Soul Eater Wiki
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Thunder, also known as "Pot of Thunder", is a young Demon Weapon who acts as one of Kilik Rung's partners and is the twin sister of her brother, Fire.[1] Both of them together are known as the "Demon Pots" (魔壺 Matsubo in Japanese) and take the form of gauntlets. Along with her brother, Thunder is also a Earth Shaman.[2]


Thunder has a dark skin complexion and facial features consisting of large blue eyes, rosy cheeks and mid-length blonde hair framing her face. She also has clothes composed of a striped sleeveless top worn under white dungarees, and a cap. However, Thunder's cap is yellow and her top features alternating yellow and white stripes.[3]

With Kim Diehl's magic, Thunder can enter her Earth Shaman form. Thunder becomes a young girl dressed in a (probably) yellow crop top which is attached to a hood that goes over her head and hangs down and curves round in a loop, with some segments of the hood separated and floating in place. She seems to wear a hat beneath the hood. Possibly yellow markings can be seen on the edges of her eyes and short streaks can be seen beneath them. She has two sleek yellow lines tattooed on her shoulder. She wears elaborate decorative sleeves that extend outward and curve into the air similar to her hood, with some parts floating detached.[4]


Not much is known about the personality of Thunder and how she differs from her twin brother, Fire. Both are inquisitive and easily distracted. More often than not, they do not realize that they are supposed to be serious in some situations, and always remain playful and innocent. They share Kilik's carefree and laid back attitude to most things, and are always cheerful and looking for fun. They are surprisingly tough for their age, and do not show fear when fighting with Kilik. However, they can still be spooked when things get too violent, which causes them to cry and run to Kilik or the nearest person for protection, which show that they are still heavily dependent on others and are defenseless on their own.

Much like normal siblings, they quarrel a lot and can be impatient, no matter how serious the situation is. This is shown during the operation to capture Baba Yaga Castle against Arachnophobia. In conducting this mission they nearly ruin Kilik's disguise in front of Mosquito, through arguing while still being an integral part of the disguise. Also, due to their playfulness, they easily fall under the influence of Demon Tool Soldier Morubi's technique.[5]

Despite these setbacks, Fire and Thunder are actually quite serious at times, especially when it comes to their abilities as Earth Shamans. They have deep ties to nature and are shown to express concern, even sadness, when they feel nature's pain from being polluted. Their feelings can be quite intense if nature is heavily affected by something, which may make them emotional in some situations.

Due to their young age, they do not speak. Being rather in sync with each other, there are not that many differences in their individual personalities.

Special Abilities[]

Full-Weapon Transformation (全身武器, Zenshin Buki): As a Demon Weapon, Thunder is capable of transforming into a weapon form and human form at will.[1]

  • Pot of Thunder: Thunder's given weapon form is that of a gloved gauntlet referred to as a "pot", and is one part of the Demon Pots set she and her twin brother share. Her version is capable of manipulating lightning.[1]
  • Wavelength Control (波長コントロール, Hachō Kontorōru): Thunder is competent enough to control her own wavelength and her Meister's in her weapon form.[1]
  • Soul Resonance (魂の共鳴, Tamashī no Kyōmei) :Thunder is able to amplify her Meister's wavelength after receiving it, sending it back, and then repeating the process to generate a strong wavelength and execute a special technique.[1]
  • Teamwise Soul Resonance (チームでの魂の共鳴, Chīmu de no Tamashī no Kyōmei): An advanced variant of Soul Resonance that establishes a indirect connection with another team of Meister/Weapons to boost power.[4]
Chapter 67 - Fire and Thunder readying E3

Fire and Thunder readying E3.

  • E3 (E3(イー スリー), Ee Suree ): A Teamwise Soul Resonance used by members of Kilik's Team (Fire, Thunder, Kim, Kilik, and Jaqueline) and Kid's Team (Liz & Patty). After performing a Chain Resonance, Kim uses Magic to awaken Fire and Thunder's abilities as Earth Shamans, resulting in them becoming older versions of themselves. With the Demon Twin Guns at hand, Kim and Jacqueline position themselves behind Kilik to brace for the recoil. The actual attack is fired off by Fire and Thunder using the Demon Twin Guns, combining their respective elements into a large beam of energy laced with the mentioned elements with destructive capabilities powerful enough to destroy the Black Clown.[4]

Earth Shaman (大地の祈祷師, Daichi no Kitōshi): Thunder is an Earth Shaman, giving her a special connection to the Earth and can enable her to find secret passageways hidden within the ground[6] and feel nature around them.[7] When exposed to Magic from a Witch, she can awaken more of her special abilities.[4]

Thunder's Earth Shaman Form

Thunder's Awaken Form.

