black☆Star and their partners, to face Asura. Soul uses his piano to make a Chain Resonance, but their attacks have little effect on Asura, even with Maka's Majin Hunt. Soul uses too much of his power and is devoured by Little Ogre and the Black Blood. To stop himself from being completely consumed, however, he cuts off his soul from his body, which makes him fall into a state of unconsciousness, leaving his soul trapped in a small box inside him. Maka decides to go inside his soul to free him. Little Ogre disguises himself as Soul and tries to tempt Maka into opening the box which contains Soul, telling her that inside the box is his courage, which will help him break through his imprisonment. Soul tries to tell Maka not to open the box, but he cannot be heard from inside the it. However, to his relief, Maka sees through Little Ogre's tricks, but still decides to open the box anyway to save him, much to his distress. She opens the box but manages to save Soul from the Black Blood. After being saved, Soul calls Maka an idiot, but goes on to say that she is a really cool partner. Little Ogre, having lost his power, fears that Soul will erase him, but Soul instead accepts him as a part of himself and swallows him whole, much to Maka's disgust.

The two wake up and see to their shock that Black☆Star and the others are all defeated, with Asura standing victorious. The two proceed to fight him with Majin Hunt, which proves ineffective. They summon all of their power and activate Kishin Hunt but even that proves to be ineffective against Asura. Maka ends up wide open to Asura's attack, but Soul shields her from it, asking his Meister if she is all right before losing consciousness. However, later on, as Maka starts to frighten Asura with the idea of courage, Soul wakes up to cheer her on.

After Asura is defeated, and the sky returns to normal, Soul is seen looking up at Maka, and says that she is amazing to have defeated Asura on her own. Death the Kid soon asks Soul if he is all right, and goes on to say that although Maka had saved them this time, another Kishin may arise, as long as negative thoughts remain in this world. However, Maka goes on to tell them that when that happens, they will be there to stop it, and that negative thoughts are not the only things that exist, and says that courage will always be in their souls. Soul smiles at her along with everyone else. He is later seen in the credits back at their flat with Maka, Blair and Crona. He ends up getting a nosebleed because of Blair and subsequently gets punched by Maka. He is then seen playing basketball with the rest of the characters and looking over Death City with Maka, Black☆Star, Kid and their partners. }}

Grigori arc

After becoming a Death Scythe, Soul begins to understand what exactly this means. He and Maka watch Kim flying on Jacqueline with Marie. Maka suggests that because Soul is a Death Scythe now, he should be able to fly too. Marie objects, telling them that becoming a Death Scythe is not something so simple. She continues, that the advanced Wavelength control that a Death Scythe obtains from a Witch's soul can grant magical abilities. If Maka can use the Grigori form her soul takes and imply it with Soul's new abilities, they may be able to manifest wings.

Maka becomes infatuated by the idea of being an angel. Soul, however, is rather half-hearted, much to her annoyance. Spirit then joins them in their training. In beginning the training, Soul transforms into his Weapon form, which is slightly different now that he is a Death Scythe. They are then told that their souls must be synchronized in order to complete the task. They must both focus on the same image, which is the image of Kim flying. While doing this, the scythe blade on Soul shrinks. Marie explains that form manipulation is basic for a Death Scythe and that they must have decided that a long blade will not be efficient for flight. Soul and Maka concentrate on the image of wings, and sharp blade-like wings appear near the blade of Soul's Weapon form. The two float up into the air, and it appears that they are succeeding, until Spirit eagerly tells Soul to think of Maka as an angel. Slightly unnerved by this demand, Soul ends up thinking of the negative things about Maka, such as her wild temper. Maka then starts spinning upside down in circles until they both fall on top of each other. The two argue about whose fault it is. Maka then rants about how she had wanted angel wings instead of the spiky ones that had appeared. They argue again which leads to Maka wishing to be partnered with Ox, since he calls Kim an angel all the time. Soul does not understand this especially because Ox is a Meister. Later, back in the the DWMA, Maka still dreams of becoming an angel, whilst Soul seems against the idea. They are then later called by Spirit to discuss something.

Soul is seen once again with Maka practicing flying with Kim and Jacqueline. Soul appears to have given into Maka's demand, as he has now small angel wings on his Weapon form. Although Maka is pleased with this, the speed achieved in this form is rather slow, much to Soul's dismay.

