Soul Eater Wiki
Soul Eater Wiki
Volume 7
Soul Eater volume 7 cover
Volume Info
Volume: 7
Next: Volume 8
Previous: Volume 6
Japanese ISBN: ISBN 978-4-7575-1774-5
Japanese Release: September 22nd, 2006
English ISBN: 978-0-316-07110-9
English Release: October 25th, 2011
Chapters: Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Pages: 208


Shinigami-sama summons the strongest weapons from around the world to contain the rogue kishin and the spread of his madness. As these powerful weapons strategize for what will be the most difficult battle of their lives, the students of DWMA try to get back to their normal lives as best they can. For Maka, adjusting to the dangerous times is nothing compared to Crona’s stuggle to adjust to life as a DWMA student!

Cover characters[]

Opening Caption[]

Let our 
drive us

Table of Contents characters[]


Chapter 23: Normalcy[]

Main article: Chapter 23Justin Law arrives at Death City. Death questions Sid, pondering on how the collection of all the Death Scythes are going. According to Sid, Justin and Death Scythe along with two others had already arrived. The Death Scythe representatives from Europe and West Asia are on assignments and couldn't make it to DWMA. South America "talks some crazy howlin gibberish" and Sid couldn't understand them, while Africa rejected DWMA's call in the first place. Death, keeping an optimistic attitude, says that four out of eight isn't too bad. Marie Mjolnir and Azusa Yumi are in the DWMA's women bathroom washing their hands, and Marie can't help but stress the fact she's still working at her age and is yet to find love or get married. Azusa gives some sort of love advice to Marie, saying when someone tries too hard to please someone, they feel under pressure and want to escape. This leads to Marie punching Azusa in the cheek, exclaiming how would she know how much love to give. Marie then points to the toilet and says she'll marry it. Azusa then says how the toilet would cheat on her by "leaking fluids behind her back", leading to Marie to transform her arm into her Demon Hammer form and pulverise the toilet into pieces, leaving Azusa in astonishment. They head to the Death Room together to meet with Death, but come across Stein and Death Scythe.

Chapter 24[]

Main article: Chapter 24

Chapter 25[]

Main article: Chapter 25

Chapter 26[]

Main article: Chapter 26

Chapter 27[]

Main article: Chapter 27


Main article: GAIDEN 7


  • Original artwork for the title page features Blair and Maka Albarn. Beyond her books and tie, Maka’s outfit resembles slightly her future Spartoi uniform.
  • The other original artwork features a demon-like person putting its head into a guillotine, perhaps alluding to this volume’s introduction of Justin Law.


Site Navigation[]

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Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1
Volume 2 2345
Volume 3 6789
Volume 4 1011121314
Volume 5 15161718
Volume 6 19202122
Volume 7 2324252627
Volume 8 28293031
Volume 9 3232.5333435
Volume 10 36373839
Volume 11 4041424344
Volume 12 45464748
Volume 13 49505152
Volume 14 5354555657
Volume 15 5859606162
Volume 16 6364656667
Volume 17 6869707172
Volume 18 73747576
Volume 19 7778798081
Volume 20 828384858687
Volume 21 8889909192
Volume 22 9394959697
Volume 23 9899100101102
Volume 24 103104105106107
Volume 25 108109110111112113
Volume 1 123456
Volume 2 789101112131415
Volume 3 161718192021222324
Volume 4 252627282930313233343536
Volume 5 373839404142