  • Awakened Form: When her abilities as a Earth Shamans are awakened, Thunder's form takes a more older appearance and her powers are heighten. Although in which degree is unknown, her abilities are at least far stronger than her normal form and can allow for stronger Wavelength Control, Soul Resonance techniques and retains her control over lightning.[8]

Electrokinesis: Thunder is capable of generating electricity on her own.[4]


Soul Eater NOT![]

Introduction arc[]

The twins are seen in Weapon form with their Meister, Kilik, advertising the DWMA to the new school students on Enrollment Day.

Soul Eater[]

Duel Arts Arc[]

Fire and Thunder are seen standing beside Kilik Rung as they decide to fight Hero and Excalibur with Death the Kid, Black☆Star and their partners. Kilik tries to attack Hiro with Pot of Fire, using Triple F, but Hero casually dodges the attack, before defeating Kilik, Kid and Black☆Star with a single hit.

BREW The Tempest Arc[]

Fire and Thunder remain in Weapon form throughout the battle for BREW on Lost Island, where they, along with numerous other DWMA students, are chosen to participate in the mission to retrieve the Demon Tool before Arachnophobia. Stein and Marie enter the magnetic field in the centre of the island where the Demon Tool is located, and the twins with their Meister, stay behind with Ox, Harvar, Kim, Jacqueline, Black☆Star, Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Liz, Patti, Soul and Maka. However, they are soon ambushed by Arachnophobia troops. When Maka, Kid and Black☆Star and their partners go after Stein and Marie to retrieve BREW, Kilik decides to stay behind with Ox and Kim and their partners to stop Arachne’s forces from advancing. During the battle, Fire and Thunder show their immense power as Demon Pots, Resonating with both Kilik and with Ox in order to create powerful attacks, such as Lightning Flash and Aphex Twin. Kilik and Ox and their partners then cover Kim as she flies into the sky on Jacqueline to send out a signal for the DWMA forces to retreat. After dispatching the enemy forces, Kilik, Fire and Thunder, Ox and Harvar see Marie and Stein emerge from the magnetic field. Seeing that Maka and the others have not returned, the two Meisters and their Demon Weapons go on to help them, ignoring Marie's threats of failing all of their grades if they disobey orders. They accompany Maka and the others out of the field, with Kilik helping out Black☆Star. They witness the holographic replay of the destruction of the research facility of the island in the magnetic field, before they leave the field. Marie threatens to strike them, but then embraces them, glad that they are all safe.

Clown arc[]

The twins are seen with Kilik as he chooses an extracurricular mission to go on. He needs to find another Meister and Weapon team to come along with him, and asks Ox if he wants to come with him. However, Ox replies that he intends to ask Kim, and Kilik wishes him luck. As Ox leaves and Kilik has a short conversation with Maka and Soul, Kilik tells the twins that they need to find a team mate to go with them on their mission. Soon Harvar and Ox, who has an immensely gaunt expression on his face, returns. The twins hide behind Kilik, afraid of him. Ox explains how he had got rejected by Kim because of his hairstyle. Although Kilik suggests he change his hairstyle, Ox replies that his hairstyle grants him the power of lightning to protect the ones he loves. Impressed by his spirit, Kilik offers him to go with him on his mission, the mission that requires a burning heart and spirit. Ox agrees and take their mission to the receptionist, who super-approves their mission.

The Deal arc[]

Fire and Thunder are seen at DWMA with Kilik, Ox and Harvar. All of them have their shirts off. When Soul and Maka ask them why they are not wearing shirts, Kilik explains their story of how they went about with their mission, which was to quell the rage of a giant. Kilik and Ox had gone against the giant in a stand-off, whilst Harvar, Fire and Thunder had sat and watched. In the end however, they had ended up befriending the giant, and had all danced around naked around a camp fire. Soon Jacqueline and Kim return and Jacqueline and Maka fuss over the twins, until DWMA officials try to take Kim and Jacqueline away. Realizing that the DWMA had discovered that she is a Witch, Kim and Jacqueline quickly run away before explanations can be made.