Prior to this, Spirit had spoken to the two about the many enemies they have, such as the Witches (more specifically Medusa), the new group Noah has formed, and the Kishin. Spirit warns them that they too aim to take out talented people on their side, meaning Maka is also a target. Maka's advanced Soul Perception and her Anti-Demon Wavelength is the reason for her being targeted, and that it is their trump card against the Kishin. Spirit explains that the DWMA must protect Maka at all costs. Maka accuses her father of only worrying about her ability, and promptly leaves. A desperate Spirit asks Soul to watch over Maka. Soul reluctantly agrees.

Back to present time, Soul tells Maka that he believes her father cares more about her safety than her ability. Maka assures him that she knows that. They then continue on talking about the many responsibilities they have still to do, such as saving Kid. Soul remarks however that they are not yet ready and Maka becomes extremely surprised. However, before she can reply, she senses another force approaching and urges Kim to head on without them. Gopher then appears in the sky, armed and ready to kill Maka.

The three engage in battle, Gopher overwhelming Soul and Maka with his tremendous speed. Not too soon after, Gopher charges up a powerful attack in the center of his chest, aimed at Maka. Soul and Maka manage to dodge the attack with the mountain behind taking the impact. Soul remarks that Gopher is not ordinary and Maka explains that Gopher also has the same Grigori Soul as she does, but filled with evil magic. Gopher then launches another barrage of attacks at the two. Soul and Maka attempt to attack but are once again outmatched in speed and they are hit by Gopher's attacks. Gopher mocks Maka for her being so weak, and wonders why Noah is willing to go to such trouble to acquire her. Soul begins to talk about their difference in speed and that it may be helpful if they bring the fight to the ground. Maka recalls Soul's words that they are not yet ready, and fueled with new determination, tells Soul to change their wings. Soul complies with a smirk. The two perform a Soul Resonance, creating stronger wings, and prepare to continue the fight.

With the new wings and a newly resolved Maka, Soul is confident in Maka winning the battle. Gopher, now aware of Maka's true power, becomes intensely jealous of how Noah's attention is always focused on her, and attacks. The new set of wings allow Maka to easily evade Gopher's Bullet Wings to secure both a punch and a Witch-Hunt, enraging Gopher as she wounds him. With the hits connecting, Soul expresses tacit glee and for the first time calls Maka an angel.

Angered that his body has been damaged, Gopher releases his stomach cannon again, specifically infused with his hatred of Maka. Soul recommends that Maka gains distance between them. His advice is useless though, because the ball of energy has the ability to track down the person to whom Gopher's hatred is directed towards. With this realization, both Maka and Soul agree to use Majin Hunt. In doing so, Maka manages to cut through the blast and, in continuing their attack, manages to cut Gopher, too. The wound is superficial however, which prompts Soul to question Maka's reason for not killing Gopher. Maka replies that Gopher is not on Shinigami's list. Both Soul and Maka watch as Gopher escapes using a page from The Book of Eibon.

Salvage arc

Soul and Maka watch as Blair, Risa and Arisa walk around propositioning themselves to various the DWMA students. However, Marie soon arrives and reprimands them, taking them to the Death Room. Soul asks if it is acceptable for Witches to saunter around the streets. Maka answers by telling him that Marie is with them, so it must be under control. This does not stop their inquisitive minds, for Soul and Maka are seen hiding in a hallway, watching the closed door to the Death Room, to try and figure out what is going on. The two eventually watch Marie storm out of the room in an angry fit. Soul soon wishes to leave, but Maka expresses her desire to stay. They see Black☆Star simply kicks the door down and proceeds. Soul suggests they do the same, but Maka states that it is much cooler to sneak around. Soul soon becomes bored and calls this a waste of time.

Since he knows his Meister well, Soul is not that surprised when he hears that Maka is the one who had secretly borrowed the manuscript of the Book of Eibon from the Library using Spirit's ID card. He supports Maka, saying that since he is a Death Scythe now, Maka would be allowed to take out Level 4 books anyway. When told about the Salvage mission, he expresses his determination along with Maka in saving Kid. Along with fellow Spartoi members Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patti, Kirikou, Pot of Fire and Pot of Thunder and his partner Maka, he enters The Book of Eibon to rescue Kid. Immediately after entering the book, they are greeted by the enigmatic Index in the Introduction of the book, who informs that they must traverse through the seven Chapters in the book before reaching Kid. The group go on to the first Chapter, Lust.

