So, going through back in the manga, I kinda realized that while the Black Blood Dress as a name fits for the Initial appearance. However, going further into the later chapters (110-112), the Black Blood Dress itself goes through various changes. It goes from being a dress made up of Black Blood to a dress in which combines her abilities with her Grigori Soul and then back into a White Dress. So I was thinkgin about making the following pages:
- Black Grigori Dress (This is for the dress in which she had in Chapter 111)
- White Grigori Dress (This is for the current one after the Black Blood was drained from her in Chapter 112 while escaping Asura's body.)
What do you think? JayAaerow (talk) 17:01, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
I'm all up for creating these articles as they can provide more information, but unless we have actual official names that were used in the manga, is it right that we make them articles here? Maybe it's better off just creating sub-headings or something of the sort on this article, since they are subsidiary objects of the original (I think anway.. my memory of the late chapters isn't that good--).ShinigamiKid (talk) 18:03, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
- Not everything on this wiki has the official naming for stuff. Because where are we going to create a subsection? This details a form/ability. Just look at our Conjectural-Titled Articles. That's a fancy way of saying the naming is made up and we do give the disclaimed it's not official. So we're fine with that. I cannot detail everything about a character's transformation just within a Powers and Abilities section because it has a appearance and information that's not relevant to it as a ability I feel needed to record. Besides, I don't like trying to condense everything when a article can simply be made while other pages just give brief info about it. It's not like we're having to limit how many articles we're allowed. XD JayAaerow (talk) 18:17, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
Yeah I have noticed, and personally I don't really support that fact; though I know the majority of them are useful on the wiki and therefore I just get on with it. Well knowing this.. and taking a look at some of those articles, I guess with that template and stuff it should be fine to create the articles you suggested c: Can't wait to see what they look like~
ShinigamiKid (talk) 18:28, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
- Yeah, I know how you feel too. It's weird. But some things have a role but doesn't have a name. Take The Great Old One of Power for example. For a long time, he was called "The Black Mass" because there wasn't any name for the character and the wiki had to say something. More recent chapters in official translation actually specified a name but that was much, much later. But it was silly to not include him because he did, indeed, play a role. Happens from time to time. JayAaerow (talk) 19:40, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
- I don't think the page should be split in two by color, but I think a re-titling to "Grigori Dress" would be satisfy Jay, ShinigamiKid, and visitors to this site. I would rather see the various dresses remain in one article, not separated, due to how much more they have in common and than they have in differences. In other words, the dresses are pretty much the same thing except in terms of intensity (the amount of power each one has, beginning with what was just a dress in the Black Room, to what became armor in the Arachne, to finally what allowed Maka to attack Asura within his very soul). As well, I do not agree that the White Grigori Dress should have a separate article, as we did not get to see its power differ in a signficiant way compared to its earlier black form: Maka emerged from Asura with the dress now white, but it still had the same abilities (entrance into and exit out of Asura's body, increased power to her Death Scythe, and the ability to fly). Until the franchise shows the White Dress as having abilities significantly different from its black counterpart, I do not think there is enough information to include to justify separating the two dresses. However, I am wholeheartedly in favor of re-titling the name of the dress in order to emphasize that its powers emerge not only from the Black Blood (as the White Dress shows) but from her Grigori Soul. Therefore, rather than re-title the dress as two color-separated articles, I suggest retitlingthe page "Grigori Dress." Although this title is conjectural and less clear than "Black Blood Dress" or "Black Dress" (as Maka appears more often in the black dress than the white dress), its title would still be based on evidence in the manga (the dress emerges as part of Maka's Grigori Soul) and with re-directs from "Black Blood Dress," would still bring new visitors to this web site to the correct page. Soul-dwelling (talk) 20:25, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
Did I miss anything? Is this up to what everyone here expected? JayAaerow (talk) 23:19, July 9, 2015 (UTC)
Transformative Revisions Black Room Dress[]
- I think some relevant content has been removed, such as the transformative practices of the dress and some physical details about the Black Room dress. Many fans have written repeatedly online about their confusion about how Maka changes out of her usual attire into the Grigori Dress, leading to erroneneous theories that Maka's outfit is dissolved completely by the Grigori Dress (fans assumed wrongly that the transformation was like something out of Sailor Moon, in which Maka loses all of her clothes during the transformation) when the manga shows that instead her usual outfit is still there, never removed but only transformed. Based on how often fans debate this point online, I anticipate a future editor will try to add this explanation--when an earlier version of this article already referred to this point. Therefore, I recommend the content about how Maka transforms in and out of the dress be restored (copied from an earlier version of the article and placed into this new version. To emphasize, I am not suggesting that we revert the article, just copy and paste from the older version). Such content was deleted in at least one part of the current article (towards the end of this article) and could be restored by just copying and pasting. I also think that the description of the original dress (the one in the Black Room) could be restored, by moving it to where that dress is discussed in the Trivia section, for the sake of consistency (as we have descriptions of the Premature, Black, and White Grigori Dress) and for the sake of visitors to this web site who have impaired vision and, unable to see the images, depend on dictation to read this page aloud. Soul-dwelling (talk) 00:40, July 10, 2015 (UTC)
I didn't realize I took out relevant information regarding the transformation of the Dress itself. I'll gladly restore the bit about how Maka can transform in and out of the dress. It's not like it dissolves or something like that. ._. So yes, I agree on that point. However, I'm hesitant on the addition of the Black Room dress because as I find it, while it greatly connected to the Grigori Dress, it is not the Grigori dress itself in which this article speaks about. This articles speaks about the form. What Maka wears in the Black Room is normal clothes that not made up of Black Blood or offer her any strengthens and advantages in battle. That's why I had it moved to trivia because there's a connection there but it's no, overall, t the same thing. The only other option I have is that the Black Room Dress is a subsection of the "Premature" Dress and talk about it since it does have a connection but isn't the actual form overall. :/ JayAaerow (talk) 01:11, July 10, 2015 (UTC)
EDIT: Gave your old article a looksy! Disregard what I said before! I think this'll work. JayAaerow (talk) 01:15, July 10, 2015 (UTC)
How is it now? I found a way of incorporating it into the article. JayAaerow (talk) 01:39, July 10, 2015 (UTC)
Is there a chance this page will be deleted? —This unsigned comment was made by Barbus3 (talk • contribs) .