Operation Capture Baba Yaga Arc[]

Both Fire and Thunder, along with Kilik, Ox, Harvar, Death the Kid, Liz, Patti, Soul and Maka are specifically chosen to follow Medusa on her mission to infiltrate Arachne’s castle, which is located in the Amazon River Basin in South America. During their travel in the Amazon forests, the group come across a lake polluted by magic, caused by Arachne's Demon Tool production. Fire and Thunder suddenly begin to loudly weep, to Maka's surprise. Kilik proceeds to explain that 'nature is crying' and that the grief inflicted upon the land due to magical contamination is being directly transmitted to the young children because of their Earth Shaman heritage. As Maka comforts the two, Medusa suggests that the sound of the Earth will probably sound like the babbling of children, as she cannot imagine the Earth's voice as anything else. This causes Soul to throw a snide comment at her, and he asks how Medusa can say such kind things after she had ruined the world by releasing Asura.

At this moment, the team is attacked by a squid-like creature, formerly an ordinary creature mutated by the magical pollution. It is covered by a seemingly impervious magical coating, making everyone's attacks useless. Medusa proposes to dissemble this protection using her magic and follow it up with a powerful attack. With that, she enhances Fire and Thunder with Vector Boost, increasing the power of their attacks in order to defeat the creature. Kilik manages to defeat the squid with a combination of Vector Boost and Triple F through Resonating with Fire. Later, the twins look on sadly at the squid's soul as Death the Kid stores it in his body for later. They soon meet up with one of the Mizune who tells Medusa and the others, to everyone's shock, that Kim and Jacqueline have joined up with Arachnophobia.

After the group successfully manage to infiltrate the castle, they meet up with Eruka, who gives everyone Arachnophobia uniforms to wear. Kilik adopts the disguise of a member of Arachnophobia, with Fire and Thunder concealed under the same cloak on top of his head. However, everyone's identical appearances forces the two to temporarily split up. Kilik and the twins, with Ox and Harvar, end up playing chess with Mosquito. All goes well, until Fire and Thunder start fighting. This causes Kilik's cover to be nearly blown, but, thankfully, Mosquito mistakes them for some of the Artifact Soldiers.

Soon, everyone is reunited again, and Medusa runs them through with their plan: to destroy the eight Locks scattered throughout the castle that locks the Queen Spider's Room. She uses Vector Conduct on Kilik and Ox to direct them to one of the Locks. Before splitting up, Medusa equips Fire and Thunder with another Vector Boost. However, Ox senses Kim and with persuasion from Kilik , goes on ahead to find her with Harvar. Kilik and the twins go on alone to find the Lock. However, Kilik's cover is nearly blown once again, when the twins start violently arguing between themselves but due to their resemblance to Artifact Soldiers, the deception is preserved. Kilik ends up in a room full of Artifact Soldiers. As he senses the explosions of the other Locks being destroyed, he decides to abandon his disguise and fight his way to the Lock.

He orders Fire and Thunder to transform. He uses their magically-enhanced powers with Medusa's Vector Boost to easily blow away the forces using attacks such as Double T. When the Artifact Soldiers realize their dwindling numbers, they send in Artifact Soldier Morubi. It uses an ability which involves it creating lots of toys and confetti to appear, which serves to entertain and distract both Fire and Thunder, leaving Kilik to fight alone. The twins completely ignore Kilik being chased around by the Artifact Soldiers, being completely taken in by Morubi's entertaining actions. It is not until Harvar appears and kills Morubi right in front of them that they stop playing. They then run to Kilik, terrified by Harvar. As Kilik and the twins reunite with Ox, Harvar, Jacqueline and Kim, they soon go on to destroy the Lock, opening up the door to the Queen Spider's Room. This is the last time the twins are seen in this arc.

Arachnophobia vs DWMA Arc[]

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Grigori arc[]

They are both observed as members of the newly formed DWMA's Spartoi unit, the same time that Soul becomes a Death Scythe. Later, both Fire and Thunder are seen playing with Angela as Tsubaki chases both the three around, pretending to be a scary monster.

Witch's Research arc[]

On their first mission as part of DWMA's elite unit, Spartoi, they are tasked with the locating of certain materials supported by Kilik, Liz and Patti, with Kim and Jacqueline stationed nearby. The operation has lead the group into a seemingly desolate village within Africa, and they are infiltrating one of Medusa's abandoned laboratories in order to gather information of her plans. Through the use of the Demon Tool Income, constant contact is maintained between them and Yumi Azusa, the Death Scythe in charge of the mission. Yumi advises Kilik to use Fire and Thunder for close-range and the Thompson sisters for long-range combat. As they continue through the town, Fire and Thunder proceed to alert the others to their discovery of an underground passageway, that they are able to detect due to their Earth Shaman powers. The group cautiously descend down the darkened stairs, with the twins assuming their Weapon forms in preparation for any traps.