Immediately, the members of Spartoi have their genders reversed and take the appearance of what they deem to be most attractive in the opposite gender. Despite his comments early on in the manga that Soul would never be interested in a flat-chested woman like Maka, Soul Eater manga, Introduction 1 his lust-reflected appearance has a remarkably similar figure and face to his Meister. Transformed, Soul appears as a female sporting long hair with a fluffy hairband visible beneath. He wears clothes similar to Maka's Spartoi outfit. Overall, his appearance resembles a rich schoolgirl and he adapts to personality of one, annoying Maka. Soon, the Succubus appears and immediately, the newly transformed male Maka has a nosebleed. Soul is not too happy with this, and chastises Maka for getting a rise out of vulgar women. Blair soon transforms into her male counterpart, which the Succubus falls madly in love with. Blair uses the opportunity to attack and blow away the Succubus with a Halloween Cannon (hot guy version). After this, Soul tells The Table of Contents to continue to the next Chapter.

The page is flipped and the gang now find themselves in the second Chapter, Gluttony. They then realize that although their personalities have returned, they are still in their opposite genders. The Table of Contents informs them that upon leaving the first Chapter, they will slowly return to their normal selves with the speed of the transformation depending on their sexual desire: the stronger a person's sexual desire, the slower they turn back. Maka snidely comments that Soul would transform the slowest, to which Soul informs her of the nosebleed she had when seeing the Succubus. The monster in this chapter is quickly dealt with when Black☆Star and Kirikou cut, fry, and subsequently eat it. Soul tells The Table of Contents to move on to the next Chapter before they give in to the sin, starting to drool uncontrollably at the food. Unfortunately, Maka and Soul are separated when they move on to the third Chapter, Envy.

When Soul finds Maka, she is on floor in the corridor of an illusory the DWMA, nearly about to cry. He asks Maka if anything has happened to her. Maka wipes her tears, smiles as if nothing had happened, and asks if anything had happened to Soul. Soul gives her a half-hearted no, but he recalls his experience regarding Wes, who questions him on his decision to partner with Maka, by asking him if her inability to discern good music with bad is the reason he had become Maka's Weapon. Soul shouts a, 'No.' Back in the present, Soul reassures himself that that had not been reason why he had chosen Maka, and that Maka is different. He reaches for Maka's hand so as to not lose each other again.

In their next scene, Maka and Soul are in a room of only chairs and beds, meaning the chapter they are in is the sixth Chapter, Sloth. Maka, looking depressed, sits down on a chair and confides to him her feelings of ineptitude at being his Meister. She decides they should never fight as Weapon and Meister again.

Soul is slightly unnerved by this sudden statement, and asks his partner why she is saying this. Maka reassures him that it is not his fault and that she is the one to blame. Soul asks her what reasons she has for wanting to split up, and Maka answers because she is nothing but baggage to Soul, as she is not strong like Death the Kid or Black☆Star. Soul tells her not to talk nonsense just because of an illusion in a book. Maka then tells Soul that he must have seen something in the third chapter as well. Soul hesitates, as he remembers the mocking face of his older brother Wes. The illusory Wes had told Soul that after running away from music, his family and Wes himself, Soul had partnered with Maka because she did not know anything about music. In this way, Soul would have been able to ease the jealousy he had for Wes. The illusion of Wes sneers at him, asking if Soul is relieved now because of this, and mockingly says that he is happy for him.

Soul replies that he had not seen anything. However, before the conversation can continue, Giriko appears and attacks him, kicking him violently aside as he pins Maka on a bed. Before Giriko can kill her, Soul kicks him in the face, causing him to retreat from Maka. Soul tells his Meister to quickly prepare for battle, and transforms into his Weapon form. However, despite his constant warnings, Maka fails to defend against Giriko due to her being still emotionally distressed from the Envy chapter. Giriko, bored because that Maka is not putting up a fight, tells her that he will make this quick. Soul, realizing that Maka is in danger, turns into his human form, and to Maka's shock, tells her that he will fight Giriko on his own, as he turns his arm into a scythe blade.

He charges and attacks Giriko, but is blown back by his Saw Foot. Nevertheless, he stands his ground and attacks again and attempts to stab Giriko, who blocks easily and punches him in the face, jumps above him and deals the Death Scythe a cut in his shoulder with his Saw Foot. Giriko continues mocking Soul for his inability to fight on the same level as him, as he kicks Soul, grabs his sleeve, and pushes his chainsaw blades into his chest. Soul screams in pain and is kicked back onto the floor by Giriko, in front of a speechless Maka. However, Soul gets back up. He voices his frustration in not being able to do anything for Maka. However, he tells Giriko that this is not the courage that Maka had shown to him. Giriko starts as he senses the Death Scythe's soul suddenly flare up. Soul stands back up, telling Giriko that it is now his turn to show his own courage.

Maka, newly resolved, apologizes to Soul but he smiles and tells her that she does not need to say anything. The two then fight as a team, but Giriko is too powerful. Soul then goes into the Black Room to play his piano in order to use his Noise Cancelling ability to cancel Giriko's Soul Wavelength out, combining his powers with Arachne's abilities to spread Wavelengths through spider webs. The plan works, but Giriko comes back as a female, using a new body as backup if anything happened to his old one. He then cancels out Soul's piano, causing it to explode. Soul screams in pain. However, he still tries to defend Maka, kicking back Giriko when he has grabbed Maka's head. The situation grows worse as Maka gains more injuries and loses all control and admits her helplessness, thinking she will die. But, before Giriko can land anymore blows, his soul begins to rupture due to the fact that his soul cannot contain the eight hundred years of rage and anger. Giriko goes into a maniacal fit and charges after Maka, hoping to at least kill her. However, Giriko's soul explodes before he reaches her, leaving him as an empty shell. Soul then carries the injured Maka on his back.

The Black Mass soon after releases everyone from the Book of Eibon, and everyone lands rather inelegantly onto the battlefield, where Noah has currently defeated Sid, Nygus, Stein and Marie. Supporting Maka, Soul looks on as everyone prepares to do battle against Noah and his monsters. Despite the adults asking them to flee, Death the Kid and Black☆Star decide to fight Noah. They ask for Maka's help and activate their Insanity Wavelength. Soul asks her is she can do this. Maka replies that she has to and tells Soul to take on his Weapon form. He complies and they perform a Chain Resonance, with Maka's courage (and likely her anti-magic wavelength as well) acting as a support for Black☆Star and Death the Kids' sanities. Maka is in awe at their power but Soul reminds them that Noah will keep on summoning monsters for as long as needed.

After Noah's defeat, Gopher takes the book of Eibon and flees. Maka, unable to stop him, collapses, but luckily, Soul catches her in time.

Mad Blood arc

As Crona uses their Mad Blood attack on Feodor and Tsar Pushka in Moscow, Soul's scar on his chest that he had got from Crona starts to hurt, which concerns Maka. However, she gets a phone call informing her that Crona has been sighted in Moscow. She, Soul, Stein, Kim and Jacqueline meet up with the the DWMA Russian branch. As Kim heals the soldiers affected by madness, Soul and Maka enter the area where Crona had been sighted. They find two large orbs of Black Blood containing Feodor and Tsar. Little Ogre tells Soul of the Black Blood's power as he and Maka try to cut open the orbs using Majin Hunt. However, the moment Soul touches the orbs; he becomes consumed by the insanity of the Black Blood and returns to everyone, dragging Maka by one of her pigtails, much to everyone's shock. He yells that his scar hurts, and at that second, a giant crescent-shaped blade similar to Witch Hunter bursts out of his re-opened scar.

Soul, now under the Black Blood's insanity, joyfully enjoys his new state of mind. As Maka asks him what is wrong with him, Soul merely states whilst grinning malevolently that he is only releasing the pain that he had been holding in for so long. Stein decides to fight Soul using Jacqueline, but Soul proves to be a dangerous opponent as his blade is able to penetrate Jacqueline even in Weapon form and wound Stein as well. Soul marvels at his true powers as a Death Scythe. As Stein attempts to attack Soul before he can attack himself, Soul turns his blade into a keyboard and sends out sound waves made in order to drag Stein into insanity. However, Kim manages to support Stein with her Regeneration Magic, and Maka with her Anti-Demon Wavelength. Stein asks Maka what is happening to Soul and Maka replies that Soul has not completely sunk into the insanity, but is still fighting within himself.

In the Black Room, Soul confronts Little Ogre, now not so little as he is twice as big as him. Soul tries to stop himself, saying that how he is acting like now is not like him at all. Little Ogre mocks him, asking him, 'then who are you?' He tells him that Soul is afraid of showing his true self, that he is afraid of having his true self judged by others, which is why he suppresses his madness and Black Blood inside him using the idea of 'discipline' as an excuse. Whatever he does, he does in moderation. The only person that told him that he could not be like his brother, Wes, is Soul himself. He is only running away as he does not want to lose face if he cannot compete with Wes, even if he gives it all he has got. Little Ogre goes on to say that Soul even hides his real name as he does not want to harm the Evans name and that he is always trying to figure out how to run away. He compares him to his current state, and says that he is using his true power. Thinking that courage will suppress madness is nonsense. Little Ogre concludes by telling Soul to accept the demon inside him, and become his true potential. He asks Soul again, 'who are you?'