After entering the laboratory, they gather the information, and the team exits the hidden structure only to be attacked by numerous crazed locals of the village. Because of them being fired on by guns, Kilik mostly fights using Liz and Patti, whilst Fire and Thunder retain their Weapon form, as Kilik evades the multiple assaults directed towards them, only using the Pots to eventually smash through a solid wall in order to conduct an escape.

Later, at a more secure location, the twins are seen playing with Pattyas the reunited group contemplate on the meaning of the research they have gathered and its relation to the situation in the village. While this occurs, the Black Clown appears. Fire and Thunder are immediately aware of the Clown's presence. They, along with Liz, Pattyand Jacqueline assume Weapon form as Kim and Kilik prepare to fight the Clown. After overcoming the Wavelength of madness coming from the creature, they engage in battle. Kilik now starts using the Demon Pots more than the Thompson sisters, engaging in close combat. Kim covers Kilik by getting rid of the Black Blood emitted from the Black Clown so it cannot counter-attack.

But the Black Clown is fairly resilient, and Kilik and the others fail to do damage. They decide to use a Chain Resonance. Kim passes on her magic to Fire and Thunder, awakening their true Earth Shaman powers, causing them to assume their adult forms. Fire and Thunder take hold of Liz and Pattyin Weapon form and fire two huge blasts at the Clown, resulting in the attack, E3. The Black Clown, heavily damaged, retreats before Kilik and the others realize that it is still alive. Kilik and the others decide that the Black Clown is destroyed.

Salvage arc[]

Fire, Thunder, Kilik , Maka, Soul, Tsubaki, Black☆Star and Blair are chosen to enter the Book of Eibon in order to save Kid, who has bee kidnapped by Noah. They enter the book via help with the Witches Kim, Eruka (recently captured by Black☆Star) and the released Risa and Arisa.

They enter the Book and start off in the Introduction, where they meet the Index, the person in charge of organizing the Book. The Index explains to them that everyone must traverse the seven Chapters of the Book in order to reach Kid. Everyone agrees to go on, and enter a portal into the first Chapter, Lust. Here, everyone has their genders switched, each person transformed into a manifestation of what they find sexually attractive in the opposite sex. Amusingly, Fire and Thunder look completely identical to each other, even when their genders are switched. The twins fidget, obviously embarrassed and confused as to what has happened.

As the team confront and defeat The Succubus they move onto the next Chapter, Gluttony. Everyone finds that although their personalities have returned to normal, their switched genders are still the same, despite them leaving the Lust Chapter. The Index explains that their transformations will gradually fade, but the more lustful the person, the slower the transformation.

As they traverse the Gluttony Chapter, they run into a giant pig. Allured by its delicious meat, Black☆Star cuts it into pieces whilst Kilik fries it using Pot of Fire. Kilik , Pattyand Black☆Star start eating and Soul manages to get the Index to move on before they give into the sin.

Whilst Soul and Maka are left behind in the third Chapter, Envy, the rest of the team keep going on through the Chapters, encountering Excalibur in the Chapters of Wrath and Pride, much to their dismay. Soon, they reach the last Chapter. Black☆Star decides to face Death the Kid alone, forcing Kilik, Fire, Thunder, Liz, Pattyand Tsubaki to wait for him.

After Black☆Star manages to rescue Kid, The Black Mass sends everyone out from the Book of Eibon. They end up on the battlefield with Noah, who had just killed Tezca Tlipoca and incapacitated Stein, Marie, Sid Barett and Nygus. Kilik and the twins, along with everyone else, prepare to fight Noah. As Death the Kid and Black☆Star fight Noah, Kilik uses Pot of Fire to destroy the Select Gremlins summoned by Noah, and later takes on the Horror Dragon with his Demon Pots until Kid defeats the dragon and Noah with Parent's Seven Rays.


  • In Volume 18 of the Soul Eater manga, Atsushi Ōkubo created a horse-racing style table of the Soul Eater characters who have had their genders switched, and made a race as to who is the most lustful out of them all in a 'Lust Race.' Fire and Thunder were given a racehorse name, called Fire Thunder. Their popularity level was 14.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 32.5
  2. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 36
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named SEAE32
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 67
  6. Soul Eater Volume 16; Chapter 66, page 116 (eBook)
  7. Soul Eater Manga: Chapter 46
  8. Soul Eater Volume 16; Chapter 67, page 161 (eBook)