Soul, however, coolly replies, 'Tch! I get it. So that's what you mean.' He then realizes that Little Ogre actually has not grown bigger, but is only piloting a giant robot version of himself. Disgruntled, Little Ogre blames Soul for everything happening and that it is a result of him facing insanity without fear. Soul replies by telling Little Ogre not to jump to conclusions and says that he has not abandoned his name of Evans because he had wanted to run away, and states that the two things are entirely different. Little Ogre asks him again, 'then who are you?' As the insanity in Soul dies down, he merely replies, 'Soul Eater, Demon Scythe.' Little Ogre mocks him, saying that he should state his name with more gravitas, but Soul replies with a smirk, 'Sorry, I can't do that, but that's who I am.'

Back to normal, Soul is immediately greeted by a Maka Chop by Maka. As Soul protests, Maka states her annoyance that even though the insanity had died down, Soul is still acting as cool as usual. She begins to punch and kick him, saying that it is payback for pulling her pigtails. Relieved, Stein raises the threat of the Black Blood spheres and orders all of the the DWMA Russian Branch to take cover. Suddenly, another soldier arrives on the scene, telling them that Crona has appeared in a town in Ukraine.

Hunt arc

Soul and the gang were hunting a giant sky whale and after the mission they were told by Marie of Crona being added to Shingami hunt list.

Soul and the others were deciding what to do with Crona and later helps Maka in finding them before the others.

War on the Moon arc

Maka and Soul, having located Crona's whereabouts went to Santamaria Novera's church in Italy, and finally found the,. Crona escaped and Maka, feeling that they did not have the right to wear the Spartoi insigia having abandoned the mission to kill Crona, they changed back into their old uniforms with new head bands sporting a new insignia.

Soul was in weapon form flying with Maka to the Moon.

In his Grigori soul flying scythe form, Soul is forced to carry Black☆Star across the ocean to the moon. Upon arriving, the group is attacked by Moonbeams. Using his Soul Hack ability, he seized control of the crescent attacks and struck down many clowns using them.

War on the Moon II arc

He fought with Maka against Crona, until the latter disrupted their wavelengths and took Soul hostage (in his weapon form) along with Tsubaki. While Maka was using her father as her weapon, Soul is asked by Little Ogre to utilize the Black Blood to fight against the Kishin's Black Blood. Although he initially refused, he eventually accepted the offer.

Dark Side of the Moon arc

Soul's Black Blood gives Maka the power she needs to cut an opening into Asura, which then allows her to enter Asura's madness and save Crona. Maka then delivers a final blow to Asura so Crona can seal him away within the moon.

Soul Eater Chapter 113 - The Last Death Scythe

Kid welcomes the Last Death Scythe.

Soul is instructed by Kid, who is the new leader of Death City because of Death's death after the fight with Asura, to be his Death Scythe. However, he still stays Maka's partner as well. The series ends with Soul thanking Maka for allowing him to overcome the Black Blood during the fight with Asura, saying he would have been lost to it if it weren't for her courage. This inspires Maka to begin helping people overcome madness and insanity through courage and to see Crona again.


  • Soul appears to be a history buff.[41]
  • The relationship between Soul and Maka has been read by fans as having romantic tones. This interpretation owes to actions taken by the duo that are often associated with romantic attraction in fiction: dancing or appearing to be dancing,[42][43] hand holding and bringing their heads towards each other[19][42][44] and blushing when either party or another brings up their closeness.[45] In the Lust chapter of the Book of Eibon, when all characters are genderbent and take on the characteristics of what they find attractive in the opposite gender, fans have pointed out the female Soul's resemblance to Maka. Additional content from sources other than the manga refer to a potential romance between Maka and Soul, as in audio dramas that feature Kim Diehl and Spirit Albarn separately concocting magic that leads Soul to wonder whether he is attracted to Maka and causing Maka, under the effects of a love potion, to desire Soul.[46][47] Despite this interpretation and their closeness, neither the anime or manga actually depict both Soul and Maka as an official couple or having confirmed romantic feelings. According to Atsushi Ōkubo in an interview, he stated himself (at the time frame the interview took place) of not planning to develop the main cast's female/male relations beyond normal, trusting relationships.[48]
  • Soul's shoes are almost identical to the ones worn by a character named Rodigy from Okubo's later work, B.Ichi, in which his shoes are black with yellow triangles on the sides.
  • Soul's headband has a rectangular sticker with the word "SOUL" and a circular sticker with a mouth and the letters E-A-T. These stickers refer to his stage name, "Soul Eater." The E-A-T sticker also may allude to his status as an EAT student at DWMA.
  • In Chapter 69, the round E-A-T sticker that was on Soul's sweatband seems now to be stuck to his locker.
  • In the Official popularity poll taken by the manga's readers, Soul ranked 4th in Soul Eater manga.
  • In Chapter 53, part of Soul's design may be based on that of Emine from Atsushi Ohkubo's previous manga, B. Ichi: both characters have white hair and red eyes and wear shoes with teeth marks on their soles.
  • Soul's theme song is "So Scandalous." He also has a character song with his Meister Maka Albarn, "Mauve Iro no Sympathy."
  • In Volume 18 of the Soul Eater manga (which contained the Spartoi's adventures through the Book of Eibon), Atsushi Ōkubo created a horse-racing style table of the Soul Eater characters who have had their genders switched, and made a race as to who is the most lustful out of them all in a 'Lust Race.' Soul was given a racehorse name along with the other characters. His name was Soul Teio, probably named after the famous Japanese racehorse, Tokai Teio. His popularity level was 28.
  • Soul's chest scar was mistakenly mirrored in Chapter 42.


  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 84
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Soul Eater Manga: Prologue 1
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 62
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 64
  7. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 111
  8. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 113
  9. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 13. Anime: Episode 14
  10. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 25. Anime: Episode 24
  11. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 36
  12. Soul Eater Volume 1; Prologue 1, page 12
  13. Soul Eater Volume 15; Chapter 62, page 184
  14. Soul Eater Volume 20; Chapter 84, page 78-79
  15. (Yen Press) Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 63 - Soul:Shape-Shifting is one of the fundamentals of being a Death Scythe. He probably just decided that a long blade would get in the way of flying.
  16. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 63
  17. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 11
  18. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 19
  19. 19.0 19.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 83
  20. 20.0 20.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 36
  21. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 75
  22. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 3
  23. Soul Eater Volume 4; Chapter 10; page 37 (35) (eBook)
  24. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 56
  25. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 103
  26. Soul Eater Volume 2; Chapter 3, page 87
  27. Soul Eater Volume 7; Chapter 26, page 137
  28. Soul Eater Chapter Volume 5; Chapter 15, page 43
  29. Soul Eater Volume 18; Chapter 75, page 117-118
  30. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 33
  31. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 100
  32. Soul Eater JOT! Manga: Soul Eater JOT! Part 11
  33. Volume 8, Chapter 30. "[I didn't know he played piano.] He played for me just one time...back when we first partnered up. [What kind of song did he play?] It was this really dark, weird-sounding mood piece! He said, "This is the kind of guy I am," and then he just started playing it all of a sudden. Still... ...I thought that he was interesting, if a little arrogant in a weird way. That's why I ended up partnering with him." (Maka, Yen Press translation)
  34. Resonance of the Soul - Will Soul Eater Become a Death Scythe?
  35. "Remedial Lesson" (Part 1)
  36. Engage the Witch Hunter! A Heart-pounding Remedial Lesson in the Graveyard?
  37. "Remedial Lesson" (Part 2)
  38. Shape of the Soul - Enter the Ultimate Meister, Stein?
  39. On the last page of the chapter, there is a scoreboard and a small circular panel depicting Death saying: "Everyone below Soul will take a makeup exam!!" (Yen Press translation)
  40. Volume 7, Chapter 23 "(Soul) Okay... if we lose, then we'll move all the picture frames in Kid's house by an inch." "(Black☆Star) All right... if we lose, Captain Maka's gotta spend a whole day on a playdate with Daddy." (Yen Press translation)
  41. Soul Eater (Vol. 1): Special Social Studies Field Trip
  42. 42.0 42.1 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 18
  43. Soul Eater NOT! Manga: Chapter 4
  44. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 107
  45. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 112 - Crona: “I just want to repay you, Maka. You’ve always given me courage. You understand, right Soul?” Chapter 113. Soul: “Thanks to you, I stopped running from my problems. This is the sound we created together, remember?
  46. Soul Eater Drama CD 2: My Heart Full of Love
  47. Soul Eater Premium Drama CD: Beware the Sexy Magic!
  48. Soul Eater Guidebook: How to Make a Death Scythe

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